Have you noticed some discharge from your cat’s genitalia while she is pregnant?
Is it a different color every time you see it?
I can understand why this is so worrisome. While some discharges are normal, others aren’t.
In this article, we’ll talk in detail about what each color of discharge means and whether it’s common for pregnant cats to have them or not.
What are you waiting for? Let’s check it out.

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Do Cats Leak Fluid Before Giving Birth?

Yes, a pregnant cat leaks fluid before giving birth.
There is a discharge from the cat’s vulva a few hours before birth begins, so you might notice your cat often licking her genitalia.
Your kitty’s water will break as well. This is the moment for your cat to start pacing, fidgeting, screaming, meowing, or chirping.
You’ll notice a difference in your cat’s behavior. Your cat may withdraw during the last week of your pregnancy and spend as much time as she can in a quiet area of the house.
If she has a close bond with one specific caretaker, she may become particularly affectionate. More affectionate cats will demand to be held close by their owner. They could be too attached yet also restless.
Your cat’s appetite will have decreased in the subsequent days. Since most pregnant cats have increased appetites in the final weeks of their pregnancies, this will be an obvious sign of her labor.
The kittens’ weight pressing against their mother’s tummy may be the cause of the decrease in appetite, or it may just be a sign of anxiety in general.
Do Pregnant Cats Discharge Mucus?
Yes, pregnant cats discharge mucus a few hours before giving birth. This process of parturition in cats is completely normal.
Cats leak fluid as an indicator of the start of their labor. Often, the cats keep on licking their genitals to keep themselves clean. This is why you might not realize that they are giving out discharges quite often.
But if you do, don’t worry. It’s normal.
However, a discharge is not normal unless it is transparent in color.
Why Is My Pregnant Cat’s Discharge Brown?
Brown discharge in cats that are pregnant is not desirable. Dark, brown, or deep red fluid coming from your pregnant cat is typically an indication of an internal bleed.
This internal hemorrhage may have been caused by things like:
- Infections
- Kidney Issues
- Tumors
- Dystocia
- Trauma, etc.
If you see this, your first course of action should be to take her to the veterinarian right away rather than try to treat her yourself. A veterinarian can also assess whether another problem, such as a fake pregnancy, is not present.
It’s essential to determine the source of the bleeding because it’s possible that the blood is in the urine rather than coming from the uterus.
The presence of blood in a pregnant cat’s discharge should be noted as abnormal. Typically, a cat that is going to give birth won’t spot or show signs of blood.
There may have been a vaginal rip, blood from the placenta, or other causes for the cat to bleed after giving birth.
Why Is My Pregnant Cat’s Discharge Covered In Blood?

