Have you ever heard two males fighting over a female or a female cat yowling because she is in heat? Heavy metal bands have got nothing on them, we assure you. You don’t want to listen to either noise for very long.
Living with an intact cat, whether male or female, is not a particularly enjoyable situation. Both intact male and female cats are very serious about sex, status, and territory.
Therefore making a neutered cat whose instincts are fairly lower than an unneutered cat, is a difficult space to be in because unneutered cats have a higher tendency of spraying and also engage in combat with your other innocent cat when their hormones are active (especially males).
They are even completely capable of maiming or killing one another thanks to their fangs and claws.
When intact cats and non-neutered cats are kept together or are allowed to wander outdoors, numerous and expensive vet visits become but certain.
So, can an intact cat live with one that is not?
It can be done, the arrangements are fairly difficult and need patience, but it could be done, but it is always advisable to get both of your felines spayed or neutered.

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Would An Unneutered Male Cat Get Along With A Male Neutered Cat?
Unneutered cats do play a major role in the dilemma of welcoming a new kitten around or getting along with them, in their new homes.
Unwanted behaviors in male cats who have not been neutered might include a lack of understanding, patience, and behavior of co-existing. Unneutered cats frequently mark their territory with pee spray, and they may do this both inside and outside of your house.
A male cat that hasn’t been neutered is likewise more prone to attack another unneutered male cat. Males compete with one another while attempting to defend their area, and this leads to conflicts that can be dangerously violent.
The ages and personalities of the cats also have an impact on another that pertains to how friendly our macho cats will be.
If they were reared together as littermates, male cats get along quite well. They should get along nicely if they were introduced when they were still young adults (less than six months old).
However, older male cats—neutered or not—might not get along with each other, and they’ll show it by spraying (which, in unneutered males, is SUPER stinky), peeing on owners’ clothes, beds, and other items, and yowling in the middle of the night when they’re most active.
It is fairly better to just keep both the felines neutered, so they can get along better and become good buds!
Can A Male Unneutered Cat Live With Two Female Cats That Are Spayed?

It is very difficult to identify whether or not a cat would welcome a new one with his paws wide open, but because the cat species have grown to be more socially adaptive via domestication, there are good chances of them coming along and living in harmony.
Additionally, as individuals reach maturity, their capacity to alter their sociability is constrained.
Therefore it depends on their personalities and when they meet each other. They could spray everywhere to demarcate their domain. Although neutering will help, they could still pee until litter-trained.
After then, it’s very probable that the women will let him linger. Though an amicable peace seems unlikely, there is still a possibility. Allow them to spar a little as you introduce them.
They hiss and growl at each other, but you have to break up any major conflicts.
However, if the male is not neutered, spraying will occur.
There are certainly many more elements that will add up to the cat’s behavior toward each other.
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Is It Normal For A Neutered Cat To Fight With an Unneutered Cat?
It is very normal for cats to fight amongst themselves irrespective of whether or not they are intact, but the tom cats will always have a more inclined nature to mark their territory and establish themselves as alpha, the combat will lead to hissing and attacking each other with their hefty paws.
Although the majority of inter-cat aggressiveness occurs between intact males. Male cat competitiveness, as well as the fact that intact male cats travel and defend a considerably broader area, are the main causes of this.
Abscesses are a frequent result if these conflicts result in punctures or wounds that penetrate the skin.
So broadly, yes it is very normal for your neutered cat to fight your unneutered cat because even after the surgery their natural instincts to form a dominance do not boil down to zero, they will still carry it and the anger might come out as fights from time to time.
NOTE: In very adverse cases have your cat examined by your veterinarian, if he has been in a fight to avoid infection or abscesses, your veterinarian might need to start him on antibiotics. Your cat might need to have an abscess medically cleansed and drain if one has formed.
Must Read: Why Do Neutered Male Cats Try To Mate With Spayed Female Cats?
When Is The Best Time To