Cats have often been voracious hunters, especially of outdoor animals such as rabbits. You may ask if cats will kill rabbits in the first place when it comes to cats and rabbits.
Cats mostly chase rabbits for entertainment, although they rarely go too far. As a result, the question arises: do cats eat rabbits?
Yes, cats ca, in fact, eat rabbits. Rabbits have been known to be hunted and killed by cats without being eaten. Tularemia may be contracted from eating rabbits, which is dangerous for cats.
This article will assist you with further considering all of the scenarios in which a cat can or may not kill a rabbit, and if it does, if the cat will eat the rabbit.
Here are few stuff you should easily go through and get a full picture of how and when to save your rabbit:

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Why Do Cats Kill Rabbits?

This is highly dependent on the cat’s circumstances.
Cats can kill rabbits, out of their playful behaviour too.
The instinct for the chase is the driving force behind the kill for a well-fed kitty with a loving owner.
However, since we know that cats love playing with their prey and don’t often finish them off, there are plenty of dogs who will only follow the rabbit for the thrill of the chase.
To mark the win, the cat should eat just a small portion of the rabbit, such as the head.
The need for food to survive is the catalyst for a wild cat that might be caring for a litter of kittens.
In this scenario, the cat would most likely transport the carcass to a location where it is protected from other predators and consume it. This is life’s cycle in motion!
The extent of such hunting is largely determined by the cat, the reason for the rabbit’s death, and the general abundance of rabbits in the cat’s territory.
While eating rabbits by cats is called natural predatory behaviour, the particulars are not always clear to their human owners.
Can A Cat Bite Kill A Rabbit?
Yes, a rabbit can be killed by a single bite of a cat.
The rabbit may try to evade the attack, but even though the cat does not manage to kill the rabbit right away, the cat’s mouth is full of bacteria.
The rabbit would most likely get poisoned and die as a result of the bite. Until someone intervenes, the cat will usually try to hunt the rabbit until it completes the kill unless someone intervenes.
The bunny would need emergency veterinary attention if you interfered and removed your cat from its prey. Depending on the rabbit’s physical condition, you would be able to comfortably contain it and transport it to a hospital.
While not all veterinarians tolerate rats, many emergency animal clinics will treat rabbits. To stop unnecessary journeys, make sure to consult with the doctor ahead of time.
What Do You Do If Your Cat Catches A Rabbit?
If you discover your cat in the middle of a chase, try to distract or isolate it.
To entice the cat inside, offer a favourite food or toy, or, if it is safe, physically remove the cat from the situation to allow the bunny to flee. The bunny would attempt to flee if given the opportunity and is unharmed.
If the rabbit is sick, grab a small cardboard box with a fluffy blanket or towel inside and take the rabbit to the vet after you’ve removed the pet.
If the cat is not yours and seems to be wild, do not touch or trap it unless you have been taught to do so. When the cat bites you, this can be very dangerous!
Instead, contact a wildlife service or divert the cat’s attention away from yourself by tossing sweets or food in the opposite direction of the bunny.
Some programmes trap stray cats and try to rehabilitate them, but untrained individuals do not attempt this on their own.
Try holding your cat indoors if you suspect he or she is prone to poaching activity. Holding your pet indoors has many advantages for the surrounding wildlife and your animal.
It is possible to convert an outdoor cat to an indoor cat. Although your cat can love being outdoors, there are some healthy ways to keep an eye on him.
A harness and leash, for instance, can also be used, or you could build an outdoor enclosure near your home. These are often equipped with windows or mesh to allow the cat to sniff and see outdoors without hunting or escaping.
Why Does My Cat Bring Me Dead Rabbits?
For years, people have questioned why cats gave their owners dead or mostly dead creatures.
Cats usually bring dead rabbits to their owners because they want to showcase their hunting skills to their owners.

Some have speculated that it is the cat’s way of bragging to their owners about their skill as experienced hunters.
A few bites could have been taken out of this kind of dead rabbit, indicating the cat’s success.
The arrogant cat may choose to earn a pat on the back from their trainer when saving the prize as a treat for later.
Others believe the animal is a gift, a means for the cat to express gratitude to their owner for feeding them.
Others believe the cat is attempting to teach humans how to hunt in the same way it teaches their kittens.
Female cats, in particular, may regard their human partners as kin, and may wish to add to the family’s food supply by hunting and taking their kills home.
They will also carry partly alive animals in the hopes that their owners can finish the chase.
As a result, you shouldn’t treat dead rabbits any differently. It’s yet another fruitful hunting trip for the cat.
Can Cats Get Sick From Eating Rabbits?
Yes, your cat can get sick from eating rabbits because rodents eat upon waste matters and live in garbages, and thus, harmful microbes may enter into the cat’s body.

