1. Cats may get roundworms from the environment, but the main concern for cats eating rodents are tapeworms. Rodents are intermediate hosts for tapeworms, and encyst in their muscles. Then when cats (or dogs) eat them, they mature in the cat who then will start passing tapeworm segments in their stool. Pets do not get tapeworms from eating these segments. The segments look like rice, and so, the intermediate hosts (rodents) eat them and the cycle starts again.
    p.s. Another type of tapeworm has fleas as an intermediate host, and infect pets when they ingest an infected flea (licking, grooming, etc.)

    1. Hey there!

      Thanks for sharing that information about cats and tapeworms. It’s always great to learn more about our furry friends and how to take good care of them.

      You’re absolutely right that cats can get roundworms from the environment, but tapeworms are a major concern when it comes to cats eating rodents. It’s fascinating (and a bit gross!) to know that rodents can be intermediate hosts for tapeworms, and how the whole cycle works. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for those rice-like tapeworm segments in my cat’s stool and make sure they get the proper treatment if needed.

      And you’re spot on about the other type of tapeworm with fleas as an intermediate host. It’s essential to be aware of this so we can protect our pets from potential infections.

      Thanks again for sharing your knowledge! It’s always nice to learn something new and useful about our furry companions. If you have any more tips or insights, feel free to share them with me.

      Take care and have a purrfect day! 😺

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