Are you a cat lover? If so, you may have noticed your beloved feline humping while kneading your blanket, or any toys, or sometimes even it can be you.
Do you find this behavior strange?
Yes, It can be incredibly strange to watch, and you might be wondering why your furry friend is doing it. As it turns out, there’s actually a good reason behind this behavior: cats hump while kneading as a means of expressing contentment and security.
But sometimes this behavior can express anxiety or stress.
In this article, we will explore why cats hump while kneading, what this behavior means, and what is the solution. So, if you’ve ever been curious about why your cat hump while kneading, then keep reading!
Key Takeaways
- Humping while kneading is a normal behavior for cats, it is not infrequent.
- Cats hump while kneading as a means of expressing contentment and security.
- Humping while kneading can also be a sign of stress or anxiety.
- Cats may hump while kneading to communicate contentment, establish a sense of security, mark their owner or things with their scent, or to release pent-up energy.

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Is It Normal For My Cat To Hump While Kneading?
Humping while kneading is normal cat behavior, and it is not infrequent. They may hump while kneading for the reason that they want to be perceived, or they might be trying to express dominance, and demonstrate their supremacy, and somehow it can be ingrained behavior as well.
There are several other different motives too- why your cat may hump when he or she is kneading.
One of the common reasons is that your cat is sensing sexually aroused. This may be due to the circumstance that your cat is attracted to someone or some stuff or it might be possible that she is in heat.
So, when do cats start humping while kneading- most cats learn humping after entering the maturity age of 6 – 8 weeks old for non-sexual reasons and in 5 months for sexual reasons, but it properly begins at one year.
5-6 months is the average age cats reach sexual maturity and begin humping blankets, pillows, toys, or even you.
After this, they may continue their weird humping behavior even while kneading as well.
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The Connection Between Humping and Kneading
It’s actually not uncommon for cats to engage in both humping and kneading behaviors at the same time.
In fact, according to certified cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy, “Kneading and humping are closely related behaviors. They’re both forms of communication.”
When cats knead, they express their affection and comfort toward a person or object. But when they hump, it could be for a variety of reasons such as expressing dominance, marking territory, or even expressing stress.
So, when a cat combines these behaviors, they’re likely trying to express a strong emotion.
Interesting Read: Why Do Cats Hump? Is It Normal For A Cat To Hump?
Why Does My Cat Hump While Kneading?

Cats are one of our favorite pet animals but sometimes their bizarre behavior confuses us such as humping while kneading.
There can be several reasons possible for humping while kneading in cats-
1. To Communicate Contentment
Humping while Kneading is a symbol of the well-being of cats. Body language is something through which your feline talks to you.
When they hump and knead together, they try to communicate contentment, and this is one way for your cat to show that he is happy and content.
You may observe that your cat hump while kneading when you give her favorite delicious fish or a new toy. Because she tries to show you that she is loving the way you are treating her.
A 2018 study describes kneading as a “communicatory behavior” that deposits pheromones — chemicals that signal to and trigger responses in other cats — onto objects.
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2. To Establish A Sense Of Security
There is nothing uncommon that felines tend to feel insecure and then they hump while kneading to mark their supremacy so that they can feel a little secure.
In short, if you see your kitty humping while kneading then that means he is trying to express to you that she is insecure about something.
As a responsible owner, it’s your duty to understand why your cat is behaving that way.
Interesting Read: Why Do Female Cats Hump And How To Stop It?
3. To Mark Their Owner Or Things With Their Scent
Your cat has scent glands on her paws, flanks, and cheeks, and when they scrub it on something, which can be a blanket, a pillow, a toy, or certainly you- then they leave their scent on that thing or person.
So, this way they leave a warning for other cats – “Don’t you dare to claim it, it’s already mine.
Through kneading and humping, they can easily mark their scent on anything to claim that thing as their property.
4. To Pent – Up Energy
Every cat develops an amount of energy on a daily basis that needs to be released through physical exercise or by playing.
Cats sleep and rest for most of the time to save energy, when they wake up that should be a too-active period. Without exercise and physical activities, your cat will try to find different ways to burn out that extra energy – which results in humping while kneading.
5. Stress And Anxiety
Cats are sensitive souls. New changes are challenges for them. Your feline feels over-stressed whenever you change their home or bring a new kitty or even if you introduce your guest to her.
In short, any change in their surrounding can make them anxious and that results in humping while kneading.
So, in this case, humping is not related to sexual arousal instead it is a way to say that she is feeling anxious about the new change.
Even on some odd days young kittens also hump while kneading to express their anxiety.
6. Over-excitement
A good reason why your cat is humping while kneading and making you quite stressed is that your feline friend could be bursting out with excitement.
So, this excitement could raise from both negative and positive situations. It can be the excitement of getting a new litter box or an undesirable form of excitement which is leading to growing his tendency to hump objects while kneading.
Also, Read – Why Is My Neutered Male Cat Kneading Aggressively?
What Are The Potential Risks And Drawbacks Of A Cat Humping While Kneading?

