Living with cats is a heavenly lifetime experience. But everyone with a cat has experienced plenty of things that grossed them out. You are not alone. One of the things is cats licking themselves. Especially their private body parts.
If you have at least 2 cats as your feline friends, you must have noticed a common behavior among them, they lick each other’s private parts. With the same tongue, they eat and drink.
While there can never be one guess for a cat’s odd behavior, the most probable reason Why Cats Lick Each Other’s Bums is that they are trying to greet each other. A familiar or bad smell, desire for any sexual activity, or acceptance are some other possible reasons why your cats lick each other’s bum/private area.
You may have wondered, “Why on earth do they do that?”
Well, wonder no more! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of cat behavior to uncover the truth behind why cats lick each other’s bums.
So grab a cup of tea and get ready to learn something new about our beloved feline companions.
Key Takeaways
- Cats licking each other’s private parts is a common behavior among feline companions.
- The act of licking each other’s private areas, known as “anogenital grooming,” is more common among cats who have a close social bond, such as littermates or mother-offspring pairs.
- Cats who live in multi-cat households are more likely to engage in this behavior compared to cats who live alone.
- Male cats may also lick private parts as a sign that they are looking for a female for reproduction.

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10 Reasons Why Your Cats Lick Each Other’s Bums/ Private Areas
1. Greeting
Humans are capable of producing a vast variety of sounds to make sentences.
Just another way to say “Hello there”.
To greet each other, we say “Hello”, “Hi”, and a huge variety of words.
Similarly, cats communicate as well. But they can’t produce sentences. They don’t have enough brain power to use another method of greeting.
They don’t have thumbs and fingers so that handshakes can be done. They simply bump noses or lick their companion’s private area.
You might have noticed your cat doing the same to you, bumping noses and licking random parts of your skin. They are saying Hello.
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2. Bad Smell
“You smell, friend.”
If your cat hasn’t bathed in a long time, its friend might be trying to get them clean by licking. Because throwing their friend away into the water is not something a “good” cat would do, almost all cats are naturally abhorrent towards the water.
Licking each other’s butts is a way for cats to help keep each other clean, especially in hard-to-reach areas like their behinds.
You should get the cat a warm bath or try some other great ways if he smells disgusting to you too. (Keep in mind, never bathe cats unless they are too dirty).
Statistics Alert
According to a study published in the Journal of Comparative Psychology, around 60% of domestic cats have been observed engaging in “allogrooming,” or grooming other cats.
Journal of Comparative Psychology
3. Familiar Scent
“You smell familiar!”
It happens in humans too. Every country, state, house, or place has a different kind of vibe. A different kind of scent. Cats are no different.
They know the scents very well, too. There is a family scent on all your family members, which helps cats recognize everyone.
Even your cat themself has the scent, so they sniff and lick another cat’s butt wondering how in the actual family does this beast have the same scent as me?
They lick it because the other cat has the same scent as them.
Study Alert
The act of licking each other’s backsides, known as “anogenital grooming,” is more common among cats who have a close social bond, such as littermates or mother-offspring pairs.
Studies have found that cats who live in multi-cat households are more likely to engage in allogrooming compared to cats who live alone.
4. Sexual Activities
“Babies or something?”
Cats (male, usually) are interested in reproduction and if there is a certain smell (termed “Pheromone”) or when they hear howls produced by cats at particular times that engage those activities.
Licking private parts can be a sign your male cat is looking for a female for reproduction. Cats get aggressive while they are in this period and may fight other cats
You can get them neutered or spayed (depending on gender) if you don’t want to have pet kittens.
5. Acceptance Between Them
Grooming every body part is a motherly behavior in cats. From face to tail, everything.
If the cats are not blood-related, in a way the other cat “adopted” the cat. They transfer scents through licking. When they accept another cat, they lick, which transfers the scent.
6. Social Grooming As A Means Of Bonding
Cats are known for their grooming habits, and it’s not just limited to their own fur. They also groom each other as a way of bonding and maintaining social harmony within their group.
When cats groom each other, it’s not just about keeping clean, it’s also about building trust and strengthening relationships.
By licking each other’s butts, cats are showing their trust and affection for one another.
7. Expressing Submissiveness Or Dominance
Licking each other’s buttholes can also be a way for cats to show their dominance or submissiveness within a group.
For example, a dominant cat might lick a submissive cat’s butt as a way to assert its power and control.
On the other hand, a submissive cat might lick a dominant cat’s butt as a way to show respect and submission.
8. Marking Territory With Scent Glands
Cats have scent glands located near their bottoms, and licking each other’s bottoms is a way for them to mark their territory.
The scent glands release a unique smell that acts as a marker for other cats to know who’s been there.
It’s like leaving a little “I was here” note for other cats to find.
9. Medical Reasons
Sometimes, cats may lick each other’s bums as a way of checking for or treating health issues.
For example, if one cat has an itchy bum, another cat may lick it to help alleviate the itch. It’s like a feline version of a “mom, there’s something in my eye!” moment.
10. Other Possible Reasons
Sometimes, cats may lick each other’s bums as a result of stress, boredom, or learned behavior.
For example, if a cat is feeling stressed, it may engage in excessive grooming behaviors, including licking another cat’s butt.
Similarly, if a cat is bored, it may start grooming its feline friends as a way to pass the time. And sometimes, cats may just pick up this behavior from observing other cats in their group.
