Newborn kittens’ regular behaviours revolve around keeping alive and maturing. When the kittens have the benefit of being raised by a mother, the process is rather easy. But still, newborn kittens face many problems which leads them to cry for their mom.
Newborn kittens are born deaf and blind. The ASPCA says it’s natural to hear infant kittens crying or meowing in their first weeks of life because they require food and warmth from their mother. They won’t stop crying until their need gets fulfilled.
Let us now learn about the typical reasons about why newborn kittens don’t stop crying.

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Do Kittens Cry For Their Mom?
Yes, newborn kittens can get too much vocal for their mom at times.

The first three weeks of a kitten’s existence are the most essential. Physical changes, as well as developmental changes, happen quickly and if they don’t adjust with these changes, they will start crying.
Kittens evolve from being completely reliant on their mother to becoming self-sufficient in 4 to 6 weeks.
Providing newborn kitten care, like caring for human infants, entails ensuring that their basic requirements are met: food, warmth, socialisation, and the ability to pee and defecate on their own.
The majority of the time, human assistance is unnecessary. The mother cat does an excellent job of feeding and training her kittens. When the mother cat fails to perform her duty, kittens will start crying.
Of course, you must ensure that the mother is in excellent health in order for her to carry out her duties. Adequate newborn kitten care frequently entails more attention to Mom than to the kittens.
This involves getting her to the veterinarian as soon as possible, ensuring that all of the kittens are nursing, and, most importantly, keeping her well-fed.
During the first four weeks of life, a kitten gets all it needs from its mother cat’s milk. As a result, you must maintain her in top form. The main reason that newborn kittens cry is that they are not getting enough milk from their mother.
How Long Do Kittens Cry For Their Mother?
Kittens will cry for their mother for approximately 8 weeks of their age.

Kittens go through many stages of growth. Understanding this may assist you in determining why your kitten is weeping and the best method to comfort it. The following are the phases of a kitten’s development:
From birth to two weeks, the kitten orients itself toward the sound and opens its eyes; isolation from its mother or littermates may cause behavioural problems.
From 2–7 weeks, your kitten starts socialising and playing, and at approximately 6–7 weeks, it may wean, though it may still nurse for comfort.
From 7 to 14 weeks, your kitty becomes more sociable and develops better muscular coordination. To reduce the danger of developing troublesome behaviours, kittens should not be taken from their mothers or littermates before the age of 12 weeks.
Furthermore, kittens that are gently handled for 15 to 40 minutes every day during the first seven weeks of their lives are more likely to grow bigger brains.
A kitten is completely reliant on its mother for the first seven weeks of its existence. Mom is not just a source of food for them, but also a source of comfort and education. Kittens who are taken from their mother at this young age may struggle to learn and display significant hostility against people or other animals.
While it is very unusual for kittens to be taken from their mothers as early as the seventh week, if they are separated this early, they may begin to suckle improperly as they get older. When babies become older, they’ll start ‘nursing’ on pillows and blankets as a technique to self-soothe.
If they’re with their mom cat at this age, they’ll begin to acquire adult sleeping patterns and improve their social skills.
The optimal time to separate a kitten from its mother is in the 12th week,. They’re totally capable of becoming self-sufficient by this point. They will have been able to develop social skills and physical coordination in their new permanent homes, allowing them to live their greatest lives.
Also check out How Long Can Newborn Kittens Live Without Their Mother?
Should I Ignore My Kitten Crying At Night?
You shouldn’t ignore anything without first confirming that there isn’t an issue.

Although you should avoid rewarding meowing, there are situations when cats meow for good reason: they can’t get to their litter box, they’re imprisoned in a room, or the water bowl is empty. Simply keep praising calm behaviour while ignoring meowing, and they’ll ultimately get the message.
The melancholy cries of a kitten might indicate that the kitten is ill. Although illness may not always be visible to a caregiver, a kitten’s cries might suggest that something is bothering her. If a kitten appears empty or tired and is whimpering, you should seek medical help right away.
Kittens are very natural to cry their first few nights in a new setting. Warming up a blanket to simulate the warmth they would receive from their mother is an excellent way to make them feel more at ease. You may also give pups a warm blanket and toys to calm them.
How Do I Get My Kitten To Stop Crying For Mom?
Provide a safe, peaceful, warm, and comfortable environment for your kitten.
Remember that your house is a new environment for the kitten, and it is unknown and large.
You should limit her to a single room, such as a spare bedroom or a confined place. This will be your kitten’s safe haven, a location where she can acclimatise to her new surroundings without feeling overwhelmed.
Kittens under the age of three weeks are unable to regulate their own body temperature and must rely on the external environment to keep them warm. As a result, put a hot water bottle in the kitten’s bed to keep her warm and cosy.
Your lovely kitten has a lot of energy and needs to be physically and intellectually active in order to be content.
A weeping kitten may be begging for your attention, so make sure you give your new kitten lots of time to play with.
Some ideas to assist the cat spend time alone, especially when you are at work, including providing engaging toys, placing a bird feeder near the window, and changing the toys frequently.
If feasible, acquire a second kitten since kittens perform better in pairs because they can keep each other company.
How Long Does It Take For A Kitten To Forget Its Mother?
Kittens usually forget their mothers when they reach about 12 weeks of age.
It takes a kitten around 10 to 12 weeks after birth to forget about her mother. However, this does not rule out the possibility of a kitten having no recall of her mother. This is the time when the kittens have completed their weaning stage and are ready to be self-sufficient.
The relationship between mother and kittens weakens at this period, which may explain why kittens forget about their mother more quickly.
When the kittens are around four weeks old, their mothers begin weaning them. When they are roughly three months old, the procedure is finished. The kittens are ready to find new homes and can thrive without their mother at this point.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if a mother cat is missing their kittens?
You can tell if a mother cat misses her kittens by the way she acts and behaves during the first few days without them. Mother cats seldom show severe sadness after being taken from their kittens, according to cat experts. However, in the initial few days, there are behavioural changes that are thought to represent grieving symptoms.
What happens when a kitten is removed from the mother cat too soon?
If a kitten is taken away from its mother cat too soon, it is more likely to become ill because it did not receive all of the critical nutrients from her milk. It’ll also be more prone to behavioural disorders and have trouble adjusting to a new setting. From their mother, kittens acquire the most fundamental survival skills. A kitten who is separated from its mother too soon will most likely develop anxiety.
Why is my new kitten meowing nonstop?
Nonstop meowing might be a request for attention or a signal that your cat is worried, terrified, or lonely. Excessive meowing may signal that your cat is in discomfort and needs to be seen by a veterinarian.
Final Words
Kittens cry for their mom when they are taken away from their mother cat. The mom cat used to clean and groom them and give them emotional support. They were totally dependent on their mom cat.
When you take a kitten away from its mom cat, you take away his meals and emotional support. They cry because they want their mom cat.
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