Drawbacks | Explanation |
Overstimulation | Humping while kneading may cause overstimulation – like being excessively aggressive or biting and swatting while humping. |
It can injure the cat | While humping and kneading together, cats become over rough and aggressive – then they don’t even care that their activity is harming them in terms of injury. |
May injure you or your guest | When your cat tries to show her love and affection through humping while kneading- sometimes they might end up scratching or biting you (though not with the intent to hurt you). |
Harm the bond between cat and owner | It is obvious that you will try to restrict your kitty from humping while kneading. But in terms of giving a lesson to your cat if you will be physically rude to her, it will end up destroying your bond with your cat. |
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What Are The Potential Benefit Of Humping And Kneading In Cats?
Benefit | Explanation |
Stress Release | Your cat uses humping as a way to release her stress, so while kneading she prefers humping more often. |
A way to release pent–up energy. | Humping and kneading both are physical activities – and that’s why it works as an exercise for your cat to release pent–up energy easily. |
Better sleep | Humping while kneading helps cats to feel calm, comfortable, and secure which directly helps them to have a comparatively better sleep cycle. |
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How To Stop Your Cat From Humping while Kneading?

1. Never Punish Her
Sometimes you get frustrated by your cat’s weird behavior of humping while kneading. In that frustration, you end up hurting your cat physically by beating or throwing something at her.
So first let me tell you, you are trying the worst way to deal with the situation, in fact, this way you are just making it more harmful.
Because cats find nothing wrong in humping while kneading, according to them it is a natural behavior.
So, if you will punish her – it will be like her owner is punishing her for no reason and that will potentially harm your bond with your kitty.
2. Try To Train
Training helps your cat to overcome the habit of humping while kneading. It won’t be possible to explain to your cat over a night that humping is not correct conduct.
Instead, it will take a long time and a lot of patience to train your cat to avoid humping.
Whenever you notice, your feline is trying to hump while kneading tell her “No, don’t do”- tell her ‘No’ in expression as well.
For example, if she is humping in your lap while kneading then remove her politely so that she can understand that it is wrong.
3. Increase Her Playtime
The cat might hump while kneading to release excess energy from their body when they don’t get enough physical activities like playing.
As a responsible pet – parent it becomes your duty to provide the required playtime to your cat on daily basis.
You can also give them a cat tree, rod–toys, or other cat toys to play with and exhibit pent-up energy.
Increase their territory by providing them more space so they feel more secure in terms of dominance, and it will help them to stop humping while kneading.
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4. Trim Her Claws
The habit of humping while kneading cannot be changed in one day. But you must have noticed that while humping and kneading your cat’s claws get stuck in a blanket or other fabric, or on some odd day they even end up scratching you.
Several times it becomes painful for your kitty too. For being prior secure- trim her claws to avoid situations like this.
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5. Socialise Her A Little more
Your cat might be humping while kneading because she is depressed. Taking her to the park to play or an evening walk can help her to overcome depression and that will decrease her depression as well.
As socializing plays a game-changer role in a cat’s behavioral growth.
6. Repellent Spray
The repellent spray helps your cat to get calm down and decreases overexcitement and aggression in your cat. So, by spraying these sprays you can control the habit of your feline of humping while kneading.
Natural repellent sprays are recommended – you can use citrus-based homemade sprays or peppermint.
7. Visit the Vet
Mostly humping while kneading can be a common ingrained habit or addiction but, in a few cases, it symbolizes several diseases like UTIs, skin allergies, anxiety, etc.
If you find that humping while kneading is too frequent than normal, then immediately book an appointment with your vet to make sure that your cat’s health is fine or not.
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Frequently Asked Question
Why My Female Cat Humps While Kneading?
Humping while kneading for a female cat is not unfamiliar and uncommon. They might do it because they want to be seen, or they might be feeling over-excited or nervous and trying to mark their territory.
Female cats mostly hump with kneading, when they are in heat and get aroused for mating desire. It’s totally natural and acceptable.
To overcome this behavior, you can try distracting your female cat from humping when she kneads or redirect humping by positive reinforcement.
Why My Cat Excessively Hump While Kneading?
Excess humping while kneading can be a behavioral disorder or even it can be a practice or addiction.
Excessive humping can be a sign of serious anxiety issues or some other hormonal disbalance.
In this case, without any delay, concern this problem with your vet. He might prescribe you some anti-depression pills or other required medication.
Final Words
Just hold on- before declaring your Tom as a bad cat with weird habits, you should know that not all humping while kneading is representing sexual arousal or desire.
Your cat may hump with kneading as a way to show affection or love toward you. It might be possible that he is trying to say you that he is not feeling secure or loved enough.
But this humping behavior while kneading is not always common and ignorable. If are concerned about this bizarre habit of your feline then take her immediately to your vet to make sure – this is natural or if it needs medication.
Tell me in the comment section – how you reacted for the first time when noticed your cat humping while kneading? What did you do to redirect this odd behavior of your feline?
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