Should you Change the Bedding After Cat Gives Delivery? This is an essential question to answer.
Yes, you should change the bedding after the cat gives birth. The mother cat will most likely try to hide in the nest for the first few days, but if you keep an eye on her, she will most likely come out during feeding times. It’s time to change the bedding when the kittens start to emerge. This can be done discreetly so as not to disturb the new mother.
Keep reading this article to know when and how to change a cat’s bedding.
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Can I Change The Blanket My Cat Gave Birth On?
Yes, you can change the blanket your cat gave birth on.
Getting things in order Remove the soiled blanket and replace it with new ones once the queen has completed delivering all of her kittens.
Try to accomplish this with as little interruption to the queen and her litter as possible, and if necessary, wait until after the delivery.
Blankets should be changed on a daily basis, especially in the first few weeks. One tip is to stack many layers of towels on the bed so that you may remove the soiled top layer and replace it with a new set underneath. Keep the bedding space dry and warm at all times.
When To Change Bedding After Cat Gives Birth?
The best time to change the bedding after the cat gives birth is to do it when the mother cat is not around.
You should keep a supply of food and water near the queen cat as the delivery progresses.
While your cat may not require assistance at this time, it’s still a good idea to keep her near her favorite food and litter box.
Keep in mind that some cats are allergic to cat litter, so it’s best not to leave her alone while she’s giving birth.
After the kittens are born, you should change the bedding as soon as possible.
The mama cat and kitten will bond and become acclimated to each other over the first few days after giving birth.
While nursing and nourishing the kittens, the mother’s caloric requirements will increase. So she may continue bonding with her new family, fresh food and water should be close by.
Provide her with a clean litter box to breastfeed in if feasible. She will be able to keep the new kittens safe and comfortable in this manner.
When should you change your cat’s bedding after she gives birth? The first 24 hours after giving birth are crucial for the mother and kitten to bond with one another.
If your cat is disturbed during the second stage, she may forget about her new kittens and relocate them around.
As a result, leaving one of them with the mother is the best option to avoid any interruptions. Alternatively, you can use a blanket and a heating pad to wrap the other kitty.
If your cat has given birth, ensure sure the umbilical cord is cut. Inexperienced mothers may put off disconnecting the cord, resulting in bleeding.
Cut the cord using disinfected scissors, leaving at least an inch of cord tied to the cat. Otherwise, the new mother will ingest it, resulting in severe bleeding. If you do need to remove the cord, be careful not to pull it or cause her any undue pain.
For a least 48 hours, do not move the bedding where she had her kittens. Mom’s first few days with her kittens are crucial for bonding, thus keeping her soiled bedding for a few days helps her connect with them.
How Do I Change The Bedding In Cats Nest?
You change the bedding in the cat’s nest when she is not around, discreetly without disturbing her.
For the first few days, avoid separating mom and kittens, and make sure to provide enough food for the mommy cat, whose caloric needs will increase dramatically while she is breastfeeding and feeding her offspring.
For a least 48 hours, do not move the bedding where she had her kittens.
Mom’s first few days with her kittens are crucial for bonding, thus keeping her soiled bedding for a few days helps her connect with them.
Momma will most likely not leave the kitten’s side for the first few days, so keeping fresh food and water near the nest is a smart idea.
You can carefully and discreetly change the bedding in the nest whenever mum starts coming out and taking pauses from feeding.
Remember that even the friendliest moms cats can become very possessive of their kittens once they’ve been born, and may attack to defend them. Every mother cat reacts differently to birth, so pay attention to what your mother cat is asking of you.
Ensure that the kittening box is close by. Cats are much more than likely to give birth in their litter box, so don’t disturb them by shifting the bedding.
You can change the bedding after the kittens are born to accommodate their growth. Kittens are normally born within the first few days of a cat’s life, therefore you should be present when they are born.
It’s also possible that the litter box needs to be changed. Keep an eye on a cat after she gives birth because she will be calmer.
What Is The Best Bedding For Baby Kittens?
The best bedding for baby kittens is towels and blankets.
Paper or puppy training pads can be used to line your kittening box.
Newspaper is an excellent alternative because it is clean, disposable, and absorbent, and your cat can rip it up while constructing her nest.
You might also use blankets or towels that are soft and washable. Every day, change and/or wash the bedding.
There’s no need to spend a lot of money on a birthing box when a huge cardboard box would suffice.
15 inches by 24 inches is an acceptable size, but larger if you have a large-breed cat.
Cut a 5-inch wide hole in the center of one of the sides large enough for the cat to get through.
Leave the bottom 4 or 5 inches of the box intact to prevent newborn kittens from falling out while allowing the mother to enter without having to jump.
Line the bottom with several sheets of newspaper. Place a heavy cloth across the top of the box or cover it with a lid.
Must Read: Should I Stay With My Cat While She Gives Birth?
Frequently Asked Questions
How to feed newborn kittens?
Get the formula ready. Bring the kitten formula to a temperature just above room temperature. Before you feed your kitten, check the temperature of the formula. To ensure it’s not too hot, place a few drops of the mixture on your wrist. Feed them gently. Carefully handle your cat. The kitten should be lying next to you on its stomach. This is similar to how they would nurse from their mother. While your cat sits on your lap, wrap it in a warm towel. Look for a comfortable position for both of you.
How to choose a location for a cat’s birth?
Choose a calm location that is free of draughts and chilly air. It should be dimly lighted rather than highly lit. You may also put a nightie or T-shirt in the box if she has a favorite piece of your apparel she likes to sleep in. Introduce your expecting mother to her birthing box and urge her to sleep in it. If she appears to be upset with it, consider transferring it to a more peaceful location.
What do you do after kittens are born?
Maintain a comfortable temperature in the room where she and her kittens are. Ensure that their bedding is clean and dry. Keep the room they’re in calm and don’t let her family members bother her. Keep an eye on the kittens to make sure they’re eating, but stay as far away as your cat will allow.
Final Words
If you haven’t already changed your cat’s bedding after she gives birth, now is the time to do so. You can set up a kittening box with a litter tray and supply a litter box for your cat.
Cats will be more relaxed during the first few days after childbirth, requiring less time to give birth. You should be present for her to give delivery during this time.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.
Also, check out Why Is My Cat Not Using Litter Box After Giving Birth?