If your queen uses the restroom more frequently, passes blood, or squats while without peeing. These might indicate a uterine infection, which, if untreated, might have effects on her kittens.
The discharge has a foul smell and is bloody in appearance.
Pyometra: Symptoms and Causes
When a queen’s progesterone inhibits the uterine lining from shedding following estrus, a bacterial illness called pyometra develops.
The unusually thickened lining fosters a bacterial invasion-friendly environment.
- Vaginal discharge before birth, which is blood red in color
- Abdominal bloating and swelling
- Increased licking at and around the vulva
- Anorexic and lethargic behavior
- Increased restroom breaks
The symptoms of pyometra might vary, and some of them may be indicative of a wide range of disorders. As your cat’s illness worsens, you should call your veterinarian right away to schedule an appointment.
- The fluids that the uterine cysts release promote bacterial growth, resulting in infection and the formation of pus.
- Cysts will develop in the uterine lining and bacteria can build up in the un-shed uterine lining after numerous cycles of a thicker lining but no pregnancies.
- Progesterone levels in the cat’s body are abnormally raised, which prevents the uterus from emptying extra blood and uterine lining tissue.
- Pyometra is more likely to affect older, unspayed cats with thickening uterine linings and cats with abnormal or cystic uterine linings.
You May Also Want To Read: Why Is My Pregnant Cat Bleeding But No Kittens?
Why Is My Pregnant Cat’s Discharge Pink?
Pink discharge in cats is nothing to worry about.
Since your pregnant cat can’t tell you when she begins her labor, a clear or pinkish discharge from her vulva is an indicator of it.
It shows that her body is getting ready to kick the kittens out of the cozy, warm womb—one of the sure symptoms of the arrival of your pregnant cat’s offspring.
Why Is My Pregnant Cat’s Discharge Green?
Our mother cat may be suffering from an illness if she is dripping green fluid but isn’t yet giving birth. It’s also likely that the pregnancy was aborted for some reason.
Factors related to the mother or kittens can harm feline pregnancies.
However, a pregnant cat may occasionally leak a greenish liquid before the birth of a new litter. There shouldn’t be a problem as long as the kittens arrive shortly after and the labor goes smoothly.
Sometimes the greenish discharge can be because of one of the following complications:
- Viral or bacterial infections
- Parasites
- Trauma
- Stress
- Medication side effects
- Genetically abnormal
- Poor diet
Why Is My Pregnant Cat’s Discharge Yellow?
Generally speaking, a cat’s gestation lasts 63–65 days. When a yellowish fluid begins to escape from your expectant child, the gestational period has ended.
A cervical mucus barrier called the mucus plug is utilized to prevent microorganisms from entering the uterus. It is probable to see fluid leaking after the mucus plug is removed. It happens to make room for the birth of the kittens.
It’s possible for the mucus plug to start to come loose between a week and three days prior to delivery, but labor won’t always start right away. The plug itself will be thick, whereas the mucus that is seeping has a fluid consistency.
Why Is My Pregnant Cat’s Discharge White?
The most frequent cause of white or clear fluids oozing from a pregnant cat’s vulva is the onset of labor.
There may be three cases after this:
- The amniotic sac has likely ruptured and amniotic fluid is oozing from the vulva when the leaking fluid is clear. This suggests that the kittens will soon begin to appear. If the amniotic fluid is present but there hasn’t been a delivery after a few hours, labor dystocia may be the cause.
- It might indicate infection if the liquid seems yellowish or purulent, and labor would be premature otherwise. The queen needs to see a veterinarian right away.
- If your pregnant cat is dripping fluid but hasn’t reached full term, it’s probably an urgent medical situation. An infection can be the root cause. The typical appearance of infection is cloudy, extremely yellow, or even scarlet if blood is present.
What Does The Discharge Look Like When A Cat Is In Labor?

After the gestation period, they’ll start to exhibit labor-related symptoms. You may need to see a veterinarian if your cat is 65 days pregnant and labor has not started.
A cat with a healthy pregnancy will have a white or transparent discharge.
The mother will automatically know to break open the amniotic sac in which the kittens will be delivered one by one.
One of them is the release of fluid that is oozing from the vulva. It’s crucial to understand that some vaginal discharge is normal, but the nature and regularity will reveal whether or not there is cause for concern.
The nipples of a pregnant cat may also leak fluid. However, this is a symptom of issues with the pregnancy if the leaking fluid changes color or has an unpleasant smell.
While it is common for the placental membrane to tear before the kitten is delivered, this is not always the case, and some kittens are born with their membranes totally intact.
Normally, the queen will cut the umbilical cord and remove the membranes. You can carefully tear the membrane off the kitten’s lips and nose if she becomes weary or fails to do so.
The kitten should begin breathing, moving around, and finding nipples to start sucking as soon as the membrane is removed.
Interesting Read: Why Is My Cat’s Umbilical Cord Still Attached To The Kitten?
How Long After Discharge Does a Cat Give Birth?
Your cat might grow restless, and disinterested in eating and start nesting 24 hours before giving birth. Her vulva can be enlarged and exude clear mucus.
The queen will then start having abdominal contractions and straining, and the first kitten should be born in one to two hours.
Cats typically take naps between litter, which can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour. Your cat will relax after giving birth. Her breathing will become calmer, and you should keep her quiet while you feed and clean the kittens.
40% of kitten births are breech, on average. This is entirely normal. If you are worried about the health of your cat’s unborn kitten, you should consult a veterinarian at any point in the pregnancy.
Interesting Read: How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Give Birth After Her Water Breaks?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it normal for female cats to have discharge?
No, it is normal for a female cat to have a discharge unless she is pregnant.
The possible reason for her discharge might be:
1. Your cat may have simply sat on something unpleasant and it adhered to the wrong places
2. She may have anything from a simple yeast infection to a condition known as pyometra if she is not spayed and the discharge is coming from the vagina
3. Pus formed on an untreated wound might also give the appearance of mucus leaking
Final Words
That is everything you had to know about pregnant queens and the indicators of their labor.
Let us know in the comment section if your cat was seen to be leaking any fluids or not. What was it—a pregnancy or infection?
I am sure she is completely fine now.