It’s common for a mother cat to move her kittens around a lot during their first few weeks of existence. The most important justification for doing so is for your own protection.
In the wild, kittens are especially vulnerable to predators. They can’t even open their eyes, but the only thing their mother can do for them is cover them.
Cats can also relocate their kittens to a safer den, a better hunting spot, or simply because she needs some kitten assistance!
Your cat keeps bringing you her kittens because she wants them to get used to you and be well acquainted and let them familiarize themselves with your code of conduct. Your feline knows she lives with you, and her kittens will as well, so she wants them to be used to humans.

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Why Do Cats Bring You Their Kittens?

1. Protect Her Kittens
With that in mind, we can assume that the primary reason cats carry their kittens to you is to keep them safe!
To return to our Isabella tale, we lived in a wooded area with plenty of places for her to hide her kittens—as well as plenty of predators.
She eventually realized that the best environment for her kittens was with her human family. After all, she hadn’t seen a predator anywhere near us, had she?
When your cat gives you her puppies, she’s basically saying, “Hey Human!” Do you mind if I drop these little furballs off?
You seem to be pretty good at making sure there aren’t any monsters around.
They can’t see, squeak constantly, and must feed every three hours. “Best of luck!”
Okay, it’s not an accurate example, but that’s pretty much what she’s thinking, and we’re convinced that your mother cat’s primary motivation for bringing you her kittens is protection.
2. Help, Please!
Aside from defense, your cat mom can simply need a rest, and she’s counting on you to assist her. It’s not unusual for cats to share responsibility for the care of other kittens.
Orphaned kittens were always brought to us in the animal sheltering world. Unfortunately, all of these kittens should have been left when they were discovered, since the mom was most likely out and around with no intention of returning.
Even, we’d look for a mother who was already lactating to couple with these orphaned kittens. Usually, the momma cat’s intuition would set in and she’d begin caring for the orphaned kittens.
There have also been several known reports of domestic cats sharing the care of their kittens with another mother!
What is the point of it all?
It’s unusual for your cat to ask you to share any of the burdens! But she’s just taking her kittens to you because she’s in need of a rest or maybe a helping hand.
3. Family Space
Another explanation is that your cat considers your house to be her home and considers you to be a member of her family.
So, naturally, she’ll carry her litter to you. After all, this is her home as well, and she needs to reunite her family!
Although cats are typically aggressive and autonomous animals, in a household setting with enough resources, a lot can change.
Also, check out about are cats protective of their kittens
What Does It Mean When Cat Keep Bringing Me Her Kittens?

Cats are very picky about where they keep their kittens. Allow her to place the box under the bed if she can.
If that doesn’t work, place a few boxes with bedding in the room you want her to have and let her pick.
If she picks your dresser drawer, it won’t be the first time, and kids grow up quickly.
You shouldn’t have any issues handling her kittens.
If you have a decent friendship, she will look to you for assistance. I’d reunite the kittens with the other two in the cage.
She should be able to get back in the box with the kittens after a little time to calm down.
A family of four kittens is a good number. She shouldn’t be stressed out. It can take up to a day for milk to arrive.
Make sure her room is warm (this is critical), has a litter box, and food and water are still available. Maintain a safe and quiet environment for her in this part of the house, with no other creatures to annoy her.
She’ll be in heat again soon, so leave her in the house until the kittens are old enough to be spayed or neutered (5 months or so). Consult your own humane society. They ought to be able to help you save some cash.
Female cats who live together, particularly siblings, will often assist one another in giving birth and caring for their kittens. This is perfectly natural.
It’s rare for your cat to allow the dog to assist with the care of the puppies, although it likely depends on whether she considers the dog to be a sibling.
Your cat takes her kittens to you so that they can get accustomed to human contact. She understands that they are domesticated cats and would be dependent on humans for food and shelter.
Less domesticated cats have a natural instinct to protect their offspring. More domesticated cats may know that humans and dogs will play an important role in the future of kittens.
What Motivates A Mother Cat To Hide Her Kittens From Their Father?
The instincts of paternal cats differ from those of mothers. The kittens’ father will want to play with them. He runs the risk of damaging them in the process. Male cats may inflict harm because they lack the normal desire to parent.
This isn’t to suggest that male cats are aggressive toward kittens by nature. Any male cats behave in the same way as mothers do.
They give kittens the opportunity to seek warmth and even feed them. However, a lack of fundamental maternal instincts can be dangerous to kittens.
Female cats do not go into heat for six weeks after birth, according to Biology of Reproduction. Another excuse your cat is hiding is because of this.
She would be uninterested in mating again. If a man threatens her during this time, she would most certainly react aggressively.
What Do You Do When A Cat Moves Her Kittens?

