The Siamese Russian blue cat seems bigger then other cat breeds due to its deep, soft double coat. It is a good option for pet parents with allergies because it has not dropped much and provides a recognized allergen in less than most cat breeds than Fel d 1 glycoprotein.
The Russian blue is a long and slim cat with its triangular shape. She’s tender with big eyes, a wide front, and a straight nose, making her an animal of great importance.
Russian blues is known for the “smile” natural. Her sparkling green eyes are, in addition to her luxury silver coat.
Although the Russian blue is slender, it is very muscular and sturdy, although its thick fur also hides his neck and his shoulders, giving the impression of a more solid framework. Her long legs enable her to run fast.

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The Russian blue is a faithful and sweet cat, which follows her owner everywhere, so don’t be surprised if she salutes you at your front door!
While she tends to attach herself specifically to one pet parent, she shows affection for and asks for her whole family. Russian blues are said to be training their owners instead of the owners, a legend which has always been proved to be true.
They are very social beings, but also love time alone and are constantly looking for a peaceful and private place to sleep.
If you’re away from work all day, they don’t matter too much, so when you’re home, they need a lot of fun. Russian blues tend to be afraid of people and hide at big meetings.
Want to know about Siamese calico mix kittens? Read Here.
Living With

Russian cats are very smart animals and need physical and psychological stimulus, so it is important to always allow them access to the toys.
They keep a powerful instinct of hunting so that the optimum play is a federated fishing pole toy.
Consider storing these kinds of toys in a cat-proof location because (a) your baby tears them to shreds and (b) you are allowed to eat feathers and/or strings that are neither good for your digestive system nor good for overall health.
Your Russian blue requires minimum care and care if you continue a good hygiene routine.
There are other items required to keep a cat comfortable after adoption, like investment in toothing and cat-safe toothpaste, to ensure that their teeth are clean and white and the medium-toothed comb keeps the double coat smooth and luxuriant (you may find these items for purchase at the local pet shop or online).
One key piece of information about the Russian blue cat breed is that these kitties adore food, and make sure they’re not over-eating.
She may request food several times a day, but she remains firm and sticks to regular feed, uses measured quantities of cat food and prevents too many cat treatments.
Like her Siamese cousin, Russia’s blue is very vocal, and when she wants to play, eat, or snuggle, she will use her voice to interact with her pet parent.
She is observant and constant, constantly making sure that her needs are fulfilled. She does not fit well to change, like different times of the meal or unknown guests.
If you talk with her regularly, she will react positively, which means that when you have a Russian baby in blue fur you’re never really alone.
Russia’s blues are medium in size cats with plastic, thick, short hair that looks bigger and stands out from their bodies.
Their soft, silky covering is a light, silver-shimmering, dark grey charcoal hue. Based on the lightness of these cats and the lower concentrations of known feline allergens, many pet owners think them hypoallergenic.
One of the most curious elements of the appearance of Russian blues is their eyes, which over time change from yellow to green.
Russian blue cats are born with light-yellow, or gold, eyes that turn to yellow and have a green ring about four months old.
Generally these cats weigh between 7 and 12 pounds and are 10 inches tall.
Russian blues are faithful, sweet cats that like to follow their owners and welcome them when they come at the door. These animals are wary and timid, but unbelievable when they know about them.
When Russian blues feel comfortable and confident in their new homes, they’re playful and loving animals.
They are usually well with children and other animals — and they are calm and not at all sticky despite their affectionate nature.
That said they can get aggravated or withdrawn around strangers while these delicate lap cats are pleased to be with their folks.
Russian blues can be very vocal, but they are mostly soft and speak quietly to let you know they need food, water or attention.
This breed is super intelligent, autonomous, active and strong. Russian blues are still terrific players, but with age they become calmer.
Interesting Read: Can Siamese Cats Be Black?
Needs To Live
Russian blues prefer a familiar programme and don’t do well with new faces. The best fit for these fragile, timid cats is a quiet, predictable living environment without regular visitors.
It just means these cats don’t like business because they are wary of strangers — they do!
In fact, Russian Blues will probably match your family members greatly and enjoy the warmth of other pets and children.
An autonomous line means that the kitties are all right to be left alone a while so that owners who have a long working life or social activity abroad don’t have to worry.
Russian Blues are all right to be alone for some time, and when you get back, they welcome you gladly at the door.
This breed requires physical and emotional stimulus, because it is highly intelligent. You will like an abundance of toys, which will help you work out all that energy in your body and brain.
Potential owners should know that Russian blues, in particular their litter box, can be very fine on hygiene too. The cats need dazzling, tidy living rooms to make them feel the best.
Watch Out!
Russian blue grooming needs are very maintenance inferior. These cats take few baths and only brushing weekly to help them to get rid of loose hair. There is also a need for regular nail hygiene, eye and ear wash.
These animals need no particular exercise regime — they will use and run a lot of energy, like most cats. By leaving some toys out, you can help to play with your blue Russian.
The Russian Blue has an intrinsic drive to hunt and is thus excellent for physical and mental exercise with a feather toy or fishing pole toy.
The Russian blue is an intelligent race and ready for training. It should be relatively simple to teach your cat how to use a litter box and scratch, so many praises and petting are still helping handy training instruments.
Feed your high quality, Russian blue cat food and monitor the consumption of food, particularly for the breed, in order to protect against obesity. Take a look at your veterinarian to see how often your cat is to be fed.
Russian blues are 15-20 years old. These cats are usually healthy animals, mainly because they are a natural race. They are healthy animals.
This breed enjoys eating and can fight obesity. You will develop gradual atrophy of the retina or vision centre of the eye (PRA), which is degenerative.
They would also create polycystic renal disorders (PKDs), where the kidneys are filled with spaces full of fluids and are hindered from working.
Renowned breeders may examine health problems in kittens, but they need to be frequently screened in adulthood. Prioritize your Russian blue normal veterinarian’s visit and take your cat’s vet’s advice.
Siamese Cat Vs Russian Blue

