You notice that your cat is staring at you as you sit down with your favorite hot cup of tea. They’re curious as to what type of treats you have in that cup.
If your cat’s eager glances have you wondering if cats can drink tea, we have the answer for you.
No, cats cannot drink tea. While your cat will probably be okay licking up a drop or two of spilled tea off the table, you should not allow her to consume any tea.
Tea is poisonous to cats and can lead to significant health problems. Ingesting tea in excess amounts might be fatal to your feline.
Cat owners are well aware that their feline friends like a cup of tea. Your pet has a strong desire to lick and smell any tea that has been left about.
Keep in mind that if you enjoy caffeinated beverages such as coke and coffee, as well as tea, you must keep them away from your cat.
Caffeine is harmful to cats and most tea options contain a lot of it. Furthermore, many teas contain herbal and spice mixes that are toxic to our feline companions. So, before allowing your cat to taste a tea, make sure you read the label.
In this article, we will discuss everything that you need to know about your feline and their love for tea. Keep reading!

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Why Do Cats Like Tea?
The fact that cats are instinctively drawn to tea is undeniable. The powerful and pleasant scent of the drink is responsible for this.
It’s important to remember that cats have a considerably more developed sense of smell than humans. So, whether the tea is out in the open or hidden away in high kitchen cupboards, your feline companion will always be lured to it.
Another factor that attracts cats to tea is its creamy look, particularly if it is made with milk. Despite the fact that the majority of adult cats are lactose intolerant, they have an unrequited passion for milk.
Tea is particularly attractive to cats since it has a nice scent and a creamy look.
Some cats appear to be attracted to tea, while others appear to be uninterested. It’s a question of desire for every kitty, just like any other strange eating habits seen in domesticated cats.
Your cat likes tea because it calms his senses. If your cat, on the other hand, develops a fancy for your tea bags, you’ll want to keep them out of reach.
While your kitty may enjoy a cup of tea, some types should not be served to them.
Interesting Read: Do Used Tea Bags Keep Cats Away?
Why Does My Cat Keep Drinking My Tea?
Tea can attract cats because of the wonderful dairy fat scent of creamers, in addition to inherent feline inclinations for inquiry. Many different herbal tea blends might smell tempting to cats when it comes to tea.
Tea is just soaked in dry leaves or fruits that convey the fragrance of all things wild, and cats like the taste of the green outdoors. Some cats can’t seem to get enough of your herbal tea, especially if it smells like catnip.
Of course, if your herbal blend contains catnip, you’ll be fighting your cat for ownership of the cup.
Is It Okay For Cats To Drink Tea?
Tea includes a variety of chemicals that are harmful to cats, therefore your cat should not drink it. Accidents happen, and given certain cats’ proclivity for ingesting things they shouldn’t, it’s conceivable that your cat will swallow a lick or two of tea if you spill any while she’s present.
You shouldn’t be concerned if she just licks up a few drops until she starts to exhibit signs of illness.
The caffeine content of many varieties of tea is the major concern with your cat consuming it. Caffeine may be harmful to cats and can result in a deadly caffeine overdose.
The severity of your cat’s response may be determined by the amount of tea she has ingested. Tea in larger quantities is a significant source of worry.
If your cat drinks more than the tiny amounts suggested above, she may experience serious health repercussions.
What Are The Symptoms Of Caffeine Poisoning In Cats?
If your cat has ingested caffeinated tea, you should call your local veterinarian and keep an eye on your cat for any symptoms of caffeine toxicity.
Caffeine poisoning symptoms include:
- Restlessness
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Breathing quickly
- Tremors
- Palpitations in the heart
- Seizures
- Coma
We recommend that you visit a veterinarian as soon as possible if you suspect caffeine toxicity in your feline.
Can Cats Eat Tea Leaves?
No, cats should not eat tea leaves. However, if she ingests a small amount, she should be fine.
If your cat just ate a small amount from the table, it is unlikely to do any serious harm. You might get into a lot of trouble if they devour a lot of leaves or chew open a tea bag.
Even if the leaves aren’t harmful to them, excessive amounts might cause unpleasant side effects.
If they consume pieces of the tea bag, it may bind in their intestines, causing obstructions. These blockages might be fatal to your cat if you don’t notice them right away.
