We adore our feline companions, but they may be a little obnoxious when they’re preparing to mate and throughout the actual mating process.
A cat in heat or caught in the act may appear overwhelming to the uninformed. There are no considerately quiet roommates here.
So, why do female cats scream when they mate?
Female cats scream when they mate because of the excruciating scratching from a male cat’s barbed reproductive organs. Male cats may also yowl in response to the noises made by the female cat. The loudness is a natural response to the stimulation that is necessary for ovulation and pregnancy.
This article will tell you why your cat screams while mating and whether it is painful for her.

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What Causes Female Cats To Scream During Mating?
The cause behind female cats screaming during the mating process is the penis of the male cat, which has small spikes on it.
When cats are ready to mate and are mating, they emit a few loud noises. Male cats make specific calls and sound in reaction to talkative female cats, but female cats make specific calls and sound in response to male cats.
When cats mate, female cats cry because the thorny reproductive organs of the male cat scratch them. In reaction to the female cat’s noises, male cats may yowl.
The loudness is a normal response to the stimulation that is required for ovulation and pregnancy.
If your female cat has gone into heat, you’ve probably heard the loud trilling call they produce for roughly a week during the peak of their heat cycle.
Some cats will become much noisier than usual, while others will be a little quieter and may just have one or two noisy days.
This trilling sound gets typically louder as your female cat is about to ovulate, and it’s designed to attract nearby Tomcats.
Cats are simulation-based ovulators, meaning their ovaries will not release an egg unless they are mated.
Like other stimulation ovulators, Cats seldom get pregnant after the first mating, which is why female cats may try to mate numerous times in a day or two. Each mating increases her chances of getting pregnant.
However, bringing in males to mate isn’t the only reason your cat will call or even produce shrieking noises when mating.
The male cat’s reproductive organs are barbed on the ends, which causes loud noises. Those barbs give your cat the stimulation she needs to ovulate, so they’re an essential component of the process.
Many people believe that the increased stimulation is uncomfortable for your female cat, which could explain why Queens are typically angry with male cats right after mating.
That hostility is also why, after mating, Tomcats will usually leave a Queen alone until she begins making mating sounds again.
Also, check out why do cats roll around after mating
Is Mating Painful For Female Cats?
Yes, mating could be painful for female cats as the penis of a male cat has small spines on it that are needed for ovulation.

The penis of a cat is thorny. Cats’ genitalia is coated in tiny keratinized spines that stimulate female ovulation.
These penile spicules induce ovulation. Furthermore, spines prevent the penis from slipping during intercourse.
Spines do not hurt or cause bleeding in females, contrary to popular belief.
They merely cause a hormonal shock by triggering a neuroendocrine stimulation (LH).
Between 24 and 36 hours after intercourse, this hormone will begin to function.
The female’s conduct changes dramatically after intercourse. The pupils enlarge when the male begins to remove the penis, and 50% of females weep or meow in a loud tone.
After mating, most cats attack the male fiercely and spin and lick their genital area for 1 to 7 minutes.
Also, check out Why Do Female Cats Attack Males After Mating?
Will Males Cats Also Yowl During Mating Season?
Yes, male cats also yowl during mating season.
When male cats are in heat, they also yowl. They do this a lot at night to make it easier for you to hear them. They are announcing, just like their female counterparts, that they are now ready to father kittens.
At this time of year, male cats are also more aggressive toward other cats. In order to terrify the other tomcats in the vicinity, they frequently yell.
When a male and female cat eventually meet, they begin their courtship and then begin copulating. They can have sex for anywhere from 11 minutes to a full-fledged 95-minute session!
Cats in heat can do this up to 50 times — and not just with each other. Cats aren’t known for being monogamous. In one season, female cats can mate with multiple men.
They can have a litter of kittens from various fathers. Male cats have evolved a specific type of penis as a result of this.
Also, check out Why Is My Spayed Female Cat Yowling? Is It In Pain?
How Often Does Cat Mate?
Cats mate practically year-round, running as early as February and as late as December, but March through September is generally regarded as the breeding season in the western hemisphere.

