Cats have a tough time reproducing. When they’re in heat, they’ll announce it loudly to each other. Males will start peeing all over the place and become irritable.
There is a biting and barbed private part involved when they really do the deed. They’re also going to put a violent end to the whole thing.
Experiencing this yourself might have made you wonder that “Why do female cats attack males after mating?”
Female cats attack males after mating because she’d recently dealt with a barbed cat’s private part that was supposed to kick-start her ovulation, so she strikes after mating.
This article will talk about why females attack males after mating and how they react to it.

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Is It Normal For Female Cat To Attack The Male After Mating?
Yes, it is normal for the female cat to attack the male cat after mating as the female is in pain because the male’s private part has small spikes on it.

After the male cat grabs her by the loose skin at the back of her neck, they mate for a brief moment.
Towards the end, the female cat almost appears to attack the male cat.
Experts aren’t sure why, but it could be because of the backward-facing barbs on the male’s private part; whether they cause discomfort as the male withdraws is uncertain, but the action has a big impact.
The female cat’s eyes will dilate after the male cat has withdrawn her private part, she will vocalize shrilly for a period, and she will most likely attack the male.
However, if the female cat is familiar with the male cat she just had sex with, she may be less hostile toward him.
Also after some time, the female calms down and gets ready to mate again, either with the same male or a different one.
Is The Male Cat’s Private Part Spined?
Yes, the male cat’s private part is spined; this is to jump-start the female’s ovulation.
It was once thought that male cat genitals are prickly in order to scoop out or “kill” the sperm of a competing male already inside the female’s private part; however, this hypothesis has lately been called into question because several male cats can father a single litter of kittens.
Males aren’t thought to have small spikes on their
The eggs have around 24 hours after they exit the ovaries to be fertilized by the male’s sperm. It is not uncommon for numerous mating sessions to be required before conception occurs.
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How Does The Male Cat Know When The Female Is Ready To Mate?
The male cat will know the female is ready to mate by reading the signs left by her, such as rolling over and crying out loud.

When a female catcalls (indicating that she is in oestrus), she will roll over and cry out, especially if a male is present.
She’ll raise her tail and crouch to one side. After that, the male can grab her by the scruff of her neck and mount her.
The number of times a cat enters oestrus depends on the breed and whether it is an indoor or outdoor cat.
While the season for outdoor cats normally lasts from January to August, indoor cats may ‘call’ all year long without the natural incentive of the outdoors.
Cats who refuse to mate are unusual.
Female cats often achieve puberty at the age of 5–6 months, while some breeds might reach puberty at the age of a year.
Experts recommend that cats should be neutered or spayed before they reach puberty to avoid any further complications.
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What exactly is meant by ‘Brotherhood’ In Cat Mating?
Waiting male cats hoping to mate are known as the ‘brotherhood.’
Cats can mate multiple times in a single hour, up to ten times. A female cat can mate with multiple tomcats.
When the initial male cat grows weary, the successful male may have several hopeful tomcats waiting to mate with the female cat.
The ‘brotherhood’ is a group of male cats who are waiting to mate.
The female cat will give other male indications (provocative behavior) before allowing him to mate with her. Mating is short-lived, lasting only a minute or less.
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What Caused My Cat To Become Pregnant?
The cause of your cat getting pregnant is that you did not get her spayed before her heat cycle, and some unneutered cat mated with her, making her pregnant.

