It’s a general assumption that a human baby will move inside the womb, and it’s a fact of pregnancy. However, this raises the question of kittens in a mother cat’s womb. What type of antics do they have in there? Do kittens roam about a lot before they are born?
After 30 days, kittens will begin to move around within the womb. This continues until the baby is born, and it can increase dramatically after the 50th day of pregnancy. The kitty may move, toss, or kick depending on its location.
During this period, it’s critical to calm the mother cat if possible. It’s not uncommon for the mother to lick herself to relieve the stress of the movement.

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Are Kittens Active Before Birth?
Yes, kittens become active in the womb before birth.

The nerves and muscles of the kittens begin growing by the fifth week of pregnancy. They might start moving and kicking within the uterus as their muscles grow.
Most cats pant and vocalize while in labor, and they may become restless and pace about like they are hunting for something.
You can attempt to make your cat feel at ease in the location where you want her to have her babies (you may already have a box or an area set up), but don’t push the matter.
You should support her if she chooses a new location. You don’t want to irritate her or for her labor to be disrupted right now.
Contractions get stronger and more noticeable in the second stage of labor, and you may notice a tiny quantity of clear, tan, or blood-tinged vaginal discharge. It’s important to note that kittens can be delivered head first or back-end first.
In any case, a kitten should be born within four hours of seeming contractions. A kitten should be passed in 30 minutes if your cat pushes firmly.
The placenta is expelled during the third stage of labor. You must be conscious once more. Make sure your cat delivers the same number of placentas as kittens by counting. Then feel free to remove and dispose of the placentas.
For both the mother and the kittens, dystocia (difficulty giving birth) can be a significant issue. Depending on the time of day, any variation from the usual warrants contacting your veterinarian or an emergency clinic.
It’s far preferable to call your veterinarian and be informed everything is OK than to wait and have a condition worsen. However, you should call someone first since it is not in your cat’s best interests to disturb her or interrupt her birth by hurrying her to the hospital.
You might also like to read about how to tell if cat still has kittens inside
Do Unborn Kittens Kick?
Yes, unborn kittens start kicking much before their birth.

As the embryos begin to grow in the third week of pregnancy, your cat will gain weight and increase her food intake. This triggers a rush of hormones in your cat and signals the start of organ development in the embryos. Your cat’s nipples may grow swollen and more profound in color at this time.
The highly developed cells of the head (cranium) and body (thoracic region) grow initially as the embryos develop further.
The placenta forms at the moment of implantation and permit nutrients and waste to be exchanged between the mother and the embryo.
The embryos become fetuses at around 4 weeks when the majority of the organic structures have been produced. Your cat’s primary goal from now until birth will be to develop the fetuses, which will take a lot of her body’s energy.
During this time, make sure to feed as much high-quality food as it will consume. You should provide a growth and development food that the AAFCO has authorized.
This is also the period when a veterinarian or skilled expert may feel the newborn kittens inside her abdomen; however, this window is narrow since the fetus’s development causes amniotic fluid to thicken, making them difficult to detect.
Another symptom of approaching labor is an increase in attachment. Your cat may feel compelled to remain around you at all times. But it might also go the other way (hormones are known to do crazy things).
A cat who formerly loved may withdraw and seek isolation. Either personality change is quite natural.
Your cat’s nipples may develop a milky discharge around twenty-four hours before giving birth. This means it’s “go time” for the kittens to arrive.
Also, check out What To Expect While Cat Giving Birth For The First Time?
When Do Kittens Start Moving In The Womb?
Kittens move before delivery, but it generally happens after day 30 and continues until birth.

Turning or tossing is frequent in kittens while still in the womb.
This indicates they’ll be searching for new positions inside the womb, which is regular with large litters. This may drive the kittens to spread out a little bit, which is when the movement will occur.
It won’t happen until day 30, but it will grow more often after that.
During this stage of the pregnancy, you may observe a change in the mother’s behavior.
Although most kittens will toss around within, any movement is conceivable. As a result, the mother will calm down and relax by licking herself.
Check out more details: Why Is My Pregnant Cat Licking Herself A Lot?
In the same way as kittens in the womb toss and turn, they may also stretch a little bit.
The placement within the womb becomes less comfortable as they get larger.
As a result, they’ll begin to react differently to what’s going on. It may entail stretching like a cat and attempting to warm up the muscles.
When there are bigger litters, there might be a lot of jostling and straining, including spreading outwards.
This isn’t frequent, but it might happen when you’re tossing and turning in bed.
They will stretch, and the cat will be aware of it.
It would help if you looked at this aspect while asking, “Do kittens move a lot before birth?” because it is these sorts of tiny motions that become normalized around day 30.
During the latter days of pregnancy, kicking is familiar.
Kittens aren’t strong enough to begin kicking furiously inside the womb, and most won’t be able to do it all. However, it is conceivable that some kicking will occur during the latter days of pregnancy.
After day 50, it is usual for kittens to begin kicking within the womb, and the mother will detect right away.
This might also be an indication that a baby is on the way.
At this point, most mother cats will relax and select a suitable location to give birth. It’s a normal reaction to the extra movement that’s happening.
When Can You Feel Kittens Move In Pregnant Cat?
It’s possible that you’ll notice kittens moving around day 55 or 60 of your cat’s pregnancy.
But, in many situations, you won’t be able to tell much from the outside – unborn kittens are tiny and don’t move about much, so if you don’t see anything, it doesn’t always imply something is wrong.
Your queen’s stomach will begin to swell but stay away from it to prevent injuring her or her newborn kittens. Other causes of stomach swelling exist, so keep an eye on your cat for any indications of disease and visit your veterinarian if you’re concerned.
Where Can You Feel Kittens For Cat?
You can identify several lumps on your cat’s stomach that are kitten embryos by palpating them.
Of course, if you want to be safe, take your pet to the veterinarian for an inspection. An ultrasound is usually sufficient to detect the specific nature of the lumps. Furthermore, an X-ray should provide you with a clear view of the size of the litter to acquire an exact counting of the cat.
However, the X-ray may have to wait until at least Week 7 since kittens’ delicate skeletal structures frequently form by then.
By palpating and gently pushing on your pregnant cat’s tummy, your veterinarian may be able to feel the fetuses. This usually occurs between the 17th and 25th days of pregnancy.
During the last weeks of pregnancy, you could feel kittens moving around within your fluffy friend’s tummy. As the due day approaches, you must prepare a location for the pet to give birth.
To understand how to feel for kittens in a pregnant cat, you don’t have to be an expert. Most pet owners will feel kittens with their bare hands in most circumstances. Nonetheless, much like people, cats’ moods fluctuate dramatically during pregnancy with little notice.
As a result, you must stay away from your furball if it appears irritated over something for your protection. If the pet allows you to approach it, don’t massage its abdomen harshly, especially if the due date is approaching.
Interesting Read: Why Did My Pregnant Cat’s Belly Drop?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you always see kittens moving in a cat’s stomach?
It depends on how far along they are in their pregnancy. You usually don’t feel them move until they’re almost done, and even then, it can be difficult to palpate. Don’t be alarmed if the cat isn’t upset or there isn’t any discharge.
Will My Cat Sleep A Lot Before She Gives Birth?
Yes, owing to natural tiredness, cats’ sleep habits will typically noticeably improve. They will also begin to show you more show of devotion.
How Many Kittens Are In A First Litter?
The average first litter will have three to four kittens. However, depending on various circumstances, including the cat’s genetics, the first litter might include anywhere from 1 to 12 kittens.
Final Words
If you’ve discovered that your cat is expecting kittens, the next step is to figure out what you’ll need to do to prepare for their arrival.
You’ll also need to know what to do when your pet is giving birth and how to care for them afterward.
Drop your questions in the comments section below.