Adopting a pet is a significant and long-term commitment. Cats are adorable as kittens, but they always manage to get their hands on whatever you try to hide from them!
Yes, they do get bigger and require a lot of care. A new cat can be a rewarding addition to your home if you have the time and finances to devote to it. Because of your cat, the love you share will be amplified across your family.
When it comes to picking the proper plants for their gardens and homes, pet owners have more to consider than others. Pet owners must ensure that their plants are suitable for their cats. Everything is chewed by cats, and curious kittens adore a nice plant.
So, is majesty palm toxic to cats?
No, majesty palm is not toxic to cats. Your cat will not be harmed by eating, rubbing on, or doing whatever else cats do around the majesty palm tree because it is free of any hazardous or irritating compounds. The majesty palm is likewise non-toxic to canines and people, according to the ASPCA.
This article will talk about the relationship between cats and majesty palm and how can you keep cats away from majesty palm.

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What is Majesty Palm?
Majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis) is an indoor tree with long arching green fronds atop multiple stems.
The Majesty Palm is commonly grown as a huge houseplant, despite the fact that in its natural environment, it may reach heights of up to 90 feet.
When young, it looks like a kentia palm, and when grown, it looks like a royal palm. This is considerable praise, as these two indoor palms are among the most gorgeous.
Majesty palm is a slow-growing plant that grows no more than 1 foot per year until it reaches a height of about 10 feet when planted indoors.
The Majesty palm has a bad reputation for being a fickle plant. Beginner indoor gardeners should consider Kentia palm, bamboo palm, or parlor palm (Chamaedorea Elegans) plants.
Growing majesty palms successfully necessitates a careful balancing of various elements, including heat, light, and fertilization. Plants that have been over-fertilized and grown in warm settings but lack adequate light may stretch out in search of more.
Plants that receive too much light without receiving enough fertilizer or water can burn. Indoors, the correct balance involves a bright spot with lots of water and possibly less fertilizer than you think.
Is Majesty Palm Poisonous To Cats?
No, majesty palm is not poisonous to cats.

You wouldn’t believe it, but this question comes up frequently because the cats of the pet owner adore this palm tree!
Cats have been known to eat this plant all the way down to the stump, which is astonishing considering how large this plant can get. It’s natural to be concerned about your pet’s safety.
This big plant has airy fronds and may easily reach the ceiling. Some say it turns your house into a spa or one of the palm-tree-lined beaches you’ve created.
Palms can be found as shrubs, trees, climbers, or stemless plants, with the title palm tree applied to those having stems.
Palms are evergreen plants. They are flowering plants native to the tropics and subtropics.
There are numerous variants, each with its own set of applications. These applications are linked to certain types.
The majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis) is one of several palm species that have become popular as houseplants due to their ease of maintenance and dramatic appearance in any space.
If you have one of these beautiful plants in your house and also have a cat, you’ve probably questioned if majesty palm is safe for cats.
Your cat will not be harmed by eating, rubbing on, or doing whatever else cats do around the majesty palm tree because it is free of any hazardous or irritating compounds. The majesty palm is likewise non-toxic to canines and people, according to the USDA.
So even if your cat bites your tree to a bare skeleton, the only thing that will be affected is the beauty of your plant.
Cats, dogs, and horses are not harmed by Majesty palm because it is not toxic, poisonous, or damaging to them. It is, in fact, one of the indoor palms safe for cats, joining the ranks of other cats safe indoor plants such as Kimberly queen and bird’s nest ferns, fittonia, and bunny cactus.
While it is not harmful, if your cat eats a lot of its leaves, it may cause digestive issues. These creatures, however, normally chew only a tiny number of vegetation. As a result, you should not be concerned if you notice your cat eating it.
Majesty palm is absolutely non-toxic to cats, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
That indicates that none of the plant’s parts, including the leaves, stems, trunk, and roots, contain any chemicals that could damage your cat.
So you don’t have to be concerned about your cat’s health if they can’t get enough of your palm.
Why Are Cats Attracted To Majesty Palm?
Cats are attracted to majesty palm because: –
- When it comes to the Majesty Plant, be aware that your cat’s adoration for it is genuine. The leaves dangle low and sway constantly, enticing your cats to play with them or, worse, nibble on them. The Majesty plant leaves will keep your cat’s curiosity as occupied as a bee.
- Smaller plants have a fragile stem and base that your cats may gnaw away at until the plant is completely gone. But don’t be concerned! Your cats will not be poisoned by the stem, trunk, leaves, or other parts of the plant.
- The only time you should be concerned is when you have kittens. Kittens can chew off all of the leaves, but because they are so thin, a ball can develop in the kitten’s mouth, causing them to choke on the tangled particles.
Because the Majesty palm tree is non-toxic and harmless, you don’t have to worry if your cat or kitten eats any part of it.
The cat normally recovers after vomiting the particles. If you feel your cat has eaten a considerable amount of the plant and is having trouble breathing, call your veterinarian right once.
After vomiting the foreign particles, cats and kittens normally heal on their own within a few days. If your symptoms don’t go away, make an appointment with your veterinarian.
After throwing up the surplus plant particles from their mouth, your cats will recover. If the symptoms persist, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away.
Is Majesty Palm Cat safe?
Yes, majesty palm is cat safe.

No cat species is poisoned by Majesty palms. Cats, on the other hand, are rather impetuous when it comes to trees.
Furthermore, it is possible that the leaves and thrones will be torn apart.
Cats are safe in this scenario since the majesty palm does not produce poisonous compounds. However, ingesting the leaves may result in health problems.
Majesty palms are non-toxic to cats and have no hazardous effects on them.
The Majesty palm is one of the palm species that is proven to be safe for both cats and people.
You can keep them at home to add to the aesthetic appeal of the space. At the same time, you can incorporate it into your family’s garden.
Cats are not poisoned by Majesty palms. Cats, on the other hand, may do harm to your majesty’s palms. Unlike sago palms, Majesty palms do not contain harmful chemicals.
Your cat will have no problems nibbling the leaves of the Majesty Palm. Furthermore, your cat might rip the leaves off and ruin them.
Although the majesty palm tree is unlikely to injure your cat, it is possible that your cat will become aggressive in the presence of the majesty palm tree. Cats are impetuous creatures. Its claws may shred the foliage and scrape the tree.
Despite the fact that the majesty palm tree lacks thrones and the little thorns do not contain a toxic component, it may cause a laceration on the cat’s skin. Pulling the leaves may really harm the animal. Finally, while majesty palms may be safe to play with, cats’ aggressiveness may drive them to injure you.
The majority of real palm trees are cat-friendly. Meanwhile, cats are known to be poisoned by the sago palm, which isn’t even a true palm.
Animals have far softer and more delicate skin than humans. Even if they are not aware of it, individuals can come into contact with harmful substances and have health problems.
Cats may be harmed by palms with a sharp spine and toxic spines. Toxic spines contain compounds that can cause harmful side effects in the body, including death. True palm trees, on the other hand, are different in that they do not have harmful spines.
What Happens If A Cat Eats A Majesty Palm?
If a cat will eat majesty palm, no significant harm will be done.
Majesty palms are known for being one of the most indoor-friendly plants. It usually does not cause any harm. It does not have any spines, unlike other palm trees. It doesn’t even release any poisonous substances that could damage cats.
If the spines come into contact with their skin, they may pierce it. This could result in scratches or markings. As a result, no problems with majesty palms have been reported in cats to date. Despite the fact that some palms are poisonous.
Meanwhile, the majesty palm is completely non-poisonous. A lovely plant to use to beautify your home without having to worry about your cat’s safety.
The Majesty Palm is non-poisonous, thus cats will not be harmed if they eat it. It will be fine if your cat eats a majesty palm. Even the leaves aren’t poisonous.
The cat may get diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea if he eats additional palm leaves. Because the majesty palm is non-toxic, it has a low risk of causing harm to the cat.
As a result, if your cat eats majesty palm, it is completely safe. Even though it is not a good omen for cats to eat leaves. If your cat eats a leaf, pay attention to him.
How To Keep Cats Away From Majesty Palm?
You can keep cats away from majesty palm by following these steps: –
1. Grow Catnip
Cats have a natural desire to consume grass, which is why your kitty is attracted to the Majesty palm. You may do this by growing catnip, which cats like.
2. Spread Citrus Fruit Skins
Citrus fruits such as grapefruits, limes, lemons, and oranges are disliked by cats. To keep your cats away from the plant, simply spread their peels around it.
How To Take Care Of Majesty Palm?
You can easily take care of your majesty palms by following these tips: –

The root ball of the Majesty palm requires a large pot to accommodate it and maintain equilibrium (it can grow up to 10 feet tall inside!). It prefers loose, fertile soil, such as Espoma’s cactus soil mix. Cacti, succulents, and palms all require loose, well-draining soil to thrive.
The optimal lighting is bright to medium indirect light. A few feet away from a window with south or east orientation should suffice. A grow light is an excellent way to supplement if you don’t have access to a sunny window. This one is adaptable and can hold plants of various sizes.
Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings until the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. The specific watering regimen will vary from home to home, but you should water your majesty palm once a week at the very least.
During the active growing season, apply a balanced fertilizer every two to three months. This Jobe’s organic formula is designed specifically for palm trees and is touted as being safe for children and pets. Even so, if at all possible, keep your cat away from a newly fertilized plant.
Maintain a temperature of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the room. Your majesty palm is probably at ease if you are!
Pruning isn’t necessary for shape or health, but yellow or dried-out fronds can be removed.
Your majesty palm grows aggressively from spring to autumn, usually from April to September, and then goes dormant from October to March. Reduce your watering frequency by roughly half during winter dormancy, and wait until the spring growing season to fertilize.
In the spring or early summer, repotting should be done biannually. Replace the old pot with one that is about 2 inches wider in diameter and has adequate drainage holes.
Consider spraying your majesty palm or using a plant humidifier to simulate its native home in a humid area.
Frequently Asked Questions
What palm tree should I grow indoors if I have cats?
There are ten species of Lady Palms native to the Asian Pacific that are good for cat-free households. They are non-toxic and more compact than the more common palms. Their primary characteristic is their ability to absorb ammonia in the air. In other words, they mask the odor of feline litter. They might be placed near the cat litter tray to efficiently eliminate any odors in the vicinity.
What other popular houseplants are toxic to cats?
Dieffenbachia and Philodendrons account for around 500 plant species, many of which have been cultivated as houseplants. Among these is the ever-popular Monstera Deliciosa. Unfortunately, they pose a threat to both humans and pets. They create poisons known as calcium oxalates in their sap. Raphides, which are little, spiky structures, are formed as a result of this. The effects of this chemical may be shown by Dumb Cane and Mother-in-Tongue. Law’s If ingested, the material will cause minor abrasions, irritation, and swelling of the tongue and the area around the esophagus. This could result in difficulty breathing and, in the worst-case scenario, respiratory crisis.
Is majesty palm a good indoor plant?
Your Majesty Palm will grow indoors if it gets 4-6 hours of bright, indirect light per day. Maintaining proper soil moisture is critical to keeping your palm happy and healthy. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy at all times—never let it totally dry out or sit in water.
Final Words
The majesty palm is a great houseplant that is easy to care for and adds a splash of tropical color to your space. And if your cat has a penchant for all things green or is simply inquisitive, majesty palm will not harm them in the least.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.