Allow a cat room and respect after she gives birth. Relax the house’s rules a bit.
It’s possible that your cat is acting strangely. Her hormones must re-establish a healthy balance.
Your cat would almost certainly build a shelter somewhere in the house. Allow her to do so and treat it as her personal space.
Do not try to switch your kittens or your pet. If you do, she will get abusive.
Avoid this place for four weeks if at all necessary. Reduce the amount of footfall and noise.
Make no use of the vacuum or any noisy sounds. Tell your children to stay away if you have any.
At this time, if your cat wants you, she will find you. She’ll come out every now and then to use the litter tray to get some care.
Treat your cat the same way you treat your dog. Act as if she hasn’t ever given birth.
Take a look at your cat’s breasts as you’re playing with her. On her stomach, these should be bloated and noticeable. There will be wetness around the nipples as well.
This indicates that the kittens are eating well and are in good shape. She maybe likes biting her kitten’s neck too!
Why Is It That My Cat Keeps Bringing Me Kittens?
This is meant to be a compliment. It implies that you and your cat have a close bond.
Your cat is concerned for the safety of her kittens. She has this in mind as she moves them. Your cat is expressing her trust in you by showing her kittens.
She’s asking for reassurance as well. Your cat is looking for affirmation that she is doing a good job.
Your pet could also be in need of assistance. It can be tedious and overwhelming to raise kittens. Female cats in the wild share responsibility for feeding and rearing their kittens. Your cat is requesting the same help from you.
Do not abuse this belief by excessively treating the kittens. Pet and praise your cat. Pet and stroke the kittens gently. As soon as your cat is ready for bed, assist her in returning her kittens. Overnight, they’ll depend on their mother’s warmth.
Whether your cat brings kittens into your bed at night, she is looking for a place to sleep. She’s hoping you’ll take care of the eating and freezing.
If you discover kittens on your bed, your cat is anticipating your arrival. She’s making sure you’re aware that she’s in need of assistance. Warm up the kittens and put them back in their tent.
There may be an explanation why your cat keeps presenting the same kittens. She may be refusing these kittens in particular.
It is interesting to know reason behind why mother cat sitting on kittens
Why Is My Cat Bringing Me Kittens And Meowing?

You are considered a member of her pack/pride, and she has complete faith in you.
She acknowledges that you look after her and that you will look after her children almost as well, if not better.
She may need a break from being a momma to 3-6 or more kittens, so leaving them with you while she has some alone time might be just as good an excuse.
You are the surrogate mother to the baby whether she isn’t doing well or if she isn’t lucky enough to survive the pregnancy.
You are the one she expects to ensure the babies survive if she isn’t able to.
Maybe the place where she gave birth isn’t the best fit for her, and she’d like you to help her find a better fit for her and the babies.
Depending on her age, she will not be able to do anything on her own and will turn to you for help. After all, you’re the one she has faith in.
She can notice that the kittens are frail, and she is unsure of what to do or how to be a good mother. Although the odds of this happening appear remote, there are species that have no maternal instincts at all.
She does not want the kittens near her or be involved in them at all, which is where we humans step in and hand-raise the puppies.
Also, check out where do stray cats hide their kittens outside
Frequently Asked Questions
What to do if the cat keeps moving kittens?
The most important thing is to keep the environment safe and tidy. Have the rest of the family’s pets away from them. Keep the area warm, as kittens can quickly get chilled. If you leave Mom and her kittens open in a spare bedroom, she can switch them around a lot.
Why does my cat keep leaving her newborn kittens?
Your mommy cat, like all new mothers, needs some “me time” as well. She’ll take a break from her kittens for a couple of minutes at a time to go to the bathroom or eat and drink. She will spend more time away from her kittens as they get older.
Can I move my cat’s newborn kittens?
You may be able to move them at this age, depending on the mother cat’s aggressiveness and how far and different the move is… You will be able to pet the kittens right away if you have a strong relationship with the mother cat. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait a few days, if not weeks.
How do you tell if your cat still has kittens inside her?
A view of the nose, paws, and tail at the vulva suggests that birth must be inevitable if the kitten is to live. Feeling around the perineal region under the tail from the outside would suggest that a kitten has already passed into the pelvis, and a view of the nose, feet, and tail at the vulva indicates that birth must be imminent if the kitten is to live.
Final Words
There are a variety of explanations why your mother cat could bring you her kittens, but the majority of the time, your cat mom’s primary concern is their welfare.
Of course, she can need assistance or simply want to introduce you to her new family!
Whatever the occasion, seeing a litter of kittens in your bed or, in my case, waiting for you on your front porch, is a lot of fun!
Do let us know in the comments section below what does your pet mother cat do? Does she bring her kittens to you? Share your thoughts!