Did your queen get pregnant again? Didn’t she just have a litter a few days back? Is it possible to get pregnant that quickly?
I am sure these are questions lingering in your mind. But don’t worry, we are here to clear your doubts for you.
First off, the majority of your questions will be answered logically if you avoid comparing a cat’s birthing process to that of humans.
Look into this article if you have any more questions.

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Can My Cat Get Pregnant While Nursing?
It is a fact that cats are extraordinarily fertile.
Female cats’ reproductive systems are designed in such a way that they can go into heat virtually immediately after giving birth. This indicates that they can successfully mate and conceive even while they are nursing.
Among female cats, 10% become sexually active between the third and sixth weeks of pregnancy.
Cats who are actively nursing kittens may enter the heat cycle as soon as two weeks after giving birth since lactation does not inhibit the cycle.
However, a cat’s health can be harmed by multiple recurrent pregnancies with relatively brief intervals between giving birth.
A cat’s physical capabilities might be depleted during pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing, leaving her undernourished and worn out.
Interesting Read: How Soon Can A Cat Get Pregnant After Having Kittens?
Can Cats Mate While Nursing?

Yes, female cats can mate while they are still nursing.
After giving birth, a cat can become pregnant again very quickly! Nursing her kittens won’t stop her from getting pregnant, and your cat’s next heat cycle can happen just a few weeks after the birth of her young.
Make sure your cat isn’t near any male cats, and discuss spaying your cat with your veterinarian to prevent further pregnancy.
If it’s still breeding season, most cats will experience an estrus cycle (also known as a heat cycle) about 4 weeks after weaning their kittens.
She might still be nursing while also being in the heat.
Despite this, if there is a significant chance that your cat could become pregnant again, you might still think about spaying her early.
2-3 weeks after giving birth, you can neuter your cat because it has no effect on nursing. However, in order to allow nursing to continue, this will necessitate a different spaying procedure than typical.
Must Read: How Many Times Can A Cat Get Pregnant In A Year?
How To Tell If A Nursing Cat Is Pregnant Again?

Pregnancy in cats typically lasts 63–65 days, or you can say for about 9 weeks.
There could be as few as one or as many as ten kittens in a litter, depending on the cat. However, a litter typically contains 3–6 kittens. Generally speaking, younger, inexperienced queens will bear fewer kittens than experienced mother cats.
If you were unaware that your cat was pregnant, don’t worry. The best things you can do right now are to confirm the pregnancy and discuss your cat’s care with your veterinarian.
Possible pregnancy symptoms in your cat include:
- Enlarged nipples or mammary glands.
- Bigger belly due to weight gain.
- Lethargy, mild vomiting, appetite loss, etc.
Some of these symptoms might not be readily apparent. Additionally, they might be signs of a medical condition that needs attention.
Your veterinarian can also discuss with you the option of spaying your cat while she is pregnant if you choose to end the pregnancy. It is best to schedule a visit with your vet as soon as possible.
Interesting Read: Can A Cat Give Birth And Still Be Pregnant?
Are There Birth Control Products For Cats?
Yes, birth control for cats exists.
However, having your cat spayed is a far better choice.
Suggestion: There are products that alter a cat’s hormonal cycle, but most veterinarians advise against using them unless absolutely essential due to the health concerns involved.
Spaying reduces discomfort and tension caused by periodic heat cycles. It reduces behaviors brought on by hormones, such as urine marking, and helps prevent some significant health issues, like malignancies and possibly fatal uterine infections.
Undoubtedly, each pet is unique. So, when you schedule a consultation, your doctor can address all of your inquiries and assist you in making a considerate, knowledgeable choice for your fluffy child.
How Soon Can A Nursing Cat Get Pregnant?
A cat can get pregnant AGAIN 4-weeks after giving birth to her litter!
The estrous cycle will finally end if the female cat does not mate during this time, and it will not start again for another two to three weeks. If she mates, she can easily get pregnant during her first estrus cycle after giving birth.
For a better understanding, you have to know about their estrous (heat) cycle:
Seasonal changes have a significant impact on the female cat’s heat cycle.
You already know this since you might have seen that there are more kittens born in the spring and summer than in the winter and fall. This explains why we refer to a “breeding season” for cats so frequently.
A cat’s brain hypothalamus produces a reproductive hormone in response to the fall in melatonin production, a hormone that controls sleep.
This hormone travels to the nearby pituitary gland, which releases extra reproductive hormones in response. These travel to the ovaries where they help the eggs get ready for fertilization, which thereby declares your cat to be in heat.
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What Happens When A Cat Gets Pregnant Again While Nursing?

Let’s see:
- It goes without saying that it is not ideal to become pregnant so soon after giving birth.
- Your cat’s health may suffer if you have to deal with the stress and responsibilities of pregnancy in addition to those of caring for a new litter of kittens.
- She has to produce enough nourishing milk for her developing kittens as well as adequate nutrition and support for her developing fetuses to guarantee optimal growth.
- She might find it too demanding on her body, which might still be recovering from the last pregnancy and delivery.
What Can Be Done?
Contrary to popular belief, not all cats require at least one litter before being spayed.
This is just untrue, and it results in more kittens for you to care for or find homes for. Even though you might not want to let them go, they will all be able to become pregnant or give birth to new kittens within the next few months.
By having your cats fixed before the population increases, even more, you can break the cycle and reduce the number of homeless cats.
Keep your mother cat and kittens inside, away from any other potential suitors, until they have all undergone spaying or neutering. Consult your veterinarian to determine when the appropriate time is.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I get my queen spayed and my male cat neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies again?
I mean, why is that even a question? Of course, you should. Spaying or neutering not only prevents pregnancies from happening but also increases the lifespan of your beloved kitties.
Get the male taken care of first because he recovers more quickly and the procedure is less expensive. If he hasn’t started spraying your house yet, he will soon.
You must wait at least until the kittens are weaned, which typically occurs at 7 weeks of age, before attempting to obtain a queen.
The mother needs to be in top condition to properly care for her kittens, so it is best to wait a full two months. A spay operation would prevent her from performing her duties for at least a few days.
Then set aside money for the female cat’s operation. But complete them both, not just one.
What are some unprecedented cat behaviors cat parents should be ready for when their nursing kitty is pregnant again?
Some cats do not want to get pregnant while they are nursing, but unfortunately, some do. Lactating is like natural birth control. Your kittens are comfort-sucking, performing the necessary actions but receiving little to no milk, and they most likely need to eat solid food to survive.
Regardless of whether or not she was pregnant, the mother cat would have hissed and pushed the kittens away. The kittens must now venture outside on their own. The queen does this to get ready for the upcoming litter.
She is attacked by competing tomcats every time she goes into heat, which causes her body to become malnourished and divert nourishment to the fetuses and later to milk production.
The majority of the nutrients she receives are used to feed the kittens every time she has a litter. Once the kittens are old enough to consume solid food and find new homes, the mother cats need time to rest instead of going through that process again.
Final Words
I’m curious if you are certain that the mother cat is expecting, as other conditions, such as intestinal parasites like tapeworms, pyometra, retained fetal tissue, or a gut infection, can make the mother cat appear pregnant and have a large belly.
However, in any case, there’s nothing to be worried about. If there’s a new litter on the way and the mama cat is healthy- adopt it. Otherwise, take her to the vet and they’ll know what to do.
Give the babies to foster homes or cat rescue organizations if you are not confident in handling so many at once.
Let us know how many kittens your furbaby gave birth to.
Are they all healthy?
Also, check out Can A Spayed/Fixed Cat Get Pregnant?