Let’s start this on a good note.
Would you someday adopt a baby as yours and nurture them with your motherly care? Yes, right?
Cats are animals and they have bigger hearts than humans, so YES, cats can nurse kittens that aren’t their own.
You may wonder, “How?” or “Is it okay to do so?”
Why not read this article and find out for yourself?

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Can A Pregnant Cat Nurse Other Kittens?
Newly born kittens can definitely be nursed by a pregnant cat!
Making sure your pregnant cat is getting enough nutrients for herself, the growing kittens, and the kitten she is nursing is essential because nursing can be very exhausting.
Make sure to feed her premium kitten food that contains extra protein and fat to ensure that there is enough for everyone.
Keep the kitten apart from your pregnant cat if she does act aggressively so that both she and the kitten can live stress-free lives. Otherwise, she should be able to nurse another kitten as long as the mom and the kitten are both content.
Is It Okay For A Pregnant Cat To Nurse Other Kittens?
Yes, it’s entirely safe, and some cat rescue groups will do it if they discover orphan kittens with a pregnant mother who didn’t give birth to them.
Usually, she would take them without difficulty because mommy cats are the greatest at raising kittens. So, yeah, it is secure and highly feasible.
It is okay to nurse kittens as long as the mother is producing milk. Otherwise, the mama cat will find it very challenging and it is much more likely that she has nutritional deficits or eclampsia.
The kittens are not receiving any nutrition if they are just sucking, and they will likely pass away very soon. They must be taken to the veterinarian if this is the case.
Suggestion: Prior to rehoming the kittens, neuter the mother as soon as she is finished nursing (since she may go into heat weeks after giving birth).
Simply because there are too many cats and kittens and not enough suitable homes eager to take them in, thousands of them are put down every day in animal shelters.
Can A Cat Produce Milk For Other Kittens?
No matter whether a cat has given birth, as long as she is pregnant, she can produce milk.
Her nipples will increase in size in the days before giving birth, and about two days before that, they will start producing milk. By gently squeezing the nipples between your thumb and fingertip, you might be able to get some out.
A healthy kitten will put on weight if given enough milk. Every kitten should be weighed once a day, and you should keep track of their weights to make sure they are gaining weight. A healthy kitten should typically gain at least 10 g each day.
Why Is My Pregnant Cat Taking Other Kittens?

Because her hormones are in transition during pregnancy, a cat willfully accepts a kitten that is not her own. She will not differentiate between her biological children and the adopted child.
Although cats often have the reputation of being solitary creatures, this isn’t always the case.
Mother cats are often quite maternal and have no trouble taking care of young animals that are not their offspring. A mother cat will frequently accept abandoned kittens with little fuss or hassle.
How To Encourage A Cat To Adopt Kittens:
1. Warm Welcome
You’ve probably heard tales of mother cats caring for everything from squirrels to puppies and orphaned kittens. While some mothers warm up to new kittens within a few hours or days, others may take a few hours or days.
There is a good probability the newcomer will be accepted without much difficulty if the orphaned kitten is near in age to her foster mother’s litter, if the foster mother has just recently weaned.
2. Sixth Sense
A cat’s sixth sense is her strongest forte. If your mother cat rejects the new kitten, it might not only be because the kitten is acting difficult. A mother cat might not care for her young if she feels something is amiss with them.
The orphaned kitten’s mother may have left her because she noticed something was wrong with the youngster. Even though it sounds terrible, most animals are bred to do this.
A mother cat doesn’t want to spend her milk or energy on a baby that isn’t going to make it. If the abandoned kitten is fortunate enough, though, a different mother kitty will take it in.
3. Induce Adoption
You can’t force a mama cat to accept a new kitten, despite the fact that there are techniques to try and persuade her. Try to locate a different foster mother to raise the kitten yourself.
A very young kitten has to be kept warm and nourished well in order to grow.
For suggestions on how to provide the little fur ball the best chance of healthy development, consult a veterinarian or cat rescue organization.
Interesting Read: How Many Kittens Can A Cat Nurse?
How To Introduce An Orphaned Kitten To A Nursing Cat?