Get a Siamese if you want conversation.
You’re polite, lovely, but very vocal; you like chatting with you and you like people and even strangers in general.
A Siamese actually has more of a personality like a dog than a cat.
A Russian Blue is not very vocal.
It avoids foreigners, requires little attention as a Siamese and connects with one person.
So this is not the issue of being a better pet, it is the kind of animal you choose, because it has completely different personalities and attitudes.
1) Face is heart shaped. | 1) Face is wedge shaped. |
2) Less expensive than Russian blue cats. | 2) Most expensive type of breed. |
3) May Turn aggressive in some course of events. | 3) Not at all aggressive breed. |
4) Less expressive and doesn’t want to communicate a lot. | 4) Most Vocal breed compared to others and their meow might become a headache for you. |
5) Might not like training spontaneously. | 5) Most easily trainable type of breed. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Russian blue cats cuddly?
Curious, but quiet, loving, but not clingy, Russian Blue cat is very clever. At first you can be shy, but after you feel comfortable, you are playful and caring.
Are Russian blue cats rare?
Russian blue cats in the USA and around the world are not a rare cat breed. The popularity of Russian blue cats grows and is found among the most renowned breeders. Yet, with its “blue” fur and shining green eyes, Russian Blue cats are stunning and peculiar.
How much does a Russian blue cat cost?
Russia’s blue is very widespread and a reputable breeder’s kittens usually cost between $400-$600.
Why Russian blue cats are the best?
Russian Blues are silent cats – perfect for kids and dogs. You like snuggling with a blanket too for a Netflix binge.
Final Words
It’s just about what you like about a cat. Siamese are very chatty with you, very chatty and loved. I just want to be with you. It’s a cat race which isn’t left alone.
If you don’t mind a cat that spoke out all it felt, you are lovely companions.
Russian Blues are less talkative and need no more attention than Siamese and prefer to shy away. It tends to bind to a single person.
Let us know in the comments section below whether you possess the special Siamese Russian blue mix cat!