The cat’s fecundity (fertility) has been recognized throughout its history with man; as a result, it has been adored by some and vilified by others.
What this means is that if you don’t neuter your female cat before she reaches sexual maturity and allows her outside, an unneutered male cat will most likely find her, and she will be pregnant before you realize it!
You’re unlikely to notice this until she starts to gain weight, and you’re left wondering what you should do.
Here’s how it works: –
- Cats acquire sexual maturity (and consequently the ability to procreate) around the age of four months. As a result, the current recommendation is to have your cat neutered around the age of four months to avoid unexpected pregnancies.
- The increase in day length suggests that better weather is on the horizon, bringing with it the availability of food animals for the cat, ensuring that when the kittens are born after a 9-week pregnancy, the mother and kittens will have enough food.
- Cat pregnancies and deliveries rise in the northern hemisphere in March, April, and May and fall in the southern hemisphere from October to January, but the opposite is true in the southern hemisphere. Cats living near the equator are unlikely to have many variations in their reproductivity throughout the year.
- On the other hand, female cats experience ‘heat’ or ‘coming into the season,’ also known as oestrus, as a series of short periods rather than a single protracted period (each cycle is about 14 days long).
- During these times, the cat will display ‘flirtatious’ behavior, including rubbing and rolling on the floor, marking, and producing a mournful yet demanding rising and falling pitch known as ‘calling.’ Owners who have never owned an unneutered female cat may believe that their pet is in agony and that these behaviors are symptoms of sickness, while in fact, they are perfectly typical for a female cat looking for a mate.
- Of course, uncastrated male cats (also known as toms) are continuously on the lookout for females (also known as queens) who could be susceptible to their charms! They will catch up on the scent, sound, and body language signals that the female is emitting and will notice what is going on considerably sooner than human owners. If the cats have access to each other, they will have mated by the time we humans notice.
- While a male in his own territory may be more confident of winning any conflict that may break out and, therefore, a chance to mate with the female, she may have her own preferences.
- She will not accept the male’s advances until she is ready. She then adopts the lordosis stance, in which she raises her rear in the air while keeping her front end on the ground and waves her tail to one side.
- They mate momentarily after the male takes her by the loose skin at the back of her neck (the scruff). The female cat almost appears to attack the male cat towards the end of this.
Interesting read: Will Male Cats Mate With Females Not In Heat? - Experts don’t know why, but it could have something to do with the barbs on the male’s private part that face backward; whether they produce discomfort as the male withdraws is unknown, but the action has a significant impact.
- Cats do not ovulate or release eggs into the fallopian tubes and uterine horns so that they can be fertilized until they have mated, unlike other animals who have the egg in place before mating.
- So, to be fertilized, the egg must be released, and the stimulation is mating; in fact, numerous matings can stimulate ovulation. On the first day, the female may mate 10 to 20 times, and over the next four to six days, she may mate with multiple males.
- This extended time of receptivity allows the cat to ovulate and select the best man available: one who is healthy and in his prime.
- Because the eggs take two days to travel down the fallopian tubes and into the uterus, and sperm can survive for several days, the resulting litter may have multiple fathers. The eggs implanted in the uterus, and the babies that arise line up in two rows in the uterus’s two horns.
- If there is no mating, the eggs are not released, and the cycle begins again two weeks later.
Interesting Read: Why Is Male Cat Attacking Pregnant Female?
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a cat’s pregnancy last?
Ans. As the fetuses increase in size, the female cat’s body gradually alters over the next 63 days. In the early weeks of pregnancy, however, there is minimal external change, and the first symptom that owners may notice is a ‘pinking’ (color change) of the nipples, which also become more prominent. She’ll gain weight gradually after that, and her milk glands will begin to fill as the due date approaches.
What does finding nests mean?
Ans. The female’s hormones cause her to change her behavior, and she’ll begin looking for a suitable nest spot to hide her kittens. Her kittens’ safety is significantly less likely without the protection of a human home. The kittens’ survival will depend on the location is dry and well camouflaged in the wild. The female may even choose many nests so that she has secure options if her primary place is threatened.
What happens when a cat gives birth normally?
Ans. The female cat may get restless, meow, purr, or pant just before giving birth. She’ll clean the area around the birth route as well as the teats. It’s thought that once the kittens are born, she leaves a trail of saliva for them to follow in order to find a teat. She will have to go through various phases of labor. Each kitten is born in an amniotic sac, which the mother licks and nibbles open to release the kitten. She swallows the kitten’s placenta after biting through the umbilical cord, and she cleans the kitten and stimulates it to breathe with her rough tongue.
Do I Need To Vaccinate My Kittens Before Selling Them?
Ans. When kittens reach the age of eight weeks, they require their first vaccines. Make sure they’re up to date on their vaccinations before they move to their new homes. If you’re unsure about which immunizations your kittens require, contact and speak with your veterinarian, who will be able to advise you.
When will my kittens be able to move into their new homes?
Ans. Your kittens must be at least 8 weeks old before they can be adopted. Kittens learn social skills and how to use the litterbox from their mother and littermates. Most reputable breeders do not send their kittens to a new home before they are 12 weeks old. This ensures that they are weaned, litter-trained, and socialized to the fullest extent possible.
Final Words
It is completely normal for the female cat to attack and scream at the male after the mating is done, so don’t get alarmed by it.
The exact reason is still unknown, but it is believed that the females do so because of the male’s private part design which has small spikes in it.
For any other questions, keep them right here at
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