It’s not enjoyable to have a cat who poos on the floor, especially if it happens unexpectedly. Changing your litterbox layout and ensuring that your cat is physically healthy and happy will frequently fix this irritating problem.
Litter box behavior in older cats is influenced by a number of variables. Changes in litter box use can be caused by health issues including urinary tract infections, diabetes, cancer, or renal difficulties. Other cats in the house may begin to treat the aged cat differently as well.
So without wasting any more time, let’s get started!

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Why Is My Senior Cat Pooping On the Floor?
Cats may poop on the floor due to medical issues, stress, or a filthy litter box.

Whether the behavior began suddenly, consult a veterinarian first to rule out a medical issue, and then note if anything noteworthy has occurred in the cat’s life, such as the addition of a new pet or the death of a buddy.
He may also make so many tries to poop that he ends up straining at every opportunity he gets, regardless of where he is.
When your cat “goes,” keep an eye out for symptoms of straining or pain. Digging in the litter box may be associated with unpleasant elimination for your cat.
If your cat squirms or screams while attempting to go to the toilet, it’s probable that disease, not behavior, is to blame for his or her pooping escapades, and a medical visit is in order.
Cats have incredibly sensitive noses and are meticulously clean creatures. They have a sense of smell that is 40 times stronger than ours! Imagine having a roommate and returning home to a filthy toilet. Would you want to use it?
If your cat won’t use the litter box unless it’s fresh and clean, try scooping every day instead of weekly to provide a lovely, enticing environment for your cat.
If you have many cats, you might want to consider investing in a litter scoop with bags to make scooping and waste disposal more convenient.
Your cat may not appreciate the strong aroma of scented litter. Switch to a litter that isn’t scented.
Some cats may prefer unscented litter due to their sensitive snouts. A cat’s sense of smell may be overwhelmed by scented litter. If you’re currently using granulated litter, switch to clumping litter with a finer grain.
Cats may like the feel of finer litters; whether this is due to a natural tendency to bury their feces with soil or sand, or simply a strange particular cat preference, cats typically spend more than 20 seconds pawing about in the litter.
As a result, it’s critical that your cat genuinely wants to use the litter you select.
Your cat may not be able to fully conceal its business due to the depth of the litter. If you detect some bare areas where your cat has attempted to bury their poo, try pouring more litter.
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Why Is My Older Cat Not Using The Litter Box?
An elderly cat doesn’t use the litterbox because his bladder control may be compromised, and he may not be able to make it to the litter box in time. If the cat identifies the litter box with his discomfort, this might lead to litter box avoidance.
Despite being tamed, cats retain their innate feral tendencies. When your cat uses the litter box, they are aware that they are at risk of being attacked.
You should put the litter box in a quiet, secluded area where they won’t be startled by loud, unexpected noises that could scare them away from it.
If you have other cats in the house, the litter box might be a point of controversy. During litter box visits, your other cats may intimidate your cat, forcing them to avoid it and eliminate it outside the litter box.
Make sure the box is in a place where your cat has an obvious and quick escape path, and even better, has many boxes in different locations so your cat has alternatives.
Your cat’s litter box must be just right: neither too big nor too little. For your cat to feel comfortable, the litter box should be at least 1.5 times its length.
Your cat won’t be able to turn around and dig in a confined litter box, making their typical potty routine unpleasant.
A high-sided box may be making it harder for your elderly cat to get in and out of the box if he or she has arthritis.
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How Do You Get An Older Cat To Use The Litterbox?
You should first clean and make the litterbox suitable for his use.

