Have you ever seen your cat growing bald patches?
You might believe it’s a normal occurrence, and that any cat loses their fur at some stage in their lives during a certain season.
Hair loss, unless your cat is a sphinx, is normally a symptom of an underlying issue.
It’s possible that your cat has baldness in front of the ears where scent glands with a lot of strength can be found because cats may be abrasive, leaving their scent behind and causing fur to thin due to scratching. Cats that haven’t been changed are more likely to label excessively.

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Why Is My Cat Losing Hair On Her Ears?
Ear mites normally only damage the ears, but they can cause hair loss behind the ears due to scratching, and they can infect the head, body, and even the tail/rump while the cat is curled up.

By examining the ears under a microscope, the veterinarian will quickly identify ear mites and administer easy medication.
There are a few different forms of alopecia. The thinning of hair between the ears and the eyes is another form of alopecia.
Other cats, such as the sphinx cat breed, have hereditary alopecia, which means they will never be able to develop fur and will never have any hair on their bodies.
Pineal alopecia is another form of alopecia. It is most often found outside of the ear pinnae.
In Siamese cats, pineal alopecia is very popular and normally goes away over time.
The thinning of hair between the ears and the eyes is another form of alopecia. Preauricular alopecia is the name for this form of alopecia, which is fairly common in cats.
The skin around the hair loss region may be natural or have redness, bumps, scabs, and even skin loss. Alopecia may occur in symmetrical patterns or in random areas of the cat’s skin.
Acquired alopecia affects cats that do not have any of the above-mentioned forms of alopecia. Since a cat does not inherit alopecia, it is not a disorder in and of itself.
External causes, such as those mentioned below, are often to blame.
- Itching, Allergies, and Fleas
Fleas infest pets at some time in their lives. Some cats, though, are extremely allergic to the antigens found in flea saliva. It will make them itch terribly, and sometimes cats would lick their paws to try to ease the itch. Excessive licking can lead to balding.
- Nervous Illness
If a cat is suffering from neuropathic discomfort, it can groom itself excessively. Anxiety and fatigue will also lead to hair loss.
- A Source Of Discomfort
When a cat is in agony, it will lick the affected area repeatedly to relieve the pain. Excessive licking can induce hair loss by pulling hair out.
- Infections
Infections in a particular area cause certain cats to lose fur in that area. Hair loss in cats can be caused by diseases such as ringworm and fungal infections.
- Hormonal Discord
A cat’s fur loss is common whether it has a hormone deficiency or is on a heavy dose of steroids. Hair follicles die as a result of abnormal hormone levels, and hair does not regrow.
- Cancer
Hair loss in cats can also be caused by neoplasia, a type of cancer. While this form of cancer is uncommon, if you suspect your cat is suffering from it, call your veterinarian immediately.
There are therapies and topical remedies available if the alopecia is caused by skin disease (e.g., skin erosions), thyroid dysfunction, or any hormonal imbalance.
If hair loss is caused by a behavioral issue, a behavior therapy program may be taught to help alleviate the problem. To learn more about your cat’s choices, contact a nearby Hospital today!
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Why Is My Cat Losing Hair In Front Of Ears?
It’s possible that your cat’s loss of fur on its ears or head is due to genetics. Since there is no causal reason for inherited hair loss other than a genetic transfer, bald spots do not cause discomfort and do not appear to annoy an infected cat.
There is no cure that will reverse hair loss or allow it to regrow after it has been lost.
Some cat breeds are vulnerable to inherited hair loss, according to ProVet Health Care: Devon Rex Siamese Birman Burmese
Hair loss is also a symptom of other disorders that cause itching. The itchy spots can be scratched, chewed, licked, or rubbed until the fur is literally rubbed clean.
Examine some of the most common sources of acquired hair loss on the head and ears in more detail.
Hair loss is most noticeable on the face and head. When genetic conditions are ruled out, there is a slew of other possibilities, some of which are infectious.
Please keep in mind that the information provided is not intended to supplement a veterinarian’s expert diagnosis.

1. Mites In The Ears
Ear mites, clinically known as Otodectes cynotes, are a form of ear mite that can cause extreme scratching and hair loss on the ears and scalp.
These mites quickly spread among cats and, although they cannot live on humans, can sometimes migrate to humans.
Infestation symptoms include:
- Rubbing the back of the neck
- Shaking of the ears
- Redness that itches
- Hair loss is a common problem.
- Ear wax build-up is brown and waxy.
- Noxious odor
An otoscope is useful for detecting ear mites. A thorough gentle cleaning of the ears and the injection of medicine into the canals prescribed by a veterinarian are the most common treatments.
To kill any new hatchlings, repeat the process for seven to ten days.
2. Fleas And Ticks
Itchy reactions in cats can be caused by the saliva left behind following a flea bite.
Hair loss can affect any part of the body, but the head and ears are particularly vulnerable to hair loss as cats brush against furniture and carpets in search of relief.
Fleas may be identified by their physical appearance or tiny droppings left in your cat’s hair.
3. Ringworm
Ringworm is not a worm, despite its name. It’s an itchy fungal fungus that feeds on dead cells and lives in hair follicles.
If the fungus grows in the hair shafts, it causes them to split off at the skin’s surface, resulting in bald spots. Around the ears and other infected areas, crusty patches may appear.
Ringworm is infectious and can be detected by hair culturing.
The following are some of the potential therapies for eradicating the infection:
- A course of lime sulfur dips is applied.
- Griseofulvin pills, as prescribed by a veterinarian
- Itraconazole, a topical ointment, is applied.
- Showers for antifungal shampoos on a regular basis
- Shaving the cat fully
4. Allergies To Foods
Itching and oozing sores, particularly around the head, face, ears, and shoulders, can be caused by food allergies. Hair loss occurs rapidly in affected cats, and persistent ear infections exacerbate the problem.
Food allergies are diagnosed by a set of food experiments through which the veterinarian prescribes a limited diet that is gradually reintroduced one food at a time before an allergic reaction is caused by a certain object.
5. Persistent Stress
Chronic fatigue, a less apparent factor, may also lead to hair loss. Cats brush themselves to relieve stress, and a stressed cat brushes itself more often.
Licking and paw cleaning on a regular basis inevitably affects regions of short hair, such as the head and ears.
Also, check out Why Is My Pregnant Cat Losing Hair?
Why Is My Cat’s Fur Falling Out From Ears?
Excessive brushing from itchiness is almost often the cause of hair loss from ears in cats (pruritus).
They always do this in secrecy so as not to be seen.
Fleas are the most frequent source of excessive grooming in the United Kingdom. Fleas are the culprits unless proved otherwise, according to the general veterinary approach to skin disease.
Since cats groom to make themselves feel better, stress is believed to be a catalyst, potentially leading to compulsive over-grooming.
There is no clear evidence to support this at this time, but taking action to reduce anxiety in the home may help anecdotally. This may include the use of items such as Feliway (a synthetic pheromone thought to give cats happy vibes).
Why Is My Cat Getting Bald Spots Near Ears?
Any hair loss behind the ear, particularly patchy hair loss, is unlikely to be caused by genetic disease and is more likely to be caused by the autoimmune disorder Alopecia Areata. This will happen anywhere on the scalp – in one or several places – and the hair can usually regrow on its own.

The ailment that is triggering your cat’s bald patch will determine how it appears. By examining the cat’s hair and bald spots, veterinarians will normally rule out those reasons.
Depending on the source, bald spots on their skin may occur everywhere on their body, from their tail to their neck or head.
The extent of the hair loss, rather than its position, is normally the greatest indicator of possible causes, and there are no parts of the body that can raise immediate suspicion if you find a bald spot.
Cats are proud of their beauty and cleanliness. They lick themselves all over and groom their hair on a regular basis.
Though this is perfectly natural behavior, a stressed or anxious cat can lick excessively, causing bald patches to appear.
This can cause the fur to thin all over the coat or cause a bald spot to appear in a certain location. The stomach and tail are two areas that are often influenced by this type of behavior.
In all cases, care should be centered on reducing stress in whatever way possible. A change of residence, the arrival of a new pet or animal, or something in their environment that they view as a threat or risk may all be sources of stress.
Owners who find their pet grooming excessively should try to avoid it by enticing them with toys or cuddles.
They should also use a feline pheromone diffuser or spray, such as Feliway, to help calm the cat down. If left unchecked, the cat can grow an unhealthy habit of over-grooming.
Over-cleaning may occur as a result of a neurological condition or discomfort in certain rare cases. If your cat wants to brush excessively, you can contact your veterinarian.
What Causes Hair Loss Behind The Ears?
Allergies are one of the most common causes of baldness on the ears in cats.
This may be an allergic response to what they’ve eaten or a reaction to what they’ve come into contact with in the area.
In this case, allergies may cause the pet to scratch excessively, which may lead to baldness, or allergies may cause their fur to fall out directly.
An allergic reaction can cause your cat to develop bald spots, which may be followed by other symptoms such as dry skin or itching. In these cases, attempt to figure out what has newly entered their climate or diet and is now causing these symptoms.
Ringworm is not a fungus, despite its odd name. It’s a fungal infection that manifests as spherical lesions on the skin. It is extremely infectious and can harm most mammals.
If your cat gets a ringworm infection, their fur will normally fall out around the infected spot. This would either leave a fully bald patch of skin or a noticeably thinner hair covering.
Ringworm can be transmitted to your pet by fungal spores that can live for up to two weeks on surfaces. This means that if your pet comes up against an entity that has been in contact with an infected animal, it will become infected.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you tell if your cat has ear mites or just dirty ears?
It’s possible that your cat would hack at his itchy ears or begin scratching his head a lot. Even if the mites are small, they can be very bothersome. The insides of the ears of cats with ear mites will appear dusty, with dark brown or reddish-brown debris. Ear mites in cats are very infectious.
Will cat ear mites go away on their own?
When using a single-use medicine like Revolution, one dosage is usually enough to get rid of an ear mite infection, but the infection will take up to three or four weeks to fully clear up. How can I keep ear mites at bay? Outdoor cats are the most susceptible to ear mites.
Final Words
When successful therapy is given to relieve the source of hair loss in cats, the hair can grow back in the majority of cases.
Depending on the cause, some cats that lose their fur as a result of the disease may be more vulnerable to subsequent instances of baldness, while others may not report any future events.
Bald patches near a cat’s ears may be an early indication that the cat’s well-being needs treatment, particularly if they have a history of thyroid problems or are sensitive to stress.
If you find any unusual baldness or hair loss on your pet, you can seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.
Just moved from Arizona to Arkansas .. my 16 yr Old cat experiencing hair loss on ears itches them alot.. she was fine when we got here
Hello Lori,
Environment and atmosphere change can be one of the factors for such hair loss around ears in cats.
But I would highly advise you to consult a vet for expert guidance.
Happy cat parenting