Did you know that your cat’s humping can actually tell a lot about your cat’s health, behavioral tendencies, and social behaviors and dynamics with other cats?
It is indeed true! Humping is a common occurrence among both male and female cats, and it can indicate a variety of things – from their sexual behavior and heat cycles to their behavioral tendencies, social interactions with other cats, as well as underlying medical conditions.
So, what are the various reasons behind your cat’s humping? What could your cat’s humping possibly indicate? Is there something you should worry about, or is it their normal social behavior? And most importantly, how to reduce and stop excessive humping by your cat at home?
If all these questions have been burning inside your head, rest easy. In this article, we will take a deep dive into this weird and intriguing tendency of cats to hump other cats, inanimate things like blankets and pillows, and sometimes even your leg!

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Do All Cats Hump or Is My Cat Being Weird?
Your cat is NOT weird – all cats, both males, and females have a natural tendency to hump for a wide variety of reasons.
As a pet owner, it is not uncommon for you to feel weirded out or even worried when you see your cat trying to hump either other cats or inanimate objects like blankets, pillows, and furniture.
During some odd days, you may also observe your cat trying to hump your leg. It can get especially embarrassing if your cat does that to the guests who visit your house.
But before jumping to any conclusions, know that your cat is not weird. Humping is a natural occurrence in cats just as it is in dogs.
And not all humping is due to sexual urges. In fact, as an owner of a cat, it is important for you to understand the various underlying causes that can show up in your cat as a tendency to hump – as some of these causes may even require medical attention.
Why Do Cats Hump? 6 Curious Reasons

1. Why Humping Out Of The Blue?
If you had a cat for a while and you found that he started humping newly, it may be the result of a shift in your household.
There is normally a catalyst that triggers this, such as a new addition to the family, probably a baby, someone who has moved in, or even a further house cat has recently moved in.
The above minor changes can induce anxiety in your cat. This fear can cause odd behavioral changes, such as the humping you’re experiencing.
2. Cat Humping: An Outcome Of Boredom
You may be able to prevent the behavior entirely by playing with your cat if some cats hump if they are bored or frustrated.
You may use a fishing pole toy, get your cat all charged up, and let him play with the toy. Grooming your cat is another way of giving him attention that doesn’t lead to humping.
You can finally decide not to let cat humping bother you. Your cat is just obeying the laws of nature and there is no shame in accepting that.
3. Falling Short Of Attention
If you have ignored your pet, this may be the explanation for the humping. This is easy to solve if this is the case. Only pay him some time.
You should even spend more time cuddling and encouraging him to hop more in your lap and try to ensure that you are with him all time no matter what happens.
Only a little stuff like this might help him fix the attention he deserves.
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4. Neutering And Humping Are Related
If your male cat has been neutered within the last month or so and is still humping, it’s not too much to think about.
It takes up to 12 weeks for the hormones to dissipate in his body, which means that it is very natural to see the humping behavior in the first few weeks following the neutering process.
If your cat has been neutered at any age above a year, humping will become a learned habit. That means that even after the hormones have gone out of your cat’s post-neutering body, he might still feel like humping stuff.
Often, you will need to provide each cat with its own personal room for simple needs. Try to put food and water bowls in separate places so they don’t compete.
You can also adopt the “two plus one,” litter box concept, which means that you need three boxes for two cats. Make sure they’re not in sight of each other to quench friction and allow both kitties their privacy.
5. Depressed Kitty
Cats are delicate souls, and they are far more susceptible to fear or stress than we would expect.
Any occurrence that affects the atmosphere of your pet, such as moving to a new home, getting new friends, or welcoming a baby to your home, will all cause tension.
Extended stress can make your cat ill, so if you think your cat is stressed out, it’s best to talk to your veterinarian right away.
6. Humping Kittens
Older cats are allowed to hump kittens. This is most commonly seen with female cats. They could grab a kitten by the neck in the household and appear to be humping her.
Most cat experts agree that this is probably more of a maternal discipline than a sexual one. Mother cats often grab their kittens and pin them down to show that they should stop some kind of behavior.
Is Cat Humping Really A Thing To Be Worried About?
If your cat is found to be humping repetitively, you need to relieve him of some stress he is probably facing.
Try using pheromone diffusers and interactive playback. If there are cats or other animals outside your home, use animal deterrents such as motion-activated sprinklers to keep them away.
However, one final word of caution when it comes to cat humping: if your cat is regularly licking his genitals, a vet check is in order because he may suffer from an infection or blockage of the urinary tract.
Interesting Read: Do Female Cats Hump?
Why Is My Cat Still Humping After Being Spayed or Neutered?
If your cat has only recently been neutered or spayed, it will need another couple of weeks – anywhere between 4 and 8 weeks – to be able to settle down and not have such extreme sexual urges.
This is especially going to happen if you neuter or spay your cat after it has crossed 4 to 6 months of age and experienced heat cycles.
The level of hormone in the cat at that age is quite substantial and will need around 1 to 2 months to completely leave the cat’s body.
Moreover, if you have neutered or spayed a considerably older cat, then the surgery may make it infertile – but the sexual urges may not be completely eliminated.
That is to say, older cats may continue to hump out of sexual pleasure even after being neutered or spayed. However, this humping and mating will not lead to any unwanted pregnancies and population problems.
Why Is My Cat Humping My Blanket?
Cats humping blankets is a very common occurrence in both male and female cats. Your cat may be humping your cat because it is bored or stressed, or maybe it may need some attention from you.
Cats also tend to knead and bite the blanket as they hump it. This behavior goes back to the nursing or weaning period when they would knead at their mother’s belly while being fed.
Cats may also hump blankets or pillows if they feel their personal space is being violated and if they have no other way of expressing their frustrations.
Interesting Read: Why Does Your Cat Hump Blankets? Understanding the Reasons
Should I Be Worried by My Cat’s Tendency of Humping?
When you observe your cat suddenly humping more than usual in the house, and especially if your cat has been neutered or spayed long enough, then a good idea would be to schedule a consultation with the vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
Once you have ruled out any medical or health problem, you don’t have to worry a lot about the humping. Just ensure that there is nothing in the house that may act as a stressor for your cat.
What Are You Going To Do With The Cat Humping?