One litter box per cat, plus one extra, is the common rule of thumb for how many litter boxes you’ll need. So, if you just have one cat, you need to get two litter boxes.
Clumping litter should be three to four inches deep, whereas non-clumping litter should be two to three inches deep. Cats enjoy digging and burying things, and this depth allows them to do so. Also, think about the sort of trash you’re using.
The smell should not be overpowering, and the surface should be smooth and free of scratchy bits. Clumping litter is something that some kittens will try to consume.
This is not only an unappealing snack option, but it may also clump up in their stomach and create major problems.
Until your kitten is around 4-6 months old, use a non-clumping litter. Place the litter box in a private, peaceful, and easy-to-reach location for your cat. If at all feasible, maintain a box on each floor of your home.
If you’re using clumping litter, make sure to scoop at least once a day and keep a couple of bags on hand for trash disposal. Scoop solid waste at least once a day for non-clumping, and empty the box fully at least once a week.
If you’re using clumping litter, empty the box at least once a day, replenish as needed to keep the right depth, and change it completely every three weeks (more often if you have multiple cats).
Scoop solid waste every day and dump out all of the litter to replace at least once a week if it is non-clumping (again, more often if you have multiple cats). Clean the box with fragrance-free soap and water on a regular basis.
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How Do You Train An Older Cat To Use A Litter Box?
You can train an older cat to use a litter box by giving him proper potty training.
Some litter box issues are caused by a cat’s predilection for a certain substrate or surface for excretion. Perhaps your cat prefers to get back to nature and eats the dirt from your potted plant. Perhaps you installed a nice throw rug in your bathroom that the cat prefers.
Making the preferred substrate unavailable (covering the soil in your plant pots with plastic, removing the throw rug, keeping an inch or two of water in your tub, etc.) and giving the cat a choice of litter types is the best method to cope with a substrate preference.
Arrange a series of boxes and give a variety of clay, clumping, coarse, fine, and other options.
Most cats chose clumping litter over a range of different litters in a typical choice test, so make sure you have at least one clumping option. Fine-grained and soft litter was also a favorite among them.
What To Do With An Old Cat That Poops Everywhere?
You can correct his behavior or health issues which are necessary.
Once your cat has started pooping outside the litter box, it’s tough to break the behavior. You’ll need to take numerous measures to break this undesirable habit, and you’ll need to keep track of your cat religiously to do so.
Begin by carefully cleaning the places where your cat has urinated. If you don’t clean the area thoroughly enough, your cat will continue to be drawn to it.
Any goods that can be washed in the machine should be washed. If your cat has pooped on a bathmat or a cheap rug, you may just need to discard it. Use a high-quality enzymatic cleaner for pet messes for the best results.
How Do I Stop My Old Cat From Pooping On The Floor?
You should improve your cat’s environment and play with him daily.

Cats prefer large, open litter boxes because they want to keep them as clean as possible. Switch to large litter boxes that don’t have coverings. You could even create a king-sized improvised litter box out of a huge plastic under-the-bed storage box.
Add a second litter box in a separate spot if you only have one. Place the second box near the area where your cat has been pooping in an unsanitary manner. If you have more than one cat, you may need to purchase additional litter boxes.
There should be one more litter box in the house than there are cats, according to a decent general rule of thumb. Every floor of the house should also have a litter box.
If you’re currently using scented litter, switch to unscented as soon as possible. While some people like scented litter to mask smells, many cats find artificial aromas to be overbearing and unappealing. Keep in mind that your cat’s nose is far more sensitive than yours.
The texture of the litter may also be an issue for your cat. In the second box, try a different type of litter to see whether your cat enjoys it. Consider the size of the litter particles as well as whether or not the litter clumps.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean when an older cat poops outside the litterbox?
Kidney and liver disease might lead the cat to drink and urinate more often. Furthermore, changes in elimination behaviors, such as house soiling, may be caused by age-related cognitive (brain function) decline or endocrine illnesses such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes.
Why is my cat pooping all over my house?
This is frequently caused by a stomach illness, worms, or gastrointestinal disturbance (intestinal parasites). Other problems might include a lack of litter-box access, a litter box that isn’t being swept on a regular basis, or a litter box that isn’t big enough.
Why is my elderly cat peeing everywhere?
Urinary tract infection is the most prevalent illness in older cats, but it is uncommon in kittens. Your cat may have a urinary tract infection if he or she urinates often and in little amounts. Bacteria are the most common cause of urinary tract infections, which must be treated with medications.
Final Words
Changes in litter box use can be caused by health issues including urinary tract infections, diabetes, cancer, or renal difficulties. As cats age, they grow arthritic, making leaping or stepping into and out of a litter box too difficult.
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