1. Smell
If the mother scents one or more kittens that aren’t hers, she may reject them because she will largely know her offspring by smell.
Before you introduce the orphans, rub mom’s scent on her numerous times while simultaneously rubbing the orphans’ scent on her.
2. Wean
Practice weaning.
Initially, kittens may reject milk that is not from their mother. Perhaps the foster mother will also fuss a little. They just require one or two weeks of breastfeeding before they may be weaned like the other cats.
All the best with your babies.
3. Time and Commitment
To begin with, make sure the mother cat has a secure space to feed her young.
It is preferable to introduce the orphan to the foster mother to nurse her once she has settled down to feed her offspring. You might need help getting the orphan to nurse while also calming the cat if she becomes upset.
Do not be alarmed if she leaves; she will return to nurse her kittens soon. Repetition of the procedure is required until she stops getting upset and begins to feed the kitten.
You’ll need to be present every time this happens.
Interesting Read: Can Two Pregnant Cats Live Together?
4. Patience
Since kittens don’t pose a threat to them, cats typically accept them more readily than adult cats.
Keeping the kitten temporarily in a different room is generally a smart idea. Your cat will be aware of it, but won’t be frightened. When moving into a new home, the kitten could also be anxious, and a smaller area is less intimidating.
You can eventually let the adult cat sneak a glance at the kitten. They can still smell each other while being kept apart by a baby gate.
They’ll be mingling, playing, and maybe even cuddling soon. Best luck!
Must Read: Can A Spayed Cat Nurse Kittens?
How To Get My Nursing Cat To Accept A New Kitten?

1. Introduce Slowly
Cats are incredibly territorial. Making introductions gradually is crucial since a new kitten may feel like a challenge to the owner.
Give each of your cats something with the other animal’s scent on it after the first day or two, like a comforter, pillow, or cotton toy. Put this object in a location where your cat is at ease.
You can give your cats limited opportunities to connect once they are familiar with each other’s odors, such as allowing them to peer at each other through a baby gate or sniff beneath the door of the other cat’s assigned space.
You shouldn’t let your cats interact until they start acting normally when close together.
2. Warning Signs
Either of your cats may become irritated by change.
While your new kitten may struggle to adjust to a new home and a new sibling at the same time, your incumbent cat may feel as though its territory is being invaded.
Start the introduction process afresh by separating the cats if either turns violent. This action lessens the sense of threat to your animals’ safety and individuality.
Unusual scratching, excessive vocalization, and irregular urine are all signs of severe stress that could be dangerous to your cat’s health.
Consult a veterinarian if one or both cats start to show serious signs of anxiety.
3. React To The Aggression
Keep an eye on your cats’ behavior during the first few days after they are free to mingle. They may toss, jump, and so on.
The cats shouldn’t be allowed to engage in aggressive behaviors like hissing and leaping. Distract the cats with a loud noise or a toy if one or both of them exhibit an aggressive attitude.
Try to keep significant physical fights from happening. The cats can be safely kept apart until they both settle down.
4. Take Help From The Vet
An annual vet examination is a requirement of the adoption process.
To avoid further problems in introductions, schedule your kitten’s initial visit to the veterinarian for the same day that you intend to bring the animal home.
If your kitten hasn’t already been fixed, this visit should also cover any necessary immunizations, a health assessment, and a conversation about spaying or neutering.
Must Read: Can A Non Pregnant Cat Nurse Kittens?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a spayed cat nurse kittens?
No, not unless she has milk. Every three hours around the clock, you will need to give the kittens’ replacement milk by syringe or bottle.
She might start producing milk if she isn’t spayed from being around them. Some cats who are not spayed develop the ability to produce milk just by being around and caring for foster kittens.
If you’re lucky and your cat likes the litter, she might be able to care for them even though she can’t feed them. You are responsible for that part.
Is it okay to separate kittens from feral cats?
A kitten should not be separated from its mother. At least in the first few weeks after it is born. However, it is better if foster kittens are provided with a mother who is a domestic cat.
This ensures her health and safety and an increase in her lifespan.
Final Words
That’s it. That’s all you had to know about kitten adoption.
If you find a litter that needs adoption, go for it or hand it over to cat rescue organizations.
Let us know in the comments if your cat has ever fostered kittens. Was it easy for her to accept them or did she throw tantrums at first?
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