1. Never Throw Stuff At Your Humping Cat
Firstly, never hit or throw stuff at your cat!
Your cat won’t understand why you do this because, with the cat humping, he doesn’t see something wrong.
The only thing you can do is damage the bond between you and your pet.
The easiest way to deal with cat humping is to distract your cat when you see the signs that he’s about to start humping.
You’ll encounter body language like dilated eyes, purring, and gnawing with excitement.
If your cat is humping another cat, watch them play. And if the humper tries to violently approach the humpee, clap your hands together and flip a toy to divert his attention.
2. Remuneration For A Good Cat
You must always try to seek ways to praise the positive actions of your male cat. You can do this with food, gifts, or special affection while you’re relaxed and playing well with your other pets.
This is much more successful than traditional discipline methods, such as squirting it with water or shouting. And of course, you’re never going to hit your cat.
3. Help Building Their Own Kingdom
Providing some extra space for your cat will also help to allow your cats more room to increase their respective territories.
Cats love to climb, so you should possess different cat trees and window beams for each to claim.
You can also have fun building elevated walkways for your cats to navigate around.
4. Triple Entertainment!
Placing a bookcase or chair next to the window, paired with a cozy pet bed, is a perfect way to keep your cat entertained. Some cats spend hours staring out the window watching the world go by.
Try adding an outdoor bird feeder, bright strings that capture the wind, and something else that might catch your cat’s eye.
5. It’s Time For Strict Training!
Good reinforcement therapy is an excellent way to help the pet end the humping cycle. First, you’re going to need something that your cat loves, like a favorite toy or a treat.
When you see that your cat looks like it’s going to start humping, lift it up, and distract it with a treat or a toy.
Motivating your cat for the behavior you desire, rather than penalizing it for the actions you don’t want, is an even more efficient strategy.
6. Consult a vet
Humping can be an indication of either physical or mental health problems. If the humping continues for an extended period of time, and nothing else seems to be working, consulting a vet could help.
The vet may either prescribe treatment for an underlying infection or prescribe anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication depending upon the diagnosis.
Do not start any such medication on cats without a prescription from a vet.
Interesting Read: Why My Cat Humps Me? Is It Normal For Cats To Hump Their Owner?
Why Punishing Your Cat Will Never Work Out Well?
When the humping behavior gets too annoying or embarrassing, your first instinct might be to punish or scold your cat. But hold that thought.
You should NEVER shout at your cat or throw stuff at it as a way of punishing it harshly.
With a little patience, you can firmly and kindly make your cat stop humping objects, furniture, or other cats.
Simple changes in the household, like establishing a routine, exercising and playing with your cat, spending quality time cuddling and napping with your cat, being gentle and firm while training it, and avoiding sudden changes in the house, can help reduce the chances of humping drastically.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is a neutered cat still going to try and mate?
It’s not usual. However, as discussed earlier, if they were neutered at least 12 weeks ago, there is a chance that they will attempt to do so because it takes a while to set in.
Why does my male cat bite the neck of my other male cat?
This is a form of sexual assault. In some cases, it crosses the borders of domination or territorial aggression. You may realize that your cat grabs another cat’s neck with its teeth and then shoves it sexually when this happens.
Is my cat trying to hump me?
It’s normal and natural for a male cat to enjoy the sexual pleasure that this activity may give him. Some cats that have an urge to hump are unsafe or need extra affection. Trauma or surgery can lead to humping if your cat is bored, frustrated, or too confined.
Do cats get sexually attracted to humans?
The only time that we seem happy to let our natural smells go free is during sex. That is why so many cats seem to be fascinated by human sexual activity. Most of them are happy to remain voyeurs, but a few are intrigued enough by the sounds and smells to scrutinize more closely. This tends to be disquieting to owners.
Why do female cats hump each other?
Female cats may hump each other due to irregular hormonal activity (common in unneutered cats) or simply get bored and mount each other to assert dominance. Cat owners don’t need to worry when this happens, as most female cats will stop humping each other on their own without outside help.
Why does my male cat mount my other male cat?
Humping behavior is common for all (sexually intact) male cats. Even after castration surgery, it requires a while for the hormones to exit the body, and it is not abnormal for the mounting to continue for at least a few weeks, if not longer. Urinary tract infections also appear to lead to humping behavior in some cats.
Final Words:
Humping can sometimes be an indication that something isn’t correct in your cat’s life, so spending time finding out why they might be humping and what you can do to prevent it is a worthwhile exercise.
If you have any concerns, we highly suggest that you speak to your veterinarian and ensure your male cat has a full health bill.
Thereafter, you can go ahead and start enforcing some of our tips to stop your cat from humping. After all these steps have been completed, your cat might have totally forgotten his ingrained patterns!
So, what are your views regarding this? Is your cat fond of humping profusely? What strange actions have you observed in your cat when he initiates to hump? What do you do then?
Let me know in the comments section
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