Is Tea Toxic To Cats?

Tea in excess amounts might be toxic to your cat. Cats are attracted to herbs, and they simply drink to get a whiff of them.
Tea drinks with a higher caffeine concentration can be harmful to cats if consumed in large quantities. This is because caffeine contains toxins, which may be too much for cats to handle.
Caffeine poisoning in cats is a possibility. This is quite likely to occur since it is impossible to keep an eye on the cat all the time. If your cat has consumed too much coffee, it will display signs such as vomiting and restlessness.
Heart palpitations and diarrhea are other possible side effects. Muscle spasms and fast breathing are possible side effects. Allergies and fits are frequent under these circumstances.
Caffeine is the primary worry in this circumstance. Caffeine should never be given to cats since their bodies are considerably more sensitive to it than ours.
Small amounts of tea may induce symptoms comparable to an excess of caffeine in humans in a healthy young adult cat with no health issues.
Your cat may become restless, agitated, and easily frightened as a result of the situation. She could rush around aimlessly, displaying indications of worry and anxiety.
She may be more prone to fighting with your other pets or to destructive behavior. Fortunately, this should only last a few hours.
Excessive drooling, vomiting, and loose feces are more severe signs. While the first isn’t a significant worry, it does make the cat feel uncomfortable and uneasy.
Diarrhea and vomiting are especially harmful since they might dehydrate you.
Even a little amount of caffeine can be harmful to your cat’s system if she is small, aged, or ill. Caffeine intoxication in cats can cause them to become disoriented and confused very quickly.
They could become clumsy, tripping, and staggering. Caffeine toxicity in cats can cause them to collapse and possibly have convulsions. This is a critical medical emergency that demands your veterinarian’s prompt attention.
What Should I Do If My Cat Ingests Tea?
Take your cat to the veterinarian right away if you see any or all of the signs of caffeine intoxication.
Your cat’s survival is contingent on your quickness. Many of these symptoms can lead to unconsciousness, dehydration, and seizures, among other things. Death may occur in severe situations.
Some cats, on the other hand, can thrive on enormous amounts of tea. This is because these cats have been drinking tea since they were kittens, and their bodies are resistant to the caffeine’s toxicity.
It’s not a good idea to take chances with a kitten you’ve just taken home. In such circumstances, the general rule is to presume that all kinds of tea are poisonous to cats.
Most cats are poisoned by concentrated preparations of any flower. Even if the cat does not drink the tea, this remains true.
The liver of a cat differs from that of a person. It puts your cat in danger.
The kidney lacks both the enzymes and the internal pathways needed to break down and eliminate a variety of chemicals. This is why you should not let your cat drink tea.
Can Cats Drink Tea With Milk?
Some individuals believe that milky tea beverages are better for cats, assuming that the ‘healthy’ milk would counteract any negative effects from the tea. This is incorrect on several levels.
Cats should not be given tea with milk to drink.
To begin with, while milk can dilute the tea and therefore lower the quantity of caffeine and other chemicals consumed by the cat, it will not make those compounds any less harmful.
Second, milk is not considered a healthy beverage for cats. Most adult cats are lactose intolerant to some extent and will be unable to adequately digest milk.
The tea is deadly in and of itself, and adding milk makes it even more so for cats. Because a cat’s digestive system is considerably more sensitive than ours, caffeine in drinks like tea, coffee, or tea bags is likely to respond sooner.
You should be aware that cats have lactose intolerance, which means their digestive tract is unable to handle milk due to the loss of the lactase enzyme as they mature. Milk that has not been digested can produce gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain.
Furthermore, milk fat is unhealthy for cats, as it can lead to obesity and other health issues. If your cat has a history of diabetes, avoid all sugary, fatty, and other associated foods.
Can Cats Drink Herbal Tea?
Some teas are really herbal infusions that don’t include any tea at all. Some are quite innocuous, while others might cause serious health problems.
Chamomile tea is a typical offender, as “chamomile” can refer to a variety of safe and dangerous species. The German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is safe for cats and provides a number of health benefits.
Unfortunately, many chamomiles may include herbs that are toxic to cats. The Roman chamomile is a type that is toxic to felines.
