Did you know that your little meat-eater might enjoy some vegetation in her diet? That’s right, she might like oat grass. Despite being obligate carnivores (that is, they have to eat meat in order to get their necessary nutrients), cats also enjoy eating oat grass for a variety of reasons.
But what exactly is oat grass?
Oat grass can be found in parts of Europe, particularly in the Mediterranean region. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters and is easily identified by its yellow roots. Some people mistake it for a wild oat, which is how it got the name oat grass.
In this article, we will talk about can your cat eat oat grass and its benefits.

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What Is Oat Grass For Cats?
Oat grass for cats is a plant that comes under cat grass, along with wheat barley, and rye.

Oat grass is not to be mistaken with grass in your yard, which may contain toxic pesticides. Oat grass is grown specifically for cats indoors.
What’s another advantage of oat grass? Experts suggest it can be used as a deterrent.
A delightful, devoted cat food might distract your pet from other potentially dangerous or sensitive plants.
If your cat enjoys chewing on or tipping over your houseplants, an oat grass garden is an ideal solution.
Kits for growing oat grass are more popular than ever. You can find one at your local pet store, on the internet, or at your veterinarian’s office.
You can also make your own greens buffet for your cat by buying seeds from the supermarket.
Cover the seeds in the soil and place the container in a sunny position in your home, just as you would any other plant.
Make sure to water it regularly (misting may help avoid overwatering). In a few days, your seeds will begin to sprout, and within two weeks, they should be ready to eat.
There’s no need to put the grass on a plate. Your cat will be able to graze right from the garden pot.
Can Cats Eat Oat Grass?
Yes, cats can eat oat grass.

One common misconception about cats is that they only eat oat grass when they are sick, but research has shown that this is not the case.
Oat grass benefits your kitty’s life by aiding her digestive system, in addition to providing entertainment.
Folic acid, a vitamin that helps the bloodstream, is found in the grass (and is commonly found in human breakfast cereal that includes the same grain mixture).
Oat grass also acts as a laxative, assisting in the removal of hairballs or bits of food that she has ingested.
However, because cats may eat excessively when they are sick, always consult with your veterinarian to ensure that there isn’t an underlying medical reason for excessive cat grass consumption.
It’s also crucial to keep your cat garden apart from the rest of your houseplants.
A detailed list of common home plants that are harmful or irritating to cats and dogs is provided by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Keep dangerous plants like philodendrons, aloe, and parsley on a high shelf or in a hanging pot she can’t reach, and put your oat grass somewhere low to the ground where she can see it.
Is Oat Grass Good For Cats?
Yes, oat grass can be good for cats.
All cats nibble on grass as a natural behavior. Many cats like chewing on grasses, but oat grass may also deliver nutrients that their carnivorous diets do not provide.
Eating oat grass may help cats settle their stomachs or expel things that their bodies can’t digest, according to experts.
Cats lack the digestive enzymes necessary to digest grass, which explains why some cats vomit quickly after eating grass.
This can assist them to get rid of fur, feathers, intestinal parasites, and bones from the prey they’ve trapped in their stomachs. They eat grass on purpose, despite the fact that it makes them puke.
Also, check out details about cat grass vs catnip
Benefits Of Oat Grass For Cats
The benefits of oat grass for cats are: –

