There’s a good chance you won’t need to intervene if you have a cat that is pregnant (a queen) and appears to be ready to give birth to kittens (queening). You might even wake up one morning to find your cat nursing her kittens in comfort after giving birth during the night.
However, should you stay with your cat while she gives birth?
Although it is not necessary, you could choose to stay with your cat while she gives birth if she is comfortable enough with you being around.
Keep reading this article to know more about what you should do if your cat is in the process of giving birth.

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Should I Stay With My Cat During Labor?
Yes, you could stay with your cat during labor.

Your cat may not possess all of the instincts of a “wild” cat because she is domesticated, but most cats give birth naturally without any assistance.
In fact, your cat may seek out solitude on purpose when she gives birth.
Most cats prefer to be left alone, and during pregnancy, they most definitely do not want to be petted or handled.
Giving your pregnant cat as much privacy as you can while still allowing yourself to keep an eye on the birthing process for any signs of problems or distress is the best course of action.
If your cat chooses to give birth somewhere other than the “nest” you have created for the mother and her kittens, don’t be shocked.
If this happens, don’t be hesitant to transfer the kittens to the box you’ve set aside as soon as they’re born.
Newborn kittens can be picked up and handled gently; doing so won’t cause your cat to abandon her young or harm them.
You shouldn’t be concerned because pregnant cats are typically more than capable of caring for themselves, though they will still need your close supervision and care while giving birth.
You’ll need to keep a close eye on them in the final few weeks just in case, as they frequently try to elude capture to deliver in secret!
If you have any questions about cat pregnancy or are concerned about your cat giving birth, talk to your veterinarian. Your worries should be eased by their advice.
Make sure all family members are aware that your cat is in her final two weeks of pregnancy and should be handled with care.
This goes double for kids, who may be understandably excited about the prospect of soon having kittens to play with.
During this time, make an effort to keep her as calm and passive as you can, and encourage her to unwind in her dedicated maternity bed.
Although some cats will choose a corner of a cupboard over your suggested birthing bed, even the coziest, softest bed might not tempt her.
Do not attempt to move her from the location she has chosen to give birth, and do ensure that she has some choice.
There are three stages to cat labor. Once you suspect that they are in labor, you should keep a close eye on them.
Cat births typically go very smoothly, but it’s crucial that you monitor her delivery so that any complications can be discovered right away.
Limiting yourself to routine checks and avoiding intervening unless absolutely necessary will help you avoid slowing down feline labor and upsetting your cat.
Do not be alarmed; cat births typically go very smoothly. If you are concerned, however, always consult your veterinarian.
Reduce the number of spectators as well; even though the entire family will undoubtedly be thrilled to welcome the new additions, this could upset mom.
Must Read: What To Expect While Cat Giving Birth For The First Time?
Can I Move My Cat While She’s Giving Birth?
You should avoid moving your cat while she’s giving birth unless it is absolutely necessary.

You’ll observe a few behavioral changes once your cat goes into labor.
She might start pacing the room, yowling, or making strange noises.
You’ll notice that she eventually moves over to the birthing nest or another peaceful area of her choosing.
You shouldn’t move her once she chooses a delivery location because doing so could upset her.
Your cat might start making really loud, upsetting noises during labor, which could start soon after it settles in and last up to 12 hours.
This is entirely normal and shouldn’t raise any red flags.
Interesting Read: Do Cats Drink A Lot Of Water Before Giving Birth?
How Can I Help My Cat When She Gives Birth?
You can help your cat when she gives birth by making her as calm and comfortable as possible.

During your cat’s last two weeks of pregnancy, make sure everyone else in the house understands to be quiet and careful around her, especially children, who are understandably excited about the prospect of kittens to play with soon!
Try to keep her as calm and inactive as possible during this time, and encourage her to rest in her special maternity bed.
Even the coziest soft bed may not entice her, and some cats prefer a cupboard corner to your suggested birthing bed!
Just make sure she has a say in where she has her baby, and never try to persuade her otherwise.
Your cat’s labor should be straightforward, but it’s a good idea to have someone on hand to keep her calm in case anything goes wrong.
Get your vet’s after-hours phone number before your cat gives birth, as deliveries often happen at night and may require an emergency helping hand.
Interesting Read: Do Cats Give Birth At Night?
If Mum is having difficulty delivering her kittens, you may need to transport her to the veterinarian, so make sure you have transportation.
Prepare a few things ahead of time if you suspect labor is on the way, such as a clean bowl of warm water, clean towels and clothes, dental floss, and disposable gloves, as well as a cat carrier and your veterinarian’s contact information.
These items must be kept on hand in case of an emergency!
If you need to move the kittens away from mum at any point, you’ll need to keep them warm.
Because the sharp teeth and claws of hot water bottles may cause punctures, we recommend using a microwaveable beanie bag instead.
Interesting Read: Should I Change The Bedding After Cat Gives Birth?
Frequently Asked Questions
Where should I put the newborn kittens?
The infant needs a lot of warmth. For the first few weeks of their lives, kittens are unable to regulate their own body temperature. Kittens in the wild stay warm by rubbing against their mother and littermates in the enclosed nest bed.
Because a damp newborn kitten loses heat quickly, it’s critical to get it dry off as soon as possible. If the queen is sick or unwilling to cooperate, carefully place the kitten on a warm, towel-wrapped hot water bottle and cover it with a blanket to keep it warm.
It’s crucial to avoid inflicting contact burns by keeping the bottle excessively hot.
How to feed newborn kittens?
Get the formula ready. Bring the kitten formula to a temperature just above room temperature. Before you feed your kitten, check the temperature of the formula.
To ensure it’s not too hot, place a few drops of the mixture on your wrist. Feed them gently. Carefully handle your cat. The kitten should be lying next to you on its stomach.
This is similar to how they would nurse from their mother. While your cat sits on your lap, wrap it in a warm towel. Look for a comfortable position for both of you.
How to keep a birthing cat warm and comfortable?
Assemble a comfy nesting box for the infants to rest in after the delivery. The box’s walls should be high enough to deter kittens from climbing out, but low enough for a tired cat to readily exit.
Also, choose a box that is large enough for the mother to rest away from the kittens but not so large that the kittens can’t reach her. The use of newspaper at the bottom of the box will aid with odor control.
Warm water bottles or a low-heat heating pad on top of that will keep the kittens warm even when they are separated from their mother.
Finally, add plenty of soft towels, blankets, and mattress pads to the box. Use ones without holes since tiny kitten paws and heads can get entangled in them.
Final Words
You can stay by your cat’s side if she is comfortable with you doing so. It may also be beneficial to keep an eye on her in order to avoid any complications.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.
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