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Why Is My Male Cat Licking My Female Cat Bum?
Yes, it is normal for a male cat to lick a female cat’s anus as part of courtship behavior.
Well, it could be a few different things.
One possibility is that the male cat is marking the female cat as his territory. Cats have scent glands in their mouths, so when they lick another cat, they’re essentially leaving their scent behind. This is a way for cats to claim each other and communicate their relationship with other cats.
Another possibility is that the male cat is simply showing affection to the female cat. Cats can be very affectionate with each other, and licking is one way they show it. It’s also possible that the female cat is in heat and the male cat is expressing his interest in breeding.
It’s also possible that the male cat is grooming the female cat, which is a common behavior among cats. Cats will groom each other as a way to bond and to keep each other clean.
It’s also possible that the female cat is dirty or has some kind of infection and the male cat is trying to clean her up.
It’s important to note that it’s important to have your cats checked by a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.
Overall, it’s best to observe your cat’s behavior and try to understand the context of the situation.
Interesting Read: How Do Cats Clean Themselves After Pooping?
Common Myths About Cats Licking Each Other’s Bum
Myth | Explanation |
It’s a sign of dominance | While marking territory with scent glands can be a sign of dominance, cats also groom each other as a form of bonding and hygiene. |
It’s a sign of sickness | Cats licking each others’ bums is a normal behavior and not necessarily an indication of any illness. |
Cats only lick each others’ bums when in heat | Cats can groom and mark each other at any time, not just during heat cycles. |
Is It Normal For Cats To Lick Each Other’s Privates?
Well, it’s definitely not uncommon for cats to engage in mutual grooming, which can include licking each other’s private areas.
In fact, it’s actually a pretty normal behavior among cats. Mutual grooming is a way for cats to bond and show affection towards one another. It also helps to keep their coats clean and free of parasites.
However, if you notice excessive or aggressive licking, or if your cat seems to be in pain or discomfort, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.
All in all, cats licking each other’s privates is normal behavior, it’s just their way of showing affection and keeping clean.
Expert Quote
“In multi-cat households, anal licking is a common behavior among cats. It is a way for cats to show affection and establish dominance within the group.”
Dr. Karen Becker, holistic veterinarian and author
Factors That May Increase or Decrease The Frequency Of Cats Licking Each Other’s Butt
Factor | Explanation |
Socialization | Cats that are well-socialized and have a strong bond with their group members may engage in more frequent grooming behaviors, including licking each others’ bums. |
Stress and anxiety | Cats that are experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety may be less likely to engage in grooming behaviors, including licking each others’ bums. |
Health and hygiene | Cats that are kept in clean and healthy environments may be more likely to engage in grooming behaviors, including licking each others’ bums. |
How To Stop Cats From Licking Themselves?
You can’t.
You shouldn’t.
It’s their habit. It’s their hygiene. It’s their love. It’s their stress reliever. Cats are independent creatures and don’t like to be prevented from their habits.
You can’t even convince them otherwise unless you know the cat’s body language accurately and can be a feline.
It’s understandable that you may find them licking you unhealthy, since they may transmit disease, but it’s very rare. Just remove your hand whenever it licks you and wash it if you want.
If you prevent them from cleaning their butt or their friend after using the litter box, don’t use toilet paper or water to clean your excretion.
For the sake of humanity, understand that they have four small legs, not enough brain power, and cannot use water or toilet paper to clean. Understand that they are felines.
Your surroundings and your cat’s hygiene will be too unhealthy if you prevent them from doing that.
Expert Opinion
“Anal licking in cats is a normal behavior that is typically seen in healthy cats. It is not usually a sign of a medical issue unless the cat is excessively licking or showing other signs of discomfort.”
Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, feline veterinarian and author
Also, check out why do cats raise their butts
Tips for Observing Cats Licking Each Other’s Bum
Tip | Explanation |
Observe from a distance | Cats may be more relaxed and natural if they are not being watched closely. |
Watch for other signs of bonding | Cats may also engage in other bonding behaviors such as mutual grooming, play, and cuddling. |
Pay attention to body language | Look for signs of relaxation and comfort in the cats’ body language to ensure the behavior is not aggressive or dominant. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Can cats get sick from licking each other’s bums?
While it is possible for cats to transfer parasites or illnesses through licking, it is not a common occurrence. Keep an eye on your cats for any signs of illness, and consult with your vet if you have any concerns.
Should I be worried if my cat is constantly licking another cat’s bum?
Not necessarily. As long as both cats seem happy and relaxed, it is likely just a part of their grooming and social behavior. However, if you notice any signs of aggression or discomfort, it may be best to consult with your vet.
Can I stop my male cat from licking my female cat’s bum?
It is not recommended to try and stop a male cat from expressing natural mating behaviors, as it is a natural instinct for cats. It may be best to simply keep the two cats separated when the female cat is in heat to prevent any unwanted mating.
Final Words

That’s it for now.
There isn’t always a perfect reason why cats do weird things with their tongue.
But don’t worry, we are sure it’s not anything serious— unless you are sensitive to their saliva. It’s gross, but we all cat lovers can be curious about everything about cats.
We can never have a clear and accurate reason for any of their behaviors. There are hundreds of theories, why do you think they lick each other’s bum/private area?
These were just my guesses, try guessing yourself now!