1. Great Source Of Fibre
Our cats should eat mostly protein-based diets as obligate carnivores, but a tiny quantity of fiber in their food is beneficial.
Fiber makes up only 0.55 percent of a cat’s natural diet, and it comes from sources including their prey’s fur and bone collagen, as well as any undigested fiber found in the prey’s intestines.
Insoluble fiber, such as the cellulose found in oat grass, can help keep your cat’s digestive system healthy and prevent constipation and diarrhea.
Because some cat feeds contain more fiber than your cat requires, it’s better to choose a high-protein, low-fiber cat food and provide a cat grass supplement that your cat can eat whenever they want.
Although your cat only requires a small quantity of cat grass, you may still offer it to them as a treat.
2. Vitamins And Minerals
In addition to fiber, oat grass also contains folic acid, chlorophyll, and vitamins A and D, all of which are good for cats.
Folic acid, commonly known as vitamin B9 or folate, aids in the metabolism of fats, increases oxygen levels in the bloodstream and aids in the formation of new DNA in your cat.
All of these things aid your cat’s development from a tiny kitten to a healthy adult cat. Anemia can be caused by a lack of folic acid, so giving your cat a supplement in the form of cat grass is a fantastic way to ensure he receives enough.
Chlorophyll is responsible for the vivid green color of oat grass. It can also assist to freshen your cat’s breath, which, while not the primary reason for your cat eating oat grass, is a benefit to us as their owners!
Another approach to improving oxygen levels in your cat’s bloodstream has been demonstrated to be chlorophyll.
Cats are unable to synthesize or produce vitamin D, and unlike humans, they are unable to produce vitamin D in reaction to sunshine.
So, whether your cat lives inside or outside, they’ll need to get all of their vitamin D from their food. Because oat grass is high in vitamin D, giving your cat a tray of it is an excellent method to supplement the amount in their cat food.
Vitamin A is another important mineral for your cat’s immune system, which includes their skin. It helps with night vision as well.
Vitamin A is an antioxidant that can help your cat fight the effects of pollution and is even thought to have anti-cancer capabilities.
3. Keeps Other Plants Safe
If you don’t supply your cat with greens in the form of safe and non-toxic oat grass that cats can eat, they may begin to investigate your lawn and houseplants.
Cats are known to consume more non-grass plants than dogs, so providing an alternative makes sense.
Many of us use pesticides or fertilizers on our lawns, which might be dangerous to your cat if they consume some grass that has just been treated.
A surprising variety of house and yard plants are harmful to cats, and the last thing any of us wants is for our cat to become unwell as a result of ingesting them as a source of greenery.
Because lilies, cyclamen, azaleas, daffodils, sago palms, and other greenery are toxic to cats, supplying a tray of non-toxic oat grass can be a good deterrent if your cat is showing symptoms of interest in other flora around your home and garden.
Also, check out alfalfa grass for cats
4. Helps Control Hairballs
Indoor cats spend more time grooming themselves than their outdoor counterparts, and as a result, they are more likely to get hairballs. This is especially true for indoor cats with long hair.
Some cats will yak these hairballs up on your carpet with their poop, while others will pass them out with their excrement.
Hairballs can be avoided by feeding your cat a specific type of cat food. However, giving your cat some grass can help control hairballs by adding fiber to their diet and boosting the health of their digestive tract, making it easier for them to defecate a hairball rather than vomit it up.
5. Source Of Activity
Indoor cats are less stimulated by their surroundings than outdoor cats. Although spending time outside can be helpful to cats’ physical and mental health, many of us choose to keep our cats indoors, which is just acceptable.
However, we must provide plenty of enrichment opportunities for our indoor cats in order for them to keep the natural behaviors we witness outside. Scratching, investigating, and, of course, chewing on oat grass are all part of it.
Having a tray or two of oat grass throughout the home allows our indoor cats to engage in a habit that they would otherwise miss out on if we didn’t supply them with a source of roughage to investigate.
Check out more details about Can Cats Eat Wheatgrass? Is Wheatgrass Good For Cats?
Is Cat Grass The Same As Oat grass?
Yes, cat grass is the same as oat grass.
Cat grass is a blend of grasses made from barley, oat, wheat, or rye seeds. Wheatgrass, barley grass, oat grass, and ryegrass are the most frequent varieties of cat grass. Cat grass is often used as a digestion aid by cats and other animals.
Cat grass, also known as pet grass, is an annual plant that is safe and healthful to eat for both humans and animals.
This mixture of cereal grasses can be used as an outdoor or indoor plant and provides a natural approach to supplement your and your cat’s vitamin intake.
Also, check out Can Cats Eat Barley
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do cats eat grass?
While veterinarians and animal behaviorists aren’t sure why cats nibble on plants, such as grasses, they do say it’s a typical behavior unless they’re always consuming grass. Induce vomiting, helping move things in their stomach (laxative characteristics in case of indigestion), or helping purge intestinal parasites are some of the possible causes of grass-eating. Others claim it’s due to a variety of factors, including dietary deficits, boredom, nervousness, feline pica, an instinctual nature, and a preference for the taste and texture, among others.
Should cats have constant access to oat grass?
To avoid confusing your cat, keep your oat grass patch isolated from other home plants. It can be difficult for cats to tell the difference between what they can and cannot eat. Poisonous plants and flowers should never be kept in a place where your cat can easily get them. You should keep a watch on your cat’s behavior even if they have continual access to their cat grass. Only a modest amount of this nutrient-dense treat should be consumed at a time by cats. If your cat is regularly vomiting, consider relocating their cat grass and allowing access only on rare occasions. Whether your cat appears to be consuming your cat grass at every opportunity, you should consult your veterinarian to see if any other changes to your cat’s diet are required.
How can I get oat grass for my cat?
By purchasing “self-growing” kits, you can quickly start your own oat grass garden. Seeds that mature right in the pouch they arrived in are included, making it simple to maintain fresh grass on hand for your cat. Start with a shallow, stable dish that your cat won’t easily knock over for a do-it-yourself garden. Fill it three-quarters full of potting soil, then scatter the seeds on top. Soak the soil in water. Then add another quarter inch of dirt to the top of the seeds. Keep the soil moist and place it in a sunny location. Place the dish out of reach until the blades reach a height of around 4 inches. Start a second dish garden after your pet starts munching on the grass, so you’ll have fresh sprouts when the first one wilts in a few weeks.
Final Words
Giving your cat a non-toxic variety of oat grass made specifically for cats is a terrific way to supplement their meat-based diet. Of course, not every cat will love the greenery, but it’s worth giving it a shot to see if yours does.
Before introducing oat grass to your cat’s food, consult with your veterinarian to ensure that this is a healthy addition to your cat’s diet.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.
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