If you know your cat just killed a rabbit, there’s a good chance he or she eats a portion of it.
In general, it is not a good idea to leave your cat outside unattended for long stretches of time.
Not only because of the infections that your cat can contract, but also because there are many bigger predators and risks that your cat may encounter.
Tularaemia, also known as “rabbit fever,” is one illness to be aware of after killing a rabbit.
Insect bites, tainted water, or, most often, the ingestion of an infected rat cause the infection.
Cats who eat lizards, rabbits, rats, and other rodents are at risk of developing rabbit fever, which is rare in most cases of infection.
How To Check Your Cat For Tularemia?
Tularemia induces a high fever in your cat, as well as swelling lymph nodes in the head and stomach, a sore belly, and yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
Temperatures may reach exceptionally high levels, often exceeding 106 degrees Fahrenheit. If left untreated, the condition progresses to organ dysfunction and death.
If you find some of these signs in your cat, take it to the nearest veterinarian right away!
It’s important to remember that, in addition to your cat’s health, you and other humans in your home are at risk of Tularemia.
If your cat is sick and scratches or bites another human, they have been exposed to the virus and are at risk of contracting it.
In a person, a blister will appear around the bite or scrape in three to five days on average. Tularemia is a confirmed illness because it poses a public health concern.
Tularemia should be handled as soon as possible with the help of a veterinarian. It necessitates your cat’s hospitalisation for aggressive treatment.
You must capture your pet as soon as possible to give it the greatest chance of survival. And if none of the signs are present, you can have your cat checked after the rabbit attack.
Tularemia has a high mortality rate in cats, even with early diagnosis and treatment.
Difference Between Killing a Rabbit and Eating It
Although this could be the same for some humans, it is not the case for cats.
Rabbits are killed by most cats, although they are not all eaten because both are two distinct objects, and it is essential to comprehend them as independent systems.
Cats, like humans, are a complex species to comprehend. We as humans have a wide range of mood swings, and there are numerous variations among us that build barriers based on class, race, gender, physical characteristics, and other factors.
The same holds true with cats; each cat has its own psyche, which is influenced in every way by the world in which it lives.
One example to illustrate the distinction between killing and eating a rabbit is a stray cat that, after killing a rabbit, will go on to eat it.
However, if it is your horse, like mine is, and it is well fed, it is likely to destroy the rabbit and abandon the body.
However, there are still deviations, but you must be cautious. Another factor may be that after killing a rabbit, many cats tend to eat just the head and leave the rest of the body.
You don’t have to be rational all of the time because it’s a cat. For instance, you must understand the cat’s temperament and whether it is a kind of cat that can go after a rabbit as prey or not (that is if you have a cat and are thinking of having a rabbit as well).
How To Protect Your Rabbit From Stray Cats?
You can protect your rabbit from stray cats by keeping them in a safe and enclosed area or by caging them.
When the owner was not at home, a wild cat broke in and attacked the rabbit. This is a normal occurrence, so if this is your first time working with rabbits, make sure you do whatever you can to keep your rabbit healthy.
As previously reported, a stray cat is more likely to eat your rabbit.
I built a decent hutch out of wood that is very difficult to crack to cover my rabbit while I wasn’t home. This is mostly to keep other animals away from your rabbit.
If you have a cat, keep this in mind: never leave your rabbits out in the open when you’re gone!
You may believe that no one is that reckless, but believe me when I say that there are people who are.
If you leave the rabbit open on its own in the grass or garden, whether deliberately or accidentally, you will never be able to see it again until you return home.
When you own a rabbit, you should be aware of the risks and take the necessary precautions.
Do Feral Cats Eat Rabbits?
Yes, unfortunately feral cats eat rabbits, and they will contract Tularemia (rabbit fever) as a result of it.
Cats and other small animals will die as a result of it. It has the potential to spread to humans. Keeping cats indoors is better for them.
When they are able to run free, they can contract a variety of viruses, be struck by cars, and be bitten and killed by dogs as well as other creatures, including humans.
Rabbits are prey species, while cats are pests. Why can rabbits breed so easily, in your opinion? Many wild animals eat them, and domestic cats, goats, ferrets, and other pets are predatory as well.
Domestic cats and rabbits will, however, be kept together as long as they are bonded early and you are certain of your cat’s actions.
Do Cats Eat Rabbit Heads?
To celebrate the win, the cat may only eat a small portion of the rabbit, such as the head.
The need for food to survive is the catalyst for a wild cat that might be caring for a litter of kittens. In this scenario, the cat would most likely transport the carcass to a location where it is protected from other predators and consume it. This is life’s cycle in motion!
Most predators like to consume the nutrient-dense organs of their prey before the bones, and it’s possible that your cat has determined that the rabbit’s brain is the greatest source of nutrients.
It’s also possible that your cat is surplus killing rather than killing for food, but that he goes a little too far on the “killing it” part and ends up devouring the head rather than just smashing it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any other threats to a rabbit apart from cats and other predators?
There are a host of other considerations that can hurt your rabbit and that you can think about before purchasing one. One factor is weather, while another is your home, which must be rabbit-proof before allowing your bunny to roam freely.
What are some other ways to make sure that your rabbit is happy?
You should make your bunny happy in a variety of ways. Taking care of their water and food, their shelter, ensuring that the shed is well covered, and most importantly, their wellbeing are only a few of them.
Daily checkups with your veterinarian are needed to ensure the safety of God’s fragile creation. Finally, unconditionally love them, pay them respect, care, and love, and no cat will dare to eat your rabbit. A cat can stop this bunny if it thinks it has a guardian.
Final Words
Cats are dangerous to rabbits, but some are more dangerous than some. Cats are hunters with a natural instinct to hunt rabbits.
Although not all cats have a heavy hunting instinct, owners should still believe that their cat would prey on a pet rabbit and should never leave them alone together.
Tiny rodents and birds are the most important prey for cats. Some cats are also capable of catching bigger prey including rabbits.
In reality, a cat without access to additional food from its owner will kill up to 20 times per day.
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