Expecting mothers need more of everything than usual be it a human mother or a cat mother, more care, more attention, and even more nutrition as they are eating and drinking for more than one person.
If feeding patterns are affected in pregnancy you should know that the amount of water they drink is also more than their regular intake.
But as they say, finding balance is the key, so finding what works for your pregnant cat could help a lot with the pregnancy for the cat and for you too.

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Do Pregnant Cats Drink More Water?
There is no such spike in thirst patterns in pregnant cats, but they are always advised to drink enough water to stay hydrated.
Dehydration can cause complications in the cat’s pregnancy which is one thing we don’t want. It is advisable for you to keep water around the house if you have an expecting cat in your household so that it can have access to water whenever they feel thirsty.
Where there is no clarity as to what is the water intake of a cat during pregnancy, there sure is a spike in its food intake as the body needs more nutrition and energy not only for the cat but also for the unborn kittens, as the cat’s diet is meant to fulfill more than one being the should be drinking more water than usual to stay hydrated and for the well being of the unborn kittens too.
When a cat is expecting it should be given more water than normal but there is no natural increase in its thirst as it is observed, all cat pregnancies are different and your pregnant cat may react very differently than any other expecting cat.
How Much Water Should A Pregnant Cat Drink?

According to Fetch, a normal cat should drink 3.5 to 4.5 ounces of water per 5 pounds of its weight. But when your cat is pregnant and it would gain more weight and its water intake should also increase. Also staying hydrated for the well-being of the kittens is also very important.
It is advised to put more bowls of water around the house so that one is reminded to drink water every now and then. This would also make it more accessible for them whenever they get thirsty.
As there is no spike in thirst levels cats may often go without water if it is not in front of them which could cause dehydration and other problems which complicate their pregnancy.
If you are responsible for an expecting cat the weight of the good health of the cat and its unborn kittens falls on you. You should be putting in maximum effort from your side for the same.
Do Cats Get Thirsty Before Giving Birth?

When cats go into labor there are a few signs: they start to eat lesser or stop eating altogether and start drinking more water. This may also be accompanied by vomiting.
When cats go into labor they need more water, not only due to the increased thirst but also because cats may start throwing up which could easily lead to dehydration. That’s why making sure they are hydrated is crucial
Pregnant cats can also contract gestational diabetes due to hormone overload. This condition is characterized by increased thirst in cats. Another accompanying symptom is excessive urination.
So if you are not sure about the changing drinking habits and hydration of your expecting cat you may need to track the total water intake and the number of times your cat is urinating.
Despite that, you may observe that the cats drink a little more water than usual but there is no unconventional surge in it. If you observe such things you should report it back to your vet.
If such an unexpected rise in their thirst is observed closer to their due date it could be because your cat may be going into labor.
There are other signs which would indicate that your cat is going into labor, if you notice things are out of place you should consult your vet and they can help you with the issue and also walk you through the next steps.
Do Cats Need Water While Giving Birth?
While cats are giving birth they may not necessarily be drinking water but they do need water at hand. On the list of things, you need to have for your cat giving birth, one of which is a bowl of warm water.
Drinking water may not be their concern while giving birth but you should keep a water bowl ready just in case.
When cats give birth they like to do it privately if they are not comfortable enough and cat births last about 2 to 5 hours sometimes it even goes up to 24 hours.
Pushing the kittens out for such a long time would surely leave the cat exhausted hence keeping water near them could help them hydrate during the process.
They may not want the water but the need for it may arise at any point in the birthing process.
Except for drinking water, you need to keep warm water handy to clean the kittens, as the primary focus after the kittens come out is to keep them warm you have to use warm water to clean them as the newborns are at a higher risk of contracting hypothermia.
If your cat lets you may need to clean the kittens and also make sure the mother cat is doing okay.
Should I Give My Cat Water During Labor?
Labor in cats is frequently observed with an increase in thirst so if you know your cat is in labor provide the cat with plenty of water.
If you do not give water to your cat during labor it may cause discomfort and even cause them stress and we all know stress could be fatal for cats.
Cats are generally vocal when they go into labor they try to draw attention during labor but would want to be left alone for the birth. They need to be well-fed and hydrated during the process.
Labor is a long process and it goes as long as 36 to 48 hours. Generally, if the cat is not pregnant going for this long without water is not a healthy option and when in labor cats need extra comfort and when they experience increased thirst they need water.
When you realize your cat is in labor, make sure it is in a comfortable position like a maternity bed, and have a big bowl of water and food near them.
Usually, cats lose appetite when in labor but you could always keep a bowl of food for later.
Interesting Read: Should I Stay With My Cat While She Gives Birth?
Does My Cat Need Water After Giving Birth?

Yes, feeding the mother cat after birth is a very crucial step. Kittens need to be close to their mother and the mother cat needs to be healthy and strong to look after its litter.
The birthing process strips them of their energy and they also lose huge amounts of blood and bodily fluids. Replenishing the nutrients and energy in their body is critical for the fine fettle of the kittens.
It is often observed that mother cats after giving birth stop eating and drinking altogether immediately after giving birth but would start eating within 24 hours of giving birth but if that does not happen it is a matter of concern.
If your kitten acts this way you may immediately need to take your cat to the vet.
That’s why having more access to water during the whole process of pregnancy and later is decisive. The cat may not drink as much water but keeping it on hand is your responsibility.
Interesting Read: Can Pregnant Cats Drink Milk?
Frequently Asked Questions.
What do mother cats need to drink after giving birth?
Not immediately after but within 24 hours you need to give your cat food and water. Along with water you need to feed them milk that is safe because despite common belief cats are lactose intolerant.
Do cats need to drink warm water during pregnancy?
There is no condition or requirement for the temperature of water for drinking for cats. As long as they are drinking enough water there is no issue with the temperature but that doesn’t mean giving them ice cold or scalding hot water.Â
Pet parents when having an expecting pet usually look very closely at their pet’s feeding habits they keep track of the meals and the weight and all the other things. Cat parents are similar and they make sure their cats have all the required nutrients in their diet.
This is a very routine process for them but what people forget at times is water. They often forget that keeping the cats hydrated is also very fundamental. Ensuring that the cat has water at all times around it is a pet parent’s duty.
Cats when expecting need more water. They experience heightened thirst when they are in labor so it becomes even more essential.
Cats in labor give up on food at times so to keep them healthy and making sure they stay healthy even after birth requires them to at least stay hydrated.
Would you be the pet parent who forgets the water or the one who records even those details?
Must Read: What To Expect While Cat Giving Birth For The First Time?
- https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/hydration
- https://healthonline.washington.edu/document/health_online/pdf/BB1-pp21-24-Healthy-Choices-During-Pregnancy.pdf
- https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2020/12/tips-and-tricks-to-get-your-cat-to-drink-more-water/