As a cat parent, keeping your animals healthy is likely a top priority that you take very seriously. And, while it may not be the most appealing topic to discuss, it is critical to monitor and comprehend your cat’s bowel movements.
So, is it normal for a cat to not poop after getting spayed?
No, it is not normal for a cat to not poop after getting spayed and you must visit a vet if the problem persists for more than 72 hours.
Keep reading this article to know more about the reasons why your cat is not pooping after getting spayed and how you can cure her.

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Is It Normal For Cats Not To Poop After Spay?
No, it is not normal for a cat to not poop after getting spayed.

Even if your cat refuses to eat after being spayed, she still needs to relieve herself.
As a result, you should keep a clean litter box near your cat’s resting spot for her convenience.
Allowing your pet cat to walk after surgery is not recommended.
Dirt or dust from kitty litter can get into the incisions and cause an infection.
As a result, you must use shredded paper litter for approximately seven days following the operation.
Another thing you should do is check her urine for blood.
Within the first 24 hours after surgery, a small amount of blood may be visible. However, if there is still blood the next day, it is imperative that you contact a veterinarian.
The anesthetics used during surgery can cause diarrhea or constipation for up to 48 hours after the procedure.
If your cat is unable to defecate or urinate normally within the first 72 hours after surgery, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
How Long Can A Cat Go Without Pooping After Spay?
A cat can go without pooping for up to 72 hours after getting spayed.
Cats are extremely routine-based animals, and if you observe them for a long enough period of time, you’ll notice that they do certain things at the same time every day and can be precise to the minute.
It won’t take long for you to notice if your cat hasn’t used the litter box in a while after getting spayed, because they are so routine-based.
If you’ve experienced this, you’re probably wondering how long your cat can go without pooping after getting spayed.
The answer is approximately three days. Any longer than that could be a sign of a problem.
The length of time a cat can hold its poop and pee depends largely on the cat and what it has eaten or drunk.
Larger cats may go less frequently than smaller cats, and if they eat smaller meals throughout the day, they will go less frequently than if they eat one large meal at a time.
Age, stress level, and food type can all influence how frequently your cat uses the litter box. If it’s been more than three days, it’s time to be concerned.
Why Is My Cat Not Pooping After Spay?
The reason behind your cat not pooping after getting spayed is the anesthetics used during surgery, which can cause constipation.

Constipation is characterized by infrequent or difficult defecation.
This can result in hard stool, large, uncomfortable pellets, or no poop production at all.
Cat constipation is a temporary issue.
If your cat remains constipated, it may progress to obstipation (painful defecation) or even megacolon, a severe form of chronic cat constipation that is often unresponsive to medical treatment.
If your cat is straining in the litter box, take them to the vet.
If left untreated, the underlying cause could become serious or fatal.
Symptoms that your cat is constipated include:
- Little to no fecal production while attempting to poop
- Frequent visits to the litter box
- Vomiting
- Decreased appetite
- Abdominal pain
- Decreased energy
- Decreased interest in interacting with family
Cats can become constipated for a variety of reasons, ranging from stressful situations to medical issues.
To rule out any health-related causes or underlying diseases, you should always see your veterinarian within 24 hours.
1. Litter Box Issues
Sometimes cat constipation is caused by a litter box issue: perhaps the box isn’t cleaned frequently enough or is difficult to access.
Alternatively, the litter box could be associated with pain when attempting to poop or with something frightening to a cat, such as the washing machine buzzer going off.
In these cases, your cat’s unwillingness to go can quickly turn into an inability to go. Examine your litter box and its surroundings to assist your constipated cat, and consider:
- Take it somewhere quiet where there won’t be any frightening noises or activities for your cat
- Detaching it from your cat’s food, water, and bed will help.
- To lessen odors, clean it more frequently.
- Switching to a low-sided, accessible box.
2. Not Drinking Enough
Lack of water intake can also result in constipation in cats. If your cat is reluctant to drink, there may be a health issue that is causing it, such as mobility problems, mouth pain, or digestive discomfort. Visit a veterinarian to rule out any of these conditions.
A problem with their water dishes, such as dirty or stagnant water, or even the type of bowl, could be causing your cat to react.
Prior to assuming anything, always rule out medical conditions, especially if your cat is dehydrated.
Then, consider the following:
- Using a cat fountain that simulates a stream or river with flowing water.
- Trying out different types of water bowls made of glass, ceramic, plastic, or metal.
- More frequently cleaning the water bowl.
3. Underlying Disease
Constipation in cats can be caused by a variety of conditions, both acute (short-term) and chronic.
Diabetes, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism are a few of these.
Each of these conditions can develop into something very serious, or even fatal, if left untreated, so all instances of straining in the litter box should be examined by a veterinarian.
4. Obstruction
The intestines can become blocked by a toy or another non-food item, which prevents the passage of poop. This situation is regarded as urgent.
Take your cat to the vet right away if they exhibit obstruction symptoms or are constipated:
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Refusing to eat
- Swollen belly
- Refusing to lie down
- Fever or low body temperature
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How Do I Get My Cat To Poop After Spay?
Here are some things you can do to get your cat to poop after getting spayed: –

1. Increase Water Consumption
Drinking more water and maintaining hydration helps prevent constipation because dehydration is a factor in constipation.
The best way to increase a cat’s water intake and keep them hydrated is to feed them wet food because cats don’t do well with standing water.
As a result, they drink a lot more water and are much less likely to become constipated.
Adding more water bowls around your house, using pet water fountains, letting a faucet drip, and flavoring the water with things cats like, like clam juice, tuna juice, or beef broth, can all help your cat drink more water.
Always leave a source of plain water available if you flavor your cat’s water in case they don’t like the flavor.
2. Try A New Diet
Inflammation of the intestines and constipation can result from food allergies in cats.
Changes in the protein source in your cat’s food, such as chicken, lamb, etc., can lessen inflammation and promote normal bowel function, which relieves constipation.
There are also specialized hypoallergenic diets and limited ingredient diets available for cats who may be allergic to a variety of things.
However, it does take a diet change of about 8 to 12 weeks to take effect, so this is part of long-term management.
Follow the suggested transition period and combine the new and old foods as directed on the cat food package.
3. Maintain A Healthy Weight
Intestinal inflammation brought on by obesity slows down digestion in the intestines. Constipation results from the stool’s excessive water absorption.
In extreme cases, there is so much belly fat that it actually prevents stools from moving.
Your veterinarian can work with you to develop a diet plan and can assist you in determining whether your cat needs to lose weight.
Interesting Read: Why Do Cats Not Use Litter Boxes After Being Spayed?
4. Increase Exercise And Enrichment
Constipation can be treated and prevented with the help of exercise, which helps to promote normal bowel movements.
Cat toys, cat trees, window seats, and more playtime with you can all help your cat become more active.
Additionally, exercise will help with enrichment, anxiety reduction, and weight loss for your cat.
5. Minimize Stress And Anxiety
When their routines are disturbed, cats can quickly become anxious.
There may be a more obvious reason, such as getting a new pet or moving, or there may be a less obvious reason, such as a schedule change, nearby construction noise, or a new dog barking in the neighborhood.
A cat will occasionally simply need some time to get used to changes.
But you can use calming pheromones like Feliway, supplements like Zylkene and Solliquin, herbs, and/or medications to help lessen stress and anxiety.
6. Add More Litter Boxes
Cats can be very picky when it comes to their litter boxes. They might not use a litter box as frequently if they dislike its location or even the kind of box or litter, which can cause constipation.
There should be at least one litter box on each floor of your home and at least one more litter box than there are cats.
To determine which boxes and litter your cat prefers, you might need to experiment.
7. Try Fiber Or Probiotics
The “good bacteria” known as probiotics aid in maintaining intestine health. Constipation is avoided by having healthy intestines that keep stools soft and move them along normally.
The good bacteria are fed by fiber, which also supports the regular intestinal movement.
Additionally, it can aid in maintaining more water in the intestines, which treats and prevents constipation.
There are various types of fiber, so each cat will respond differently to them. Psyllium husks (Metamucil) and wheat bran are two typical sources.
Although canned pumpkin is frequently used, most cats shouldn’t eat it because it has a high sugar content and very little fiber.
The gastrointestinal tract of cats is a little different from that of people, so high-fiber diets do not always help constipation.
In fact, a diet low in fiber can sometimes be more effective. A lot of it depends on what the problem’s root cause is.
Constipation typically has an underlying cause, so it’s important to realize this and take your cat to the vet to find out what it might be.
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Frequently Asked Questions
After how much time does a cat return to its normal movement after getting spayed?
Your cat may get back to normal within a day or two of the procedure. To ensure that it has fully recovered, you must keep her inside for seven days. You can keep a close eye on your pet’s activity levels and recovery process by letting the cat stay inside the house. She shouldn’t be allowed to play, run, jump, or climb stairs for the first week after surgery. Too much movement after neutering or spaying the cat can hinder the wound’s ability to heal. Keep your cat in a small space, a crate, or a carrier at all times to be on the safe side. Avoid hastening his recovery. It is much preferable to give your cat a week of rest.
What food and water should I give my cat after getting spayed?
You should give your cat water when she returns from the veterinarian. To prevent nausea, the amount should be kept to a minimum. Keep just a little water in a bowl, and top it off as necessary. You should give your cat one-fourth to half of his usual food serving when he is awake and alert. You must remove the remaining food if she throws up. Refrain from providing food until the next morning.
Is it OK if I allow my cat to lick the incision?
No, using an Elizabethan collar is required to avoid the cat self-inflicting trauma to the incision and suture removal. The risk of incisional infection is reduced when the cat does not lick or otherwise traumatize the incision. The e-collar needs to be long enough to go over the cat’s nose.
Final Words
You must contact the vet for advice if your cat hasn’t used the litter box in more than three days after getting spayed. Typically, your cat will exhibit signs of dehydration, such as cracked or broken poop, which can alert you to a potential issue.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comments sections.
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After spaying my cat pass stool after 2 days but after that she hasn’t poop for 3 days. Why? What should do? Even I increase her water intake
It’s not uncommon for cats to experience some changes in their bowel movements after a spay surgery. Here are a few possible reasons and what you can do:
1. **Post-Surgery Effects**: The anesthesia and pain medications can sometimes affect a cat’s digestive system and cause constipation.
2. **Changes in Diet**: If her diet has changed post-surgery or if she’s eating less, this could also contribute to constipation.
3. **Lack of Exercise**: After surgery, cats might be less active, which can impact their digestion.
**What You Can Do:**
– **Monitor Her**: Keep an eye on her behavior. If she’s eating, drinking, and acting normally otherwise, she might just need a little more time.
– **Increase Fiber**: You might try adding a bit of canned pumpkin (plain, not spiced) to her food. It’s a good source of fiber and can help with constipation.
– **Gentle Exercise**: Encourage gentle play if she’s up for it. Even a little movement can help her digestive system.
If she still hasn’t pooped after a few more days or if she seems uncomfortable, it’s a good idea to contact your vet. They can check to ensure there’s no underlying issue and provide additional treatments if necessary.