Oestrus cycles begin when female cats reach puberty, which can occur at any age between 4 and 10 months.
Various factors influence when a cat goes into heat, including the lengthening of the days (i.e. Spring/ Summer), the cat’s weight, age, general health, and breed.
However, it should be emphasized that cats can come into the heat and deliver kittens at any time of year if the circumstances are perfect.
“Kitten Season” is dreaded by rescuers because it signifies that the new crop of kittens will remove any prospect of adoption for older cats, including last year’s kittens, at shelters.
This is sufficient grounds for spaying and neutering pet cats if for no other reason.
Cats’ heat cycles are known as “polyestrous,” which means they go through them on a regular basis during their reproductive years.
These heat cycles can begin as early as the fourth or fifth month of a kitten’s life and last until she is spayed or bred.
Cats go through heat cycles that last anything from a few days to two weeks or longer, and they recur every two to three weeks.
You can see how a female cat may appear to be in heat practically all of the time.
No one can determine for sure whether heat cycles are painful for cats; nonetheless, based on their calling (loud yowling) and other signs, they appear to be highly uncomfortable.
A kitten’s first heat can occur as early as 4 1/2 months, so don’t believe the conventional recommendation is to wait until six months to spay. Remember that after a female cat has her first heat, she will continue to have heats until she mates or is spayed.
Must Read: Cat Behavior After Mating
Things To Consider When Owing An Unspayed cat
Things you must consider when owing an unspayed cat are: –
- An intact cat can be appropriately owned, but it requires more effort than a fixed cat. For starters, make sure there aren’t any openings for your unharmed cat to escape. During heat cycles, you should keep intact cats separated by sex to avoid inadvertent breeding.
- If you wish to start breeding cats, contact a local cattery and ask if they will explain to you about their business and teach you the fundamentals. You should also join a cat registry or breeding program that offers training and care requirements so that you have the resources you need to give your kittens the best possible start.
- Finally, and perhaps most crucially, if you choose to maintain intact cats for any reason, you must be prepared to find excellent loving homes for any kittens that may arise, whether by accident or design.
How To Stop Cat’s Heat Cycle?
There is only one way to stop a cat’s heat cycle, and that is to get her spayed.

An ovariohysterectomy, or the removal of components of a female cat’s reproductive system so she cannot become pregnant and give birth to kittens, is referred to as spaying a cat.
Spaying a cat is a surgical treatment that a veterinary surgeon can only perform accurately and safely.
Spaying a cat is a routine surgery with a low risk of major medical problems.
There are a variety of compelling reasons to spay or neuter your cat.
According to AmericanHumane.org, shelters euthanize around 3.7 million animals each year owing to a shortage of willing and able adopters.
Spaying and neutering your cat will ensure that you do not contribute to this statistic and that none of your cat’s children become a fatal statistic.
Consider this: according to the Feral Cat Project, a non-spayed female cat can produce up to 100 more cats in her lifetime, including the litters of kittens her un-spayed kittens will later have.
However, this staggering number can be avoided simply by caring enough to spay or neuter your cat.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do cats stop reproducing?
Ans. Cats do not experience menopause in the same way that humans do since they do not menstruate in the first place and remain fertile long into their senior years. The only method for cats to cease producing kittens is for them to be neutered. Please have your cats spayed as soon as possible if you don’t want unwanted kittens in your life. Even if your cat is just an indoor cat who will never associate with tomcats, she must be neutered, or she will become highly stressed.
Why does my cat still act like she’s in the heat after being spayed?
Ans. Ovarian remnant syndrome occurs when ovarian tissue remains inside a female cat’s body after she has been spayed. This tissue can release estrogen, causing the cat to show signs of heat. The ovaries of an unspayed cat release a variety of hormones, including estrogen.
Why do cats bite each other’s necks when mating?
Ans. It’s a display of dominance. This is how cats truly mate. She yowls because the male organ is spiky and hurts like hell when he takes it out, and the male bites her on the back of the neck to keep her in place.
How can I help my cat during labor?
Ans. Your cat may require assistance if she has to strain more than two or three times to give birth to a kitten (once its head is out). You can gently pull the kitten downwards. If your cat fails to burst the sac, rub the kitten with a towel to break the membrane and dry them. Place the kitten near the mother’s lips after you’ve finished this so she may clean it. If you must assist your cat, make certain that your hands have been well cleansed. Putting your fragrance on your cat’s newborn kitten may make her feel threatened, and she may reject the kitten in extreme situations. Always keep your phone nearby so you can easily contact your veterinarian if necessary.
What happens when a cat does not want to mate?
Ans. A female cat will warn male suitors if she does not wish to mate. She’ll slash at them with her claws until they flee. If a female cat is going through metestrus, it is one of the main reasons why she would not want to be mounted. This occurs right after their estrus, while the females’ vulva is still swollen. This stage usually lasts no more than a day. All male cats in the neighborhood that want to copulate should be aware that the female will fiercely refuse them.
How do cats mate with each other?
Ans. When two cats desire to mate, the female will squat down low and tread her rear paws with her tail dragged to the side, indicating her willingness to mate. She will be mounted by the male cat, who will bite her neck. The female will become furious after mating and may roll and thrash around. This is standard behaviour.
Final Words
Don’t get alarmed if you happen to see your cat screaming while mating; it is totally normal.
Screaming is just a reaction that is caused by the male’s prickly penis, and there is nothing to be concerned about.
If you have any unanswered questions, feel free to ask us in the comments section.