This plant has a similar appearance and characteristics in people, but it has entirely different, and considerably more deadly, consequences in cats. It’s better to avoid any type of chamomile tea unless you know exactly which herb you’re dealing with.
St. John’s Wort is a potent plant that may be consumed as an infusion. While it has several good benefits for humans, it is extremely harmful to cats.
Mint tea is another popular herbal drink for humans. While peppermint and spearmint teas can help with dyspepsia in humans, they can also disrupt a cat’s stomach.
Lavender is a lovely, aromatic plant to use in your tea, but it’s not good for your cat. Fortunately, a cat would have to drink a lot of lavender tea before being unwell.
Unfortunately, there are lots of cats that are adamant about drinking whatever you’re drinking, even if it makes them sick in the process.
Which Herbal Tea Can Cats Drink?

Though some felines are allowed to sip diluted herbal teas, some of them can give stress reduction and other health advantages.
However, there are a few herbal teas that are safe for your cat to drink:
1. Chamomile Tea
While there are many different varieties of chamomile, most of them are safe for your cats to eat. It’s high in antioxidants, which can aid with anxiety, inflammation, and skin irritation.
It’s also commonly used as a moderate sleep aid and for treating insomnia in hyperactive pets, especially cats that have trouble sleeping.
Interesting Read: Cats And Chamomile: Know About Chamomile Before Serving It To Your Cat!
2. Mint Tea
Peppermint, spearmint and mint tea are a few tea components that may work well for your cats in modest amounts.
However, some mint species, such as pennyroyal, can be fatal to cats, causing liver failure and bowel disease. And eating mint will almost certainly make things worse.
3. Ginger tea
Decaffeinated ginger tea is quite safe for cats, and we frequently use it to treat vomiting, colds, nausea, and other stomach-related issues.
Cats may tolerate a modest quantity of ginger, but it can cause diarrhea, stomach discomfort, indigestion, and rashes in large doses.
So, instead of ginger tea, boil ginger in hot water, strain off the ginger, and give this water to your cats for the best results and no adverse effects.
While certain herbal teas are deemed safe, it’s better to avoid them or at the very least drink them in moderation.
Also, consult your veterinarian before introducing anything new or making any substantial dietary changes to your cat.
Can Cats Drink Sweet Tea?
No, cats cannot drink sweet tea. While sugar is totally safe for humans, even a tiny amount can be harmful to cats.
Sugar raises your cat’s blood pressure, making her more vulnerable to heart and cardiovascular illness. Sugar is also linked to the development of weight-related illnesses such as obesity and diabetes. Not to mention its proclivity for promoting dental cavities and periodontitis.
Many additional flavor enhancers used to sweeten tea, such as chocolate, xylitol, vanilla, and others, are harmful to cats in addition to sugar. Therefore, avoid giving your cat sweet tea.
Can Cats Have Green Tea?
Yes, cats can have green tea. Tea that has been decaffeinated is quite safe for cats. Green tea, for example, includes polyphenols, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic effects.
Green tea is generally safe for cats, although it should be consumed in modest amounts and, if feasible, in the decaffeinated form.
If you want to more learn about your feline and their relationship with green tea, you can check out our other article titled ‘Can Cats Have Green Tea?’.
Can Cats Drink Iced Tea?
No, cats shouldn’t drink iced tea. Iced tea includes caffeine, which is toxic to cats, and ice is also hazardous.
If your cats are leaping on the ice cubes in your iced tea, it’s possible that they’re drawn to them.
Another possibility is that your cats are thirsty and want to drink something, but because cats don’t like to drink plain water, it’s preferable to provide them with wet food to avoid dehydration.
Because ice cubes might induce brain freeze, we don’t advocate giving your cats ice tea. Brain freeze affects blood vessels and nerves, giving your cat a terrible headache and perhaps inflicting significant harm in the long run.
As a result, you should not allow your cat to consume ice tea, even decaffeinated ice tea, as the ice cube is not good for felines.
Can Cats Drink Peppermint Tea?
Yes, cats can drink peppermint tea. A few drops of peppermint tea can help calm your cat’s stomach.
Therefore, it is okay if you give your cat peppermint tea from time to time.
Can Cats Drink Earl Grey Tea?
Essential oils, which cats should not ingest, are commonly used to flavor beverages. Essential oils, like many other tea components, are harmful to cats since their bodies aren’t built to handle them.
Earl grey tea is dangerous for cats due to the fact that it contains essential oil.
Can Cats Drink Black Tea?
No, cats should not drink black tea. It has a large amount of caffeine content and may cause caffeine toxicity in cats.
Do not let your cat drink black tea. It might lead to caffeine poisoning in your feline.
Can Cats Drink Decaf Tea?
Caffeine intoxication is clearly a dangerous medical issue that needs immediate medical attention.
This is a typical issue among cat owners who are enthusiastic about giving tea to their felines.
Tea isn’t necessarily safe for cats just because it doesn’t contain caffeine. Because the drink may still include elements that can be toxic to your feline’s health, you should not let your cat drink decaf tea.
Can Cats Drink Ginger Tea?
Yes, cats can drink ginger tea. Ginger tea is helpful to cats since it has anti-anxiety qualities.
Decaffeinated ginger tea is quite safe for cats, and we frequently use it to treat vomiting, colds, nausea, and other stomach-related issues.
Cats may tolerate a modest quantity of ginger, but it can cause diarrhea, stomach discomfort, indigestion, itching, and rashes in large doses.
Can Kittens Have Tea?
No, kittens shouldn’t drink tea. Kittens’ stomachs are much more delicate and tiny. Unless your kitty is beyond four to six weeks old, nothing but mother’s milk is suggested.
Although kittens are less lactose tolerant than adult cats, they are nonetheless susceptible to the health hazards linked with other harmful tea components such as caffeine.
Tea also includes potentially hazardous substances such as caffeine, added flavors, and milk. While a quick lick from a leftover teacup is okay, you should not feed tea to your cats on a regular basis.
Tea contains caffeine, which is toxic to kittens and can cause significant health issues like hyperactivity, panting, vomiting, tremors, restlessness, and convulsions.
Because kittens’ digestive systems are extremely sensitive to foreign meals, especially plant-based goods like tea, this is the case.
Another big issue with milk is the amount of cream used in the tea preparation. The cream has a lot of fat, which can lead to obesity and other weight-related issues in your cat.
Cream’s high-fat content may also contribute to other chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, fat may irritate your kitten’s stomach.
What Kind Of Tea Is Good For Cats?
Here are a few delicious teas that you and your cat may share:

1. Green Tea
Green tea is a fantastic beverage for both humans and animals. Green tea has a low enough caffeine content that is safe for cats in little amounts.
Green tea has been around for thousands of years and is often regarded as one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It’s high in antioxidants, which make it anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory.
To reduce the caffeine level of your cat’s green tea without compromising the antioxidant benefit, brew it in cold water.
2. Catnip Tea
This traditional feline herb produces delicious tea for both humans and our feline pals. Most cats’ neurological systems are activated when they inhale nepetalactone.
This is the minty molecule and active component in catnip, which sends their energy levels into overdrive and makes them even more hyperactive than normal.
Other cats react to catnip in a different way, becoming so calm that they look drugged. Catnip is a highly beneficial medicinal plant for nervous or easily scared cats because of this.
While catnip may not have the same stimulating impact on humans as it does on cats, it is nevertheless a pleasant tea that some studies believe can help people relax in the same way that valerian root does.
Because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, catnip is a natural approach to relieve stomach discomfort, menstruation pain, and other digestive disorders in both people and cats.
Consider making a cup of catnip tea if you or your cat are experiencing stomach issues or simply want to have a calming drink together.
3. Licorice Root Tea
Licorice is a medicinal root with a sweet flavor that your cat will like. It’s been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and can be quite beneficial to both you and your cat.
When taken orally and topically as a herbal rinse, licorice root tea serves as a natural steroid, gently treating allergies and skin problems in both cats and people.
Licorice root tea is valued for its anti-inflammatory properties and can provide natural treatment for your cat’s arthritic discomfort and lung congestion when consumed.
However, if your cat has high blood pressure, don’t offer them this herbal drink since it might make it worse.
4. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is one of the most popular teas in the world because it is safe, mild, and calming. This plant is mild yet effective, and it is frequently used for colicky human infants.
Chamomile tea can be used to calm an agitated cats or to help them recover from indigestion. Chamomile relieves stomach cramps and muscle stress by gradually relaxing the body’s muscles.
5. Valerian Root Tea
While people have used valerian root to calm and promote peaceful sleep since ancient times, the chemicals in this plant have the opposite impact on cats.
Not only do cats enjoy the pungent, that this plant emits, but it also serves as a potent stimulant for felines. Even the most inactive cat may be transformed into a lively and playful kitten with Valerian root tea.
If your cat is one of the few who doesn’t respond to catnip, valerian root will have him jumping about like a maniac in no time.
6. Cistus Tea
Cistus incanus, commonly known as rock rose, is an excellent health tea for cats, people, and a variety of other animals. This delightful, berry-flavored tea has a slew of therapeutic and antiviral properties.
While the mechanism of action of cistus tea is still being researched, it is a safe and effective method to keep yourself and your cat tick-free.
How Do I Make Tea For My Cat?
It’s easy to make tea for your feline. To brew the ideal tea for your cat, follow these steps:
- Combine one teaspoon of the herb you’re working with and a cup of warm water in a cup.
- After five minutes of steeping, sift out your herbs.
- Allow time for the solution to cool to room temperature.
You may then offer it to them in their favorite bowl or cup.
You may use cold water and soak for 8-10 minutes to produce a milder infusion. To lower the caffeine level of green or white teas, use this approach.
How Do I Give Tea To My Cat?
You can’t expect your cat to drink from a cup, so you’ll have to think outside the box when it comes to providing them tea.
Here are a few simple methods to give your cat a soothing cup of tea:
1. Freeze It
Green tea may be brewed and frozen into cubes throughout the summer. Tea cubes can be given to your cat to help them chill down. It’s also a fantastic treat for kitties and a fun toy.
2. Serve It In A Bowl
Add a few drops of green tea to your cat’s water bowl as well. This will make their water taste better, encouraging the cat to drink more.
3. Food Additive
If your cat doesn’t enjoy the tea in their drink, sprinkle half a teaspoon of brewed tea on their chow instead. If you want to encourage your anxious kitten to calm down, chamomile tea works well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Chamomile Tea Bad For Cats?
In cats, chamomile tea should be used with caution. Do not exceed the recommended dose as excessive amounts might be harmful.
Can Cats Drink Nettle Tea?
Because stinging nettle is widely used as a cat repellant, nettle tea is toxic to cats.
Can Cats Drink Catnip Tea?
Catnip, also known as catmint, is one of the most popular cat-friendly herbs due to its amazing ability to soothe an anxious cat. As a result, cats may safely consume catnip tea.
Final Words
Tea includes caffeine as well as powerful essential oils and flavors, making it harmful for cats to drink. Some teas, however, are okay to give to your cat if you dilute them heavily and serve them at room temperature.
Because caffeine-containing tea can induce caffeine poisoning and a variety of health problems, it’s best to provide water instead of tea unless you’re sure the tea you’re serving is safe.
Tea includes caffeine, which is poisonous to cats, so if your feline drinks it without your permission, it may be highly detrimental to them.
Caffeine poisoning can induce a variety of health problems, including vomiting, tremors, high body temperature, seizures, and even death.
So, if you see any of the aforementioned symptoms in your cat after he or she has consumed tea or coffee, you should seek medical attention immediately once.
As a result, we strongly advise contacting your veterinarian and notifying him or her that you want to offer tea or coffee to your felines, as well as seeking their counsel before deciding what to do.
Drop down your queries regarding your feline’s drinking habits in the comment section below and we will answer them soon.
I have a concerning question about the tea and I would appreciate reply as I cannot find any info about it online. I’ve seen nettle tea is safe for cats, in fact beneficial. I’ve red it is safe to give 1/2 tablespoon two times a day. But, when dealing with serious issue, for example a bladder infection, if given a higher dose (perhaps 5 tablespoons thru the day) of nettle tea (dried leaves, lightly stirred about 3-5 minutes), would that cause harmful side effects to my cat due to tannins? …like heavy breathing, even to be fatal to cat.
Thank you for a great info above in the article.
A cat must not be given a lot of nettle tea dosage in one day. This will result in excessive salivation, puking, deep breathing, twitching, etc.