Many cats tend to ignore pooping in the litterbox whereas they have no problem peeing. Even if you’re positive about the fact that the issue is behavioral, you should have your cat inspected by a veterinarian to ensure there isn’t an underlying medical issue.
There are a variety of medical conditions that might be causing your cat to avoid pooping in the litter box.
Cats prefer to have two litterboxes- one for peeing and the other for pooping. They do not like to pee and poop in the same litterbox. If you don’t have a separate litterbox for them to poop in, they will simply poop on the floor or the bathtub.
In this article, we would be discussing the reasons why cats pee but not poop in the litterbox and how to deal with this issue as a responsible cat owner.
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Why Does My Cat Pee But Not Poop In The Litterbox?
Cats need two separate litterboxes for peeing and pooping. Many senior cats poop on the floor instead of litterboxes due to medical issues.
If she has constipation, she may link the box with her discomfort and try to relieve herself someplace else. If your cat is elderly and has arthritis, perching on the litter substrate to expel solids may be challenging for her.
If you have a covered litter box, she can feel claustrophobic while perching to defecate.
Defecating beyond the box is prevalent in cats with a variety of digestive issues (inflammatory bowel disease, for example). She may have cramps, which prompts her to try to relieve herself wherever she is at the moment. She may possibly grow so agitated that she is unable to reach the box.
It is recommended to take her to your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues, and if that isn’t the case, your veterinarian can talk to you about behavioral approaches to get her to defecate in her box. Take a sample of her excrement to the veterinarian to be examined.
Begin by obtaining a second box to be placed adjacent to the first. Make sure the litter boxes are clean as well. If this doesn’t work, speak with your veterinarian.
Also, bear in mind that things may be a lot worse. The cat might be pooping in the litter box and peeing outside of it, or even worse, doing both.
Your cat is most likely attempting to communicate that it does not want to share the same little space for two separate purposes.
Even cats that use the same litter box for both wastes may frequently turn and utilize other places. Some, on the other hand, make a point of employing distinct boxes.
Cats are unique individuals with a wide range of behaviors that stem from their deepest impulses. As a result, while the inclination may be the same, how they personally exhibit it might be extremely different.
As a result, there is no one guideline that applies to a cat’s preferred potty activity. If you’re having trouble, consider adding additional boxes, larger boxes, and more regular scooping and litter changes. Individual cats may respond differently to different brands and types of litter.
Clumping litter and Pine Nuggets are the easiest to maintain and clean for the longest time. The cheapest litters quickly become contaminated and must be replaced in order for the cat to find them pleasant to use.
Also, check out why is my elderly cat suddenly pooping on the floor
How Can I Get My Cat To Stop Pooping On The Floor?
The best way to stop your cat from pooping on the floor is by adding another litterbox for your cat.
Blocking off the locations he’s utilizing as an alternate box, depending on where he’s peeing and pooping, is a decent short-term option. Closing him in a tiny space (like as a bathroom) with his litterbox can also help him develop good litterbox habits.
If your cat has a terrible relationship with the old box, you might want to try a new one. Try a shallow box in another section of the basement if your present boxes are deep and covered.
Go around your house and discover all of your cat’s previous accidents, then clean them up. If your cat detects the odor of past urine or excrement in a basement corner, he may decide to urinate there again. So use a cleaner specifically designed for pet urine to thoroughly clean it!
This may include playing music at work, offering him daily play periods with a decent wand toy (even if he just watches), giving him daily goodies via a puzzle toy, or simply spending extra time with him.
All of these will make him feel less stressed. Remember that stress is a common cause of litterbox problems!
Many cats refuse to use a litter box. Even if your cat has always been a trooper when it comes to getting his paws filthy, he may be becoming fussier as he gets older. Scoop the box at least once a day, if not twice a day.
Again, this appears to be voodoo, yet Feliway may be really beneficial in specific situations. It’s a relaxing pheromone that may be used as a spray or in a wall diffuser. There are a lot of folks I know who swear by it. It can’t hurt, as far as I can tell.
When it comes to your cat pooping on the floor, there isn’t much of a quick remedy when it comes to training. Make sure the litterbox troubles aren’t caused by a medical condition. Then improving litterbox arrangement and lowering stress levels are your best bets.
Some diffusers and other devices can assist, but they are unlikely to address the problem on their own.
Something in your home may have changed that your cat doesn’t like, and avoiding the litter box might be their way of communicating this to you.
This might be stressful for your creature of habit if you’ve recently welcomed another pet or human into your house, moved, or even merely changed the furniture.
Give it some time, and encourage or reward excellent litter box usage with the things your kitten enjoys the most from you–love, snacks, stroking, play…whatever it takes to tell her that she is still your number one priority.
If your cat isn’t feeling well, whether, for a simple or complicated reason, she may let you know by leaving an unpleasant treat for you.
Consult your veterinarian right away if you’ve done everything else and the habit appears out of nowhere–without any big changes to your kitty’s box, routine, or household.
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How Do You Discipline A Cat For Pooping Outside The Litterbox?
A cat poops outside the litterbox due to inappropriate elimination and poor litterbox training. You need to treat him like a kitten and then give him proper training.
First and foremost, scoop clumps from the litter box on a daily basis and thoroughly clean them on a regular basis.
This entails discarding the old litter, washing the empty box with mild dish detergent and warm water, rinsing it with clean water, allowing it to air dry, and replacing it with a new, unscented supply of litter (sometimes scented litter is unappealing to finicky cats).
Use rubber gloves and a face mask whenever you touch your cat’s litter box to protect yourself from minute bugs and litter dust.
If your cat seems to be drawn to a particular place, such as a bath mat, attempt to keep it out of the room by using a baby gate or closing/locking the door.
Simultaneously, encourage your pet to use its litter box properly by placing it far away from its food and drink bowls in a quiet, private spot that’s simple to access.
If you’ve acquired a second cat, rather than trying to make both cats share a litter box, consider adding multiple litter boxes. One litter box for each cat plus one extra is the ideal amount of litter boxes.
If you have two cats, this implies you should have three litter boxes. It’s worth noting that the boxes must be in completely distinct locations.
If you can’t limit your cat’s access to a specific place, consider putting down aluminum foil or spraying the area with a kitty-safe repellent. The idea is to make the improper place as unappealing as possible to the cat.
Examine the surface on which your cat loves to defecate and try to replicate it in the litter box. If your cat prefers tile, for example, leave the litter box’s bottom bare. If it’s going to be used on paper, line the bottom of the box with paper; if it’s going to be used on carpet, put a carpet remnant in the box.
If your cat defecates outside the litter box despite your best attempts, wipe the area completely with an enzymatic cleaner so your kitty doesn’t pick up the aroma and believe it’s OK to go there again.
Check out more details about How To Discipline A Cat For Peeing Outside The Litter Box?
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get my cat to pee and poop in the litter box?
Try unscented litter if you’ve been using scented litter. Playing with your cat near her litter box is a good idea. Also, in the surrounding area leading to her box, provide food and toys for her to locate and enjoy. However, don’t put her food dish next to the litter box because cats don’t like to excrete near their food.
Why does my cat keep pooping on the floor?
Cats may poop on the floor due to a medical condition, stress, or a filthy litter box. Whether the behavior began suddenly, consult a veterinarian first to rule out a medical issue, and then note if anything noteworthy has occurred in the cat’s life, such as the addition of a new pet or the death of a buddy.
Why is my cat suddenly not using her litter box?
Issues with the box or litter, unhappiness with the location or quantity of boxes, changes in the environment within or outside the house, and undiscovered medical concerns are all reasons why cats quit using their litter boxes.
Final Words
Make sure to provide your cats with an extra litterbox to poop or else they are going to poop here and there and damage your whole house. Cats that have not been properly trained must be taken special care of.
Leave your questions in the comments section below.
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My cat has stopped pooping in the box. She first started by hanging her but out of the box, seemingly on purpose, and letting it hit the floor. Now she just poops on the floor next to the box. We have 3 boxes for 2 cats. She pees in the box but will not poop there. She just started this a few months ago. She is 4 years old. Our other cat who is older does not do this. Help, have tried everything and the boxes are always clean!
Older cats are more patient and composed when it comes to their existing behavioral pattern. Younger cats want to change. The reason they don’t poop inside their litter box (even if it is clean) is that they want a new setting now.