Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year…for cats, that means it’s time to rip apart all of your most treasured holiday decorations. Obviously, the Christmas tree is the first to go.
Cat owners may be tempted to dismiss the behavior as typical feline misbehavior, but experts tell Inverse that there’s a scientific reason why kitties can’t get enough of Christmas trees.
So, why do cats like Christmas trees?
Cats like Christmas trees because cats love to climb trees and are naturally drawn to anything new, bright, and glittery, so a Christmas tree decorated with sparkly ornaments in the corner of your living room is likely to attract them.
This article will talk about why your cats love Christmas trees and how you can keep them away from one.

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Do Cats Like Christmas Trees?
Yes, cats do like Christmas trees.

“Christmas trees are fascinating to many cats,” says Mikel Delgado, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Davis’ School of Veterinary Medicine.
“First and foremost, you introduced them to something new and fragrant.”
When cats are in familiar territory, they are often curious about new things.
There’s enough to investigate in the tree, which includes outdoor odors and bark to scratch.”
After all, who can blame cats for wanting to play with a plethora of dangling, gleaming objects? Delgado adds, “Those ornaments you hang on the tree convert it into a gigantic cat play.” “There is a lot of exciting stuff to toss about.”
Cats love to climb on Christmas trees because they resemble big perches. This is most likely due to the fact that cats descended from the tree-climbing carnivore Proailurus – evidently, that ancient instinct hasn’t faded.
“Many [cats] will climb trees because they enjoy climbing, and that may be the highest vantage point they can obtain in your house if they don’t have a cat condo or cat shelves,” Delgado notes.
While kitties under Christmas trees make for a cute photo opportunity, there are some safety precautions to follow. Delgado suggests anchoring the tree to a wall and placing ornaments high on the tree.
“Be wary of hazards such as glass breakables, ropes that cats could tangle in, and anything little that they could eat,” she recommends.
“Finally, tinsel is a no-no since many cats enjoy chewing it (it looks like grass) and it can cause intestinal knots. ” Cat proof accordingly!”
Why Do Cats Like Sleeping Under Christmas Trees?
Cats like sleeping under Christmas trees because it provided them a sense of shelter and comfort.

Watching your cat cuddle up under your Christmas tree is adorable, and the reason for it is even sweeter.
One of the reasons cats like to lay under the Christmas tree, according to experts, is that they are attracted to the decorations and enjoy playing with them.
Although there may be other factors at play, it is evident that decorations, which may appear to cats as toys, constitute a big element of their fascination with Christmas trees.
There could be more reasons why your cat likes snuggling up beneath the tree besides just wanting to be near the shiny ornaments and lights for playfulness.
To a cat, a Christmas tree is like a cardboard box on steroids. It can provide height, a hiding spot, and a variety of toys, all of which cats enjoy.
In some ways, it’s the ideal playground for your feline pal. Your Christmas tree may provide a sense of security or comfort to them.
All of these factors could explain your cat’s fondness for the tree and their insatiable desire to sleep on the tree skirt.
Even though it appears to be harmless, you should always keep an eye on your cat while they are lying under or near your tree.
“It’s not so much about the tree as it is about the ornaments and lights. We see a lot of cats in the emergency room at this time of year with foreign things in their stomachs, which are often from Christmas decorations.
Cats enjoy chewing on the strings and ornaments that they can swallow. When their cat is around the tree, owners should be aware of their surroundings and try to keep them from playing with the decorations or lights.
If your cat swallows a piece of an ornament, contact your veterinarian right once. It may cause vomiting and have other negative consequences.
Must Read: Are Christmas Tree Toxic To Cat?
Why Do Cats Climb Christmas Trees?
Cats tend to climb Christmas trees because Christmas trees are like massive perches to them.

Cats love to climb on Christmas trees because they resemble big perches.
This is most likely due to the fact that cats descended from the tree-climbing carnivore Proailurus – evidently, that ancient instinct hasn’t faded.
Many cats will climb trees because they enjoy climbing, and it may be the highest viewpoint they can obtain in your house if they don’t have a cat condo or cat shelves, according to experts.
Many young cats and kittens, as well as some adult felines, enjoy climbing trees and are naturally drawn to anything new, bright, and glittering, so a Christmas tree decorated with sparkly ornaments in the corner of your living room is certain to pique their interest.
Apart from the apparent problem of your tree and decorations winding up on the floor, it can also offer health risks to your pet, which you should be aware of.
It’s good to realize that certain cats will climb trees no matter what you do, just as you accept that your cat will claw your sofa at some point.
So try your best to create a lovely and secure tree, but don’t be too concerned if your cat decides to “redecorate.” With feline companions, life is unpredictable, which is half the fun!
Interesting Read: How To Enjoy Christmas Decorations With Cats?
How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Climbing The Christmas Tree?
You can get your cat from stop climbing the Christmas tree by: –
- Some cats dislike the feel of foil underfoot, so laying a tinfoil mat on the floor beneath the tree could be a deterrent. Another helpful online tip is to use double-sided tape on the tree stump, however, experts warn that this sticky solution could lead to a trip to the vet with a puss with damaged paw pads.
- It seems logical to put the tree in a room where the door can be locked and the pet can’t get to it when you’re asleep or out of the house.
- Consider making a phony one. Real trees are wonderful, but pine needles can be hazardous to cats who enjoy chewing on foreign objects. They can be harmful to your cat’s health if eaten. You may simply purchase a realistic-looking fake tree that you can use year after year.
- Smaller is better. Your feline buddies will be safer in a smaller tree, especially if they try to sneak up on it. It’ll be easier to decorate and clean up if the tree goes over, and it’ll be less likely to damage them if it falls over.
Must Read: How To Keep My Cat Out Of The Christmas Tree?
Is It OK For Cats To Drink Christmas Tree Water?
No, it is not ok for cats to drink Christmas tree water.
Because it often contains fertilizer, needles, and other debris, drinking water from the tree’s base might cause GI distress or poisoning.
Keep cats away from the water on the Christmas tree! It’s possible that the water is stagnant or contaminated with bacteria. Tree sap can flow into the water, containing fertilizers that have leaked from the tree into the water.
To help them grow faster, Christmas trees are fertilized. They’re also sprayed with insecticides to keep pests and blight away. These items can leach into the water supply, exposing your cat to fertilizer and pesticides.
To make the tree safer to be around, cover the tree’s water and barricade off cords as much as feasible.
Must Read: Which Christmas Trees Are Safe For Cats – Fake Or Natural?
How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Drinking Christmas Tree Water?
You can get your cat to stop drinking Christmas tree water by following these steps: –
- Take a plastic lid, such as a margarine or ice cream pail lid, to keep the cats out. Make a slit through the center, then cut out a circle the size of the tree trunk in the middle. Wrap this around the tree trunk and lower it so the water container is covered. It’s possible that you’ll have to tape it shut to keep the pets out.
- Schedule an appointment as soon as possible if your cat drank tree water and is acting sick. If your pet appears to be in good health, keep an eye out for any signs of disease, such as not eating, vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy.
- Change your cat’s water frequently to make the water from the Christmas tree less attractive.
How Can I Make My Christmas Tree More Cat Friendly?
You can make your Christmas tree more cat friendly by: –
You may be accustomed to putting the ornaments on the tree as soon as you bring it home, but it is preferable to give your cat time to become bored with it first. Set up the tree a few days before you want to decorate it so that your cat can look at it and hopefully lose interest.
If you go with a real tree, cover the water bowl with a tree skirt and set presents on top of the skirt so your cat doesn’t get sick from drinking the water.
To decrease the temptation for your cat to pounce on your tree, keep it away from launching zones such as furniture.
Keep your cat out of the way. Wrap your tree stump in foil and sprinkle a few lemons or orange peels around the base because most cats despise foil and citrus aromas. Pine cones can also be used to decorate the foundation.
Concentrate on the tree’s top half. Place ornaments higher up on the tree, closer to the middle, rather than near the ends of the branches, where your cat can’t reach them.
Place the lights in the tree’s middle to keep your cat from chewing on the wires, and use a cable protector on the end of the line that plugs into the wall.
When you can’t keep an eye on your cat, unplug the lights. If your cat tries to chew the wires, it’s preferable to remove the lights from the tree than to risk burning or electrocuting your companion.
Don’t use actual candles, little ornaments that your cat could choke on, or fake snow as decorations (which may contain harmful chemicals).
Also, keep potentially dangerous foods and plants out of reach—or, better still, out of your house. Chocolate, mistletoe, lilies, cyclamen, poinsettias, and amaryllises are just a few examples.
Must Read: What To Gift Your Cat For Christmas?
Frequently Asked Questions
What Christmas tree is best for cats?
A fake Christmas tree is best for cats. Real trees are potentially more dangerous than fake ones since their needles can injure cats if they are bitten or swallowed. Furthermore, the needles are moderately toxic, and as they begin to fall off near the end of the holiday season, cats may be tempted to eat them.
How do I stop my cat from attacking my Christmas tree?
Maintain a safe distance between your tree and any furniture, such as sofas or tables. Your cat will no longer have a launching point from which to pounce. Place a fragrance repellent near the tree to prevent intruders. This is a popular method because cats dislike a variety of odors and will try to avoid them. Orange peels at the base of the tree, an orange or citrus-scented spray-on branch, or apple cider vinegar-coated pine cones near the tree are all options. In addition, most pet stores provide ready-made cat deterrents.
Is Christmas tree flocking toxic to cats?
Yes, Christmas tree flocking is toxic to cats. If you decide to have a live Christmas tree, choose one that does not already have “snow” on it. Flocking the artificial snow that is sometimes put on live trees can be harmful to your dog if consumed, so choose one that does not already have “snow” on it.
Final Words
Relax and enjoy the holiday festivities knowing you’re taking good care of your cat. Once you’re aware of the dangers, a little caution and care will go a long way toward making the holidays a safe and happy time for everyone.
Also, if you suspect your cat has come into contact with something poisonous, contact your veterinarian right away.
If you have any unanswered questions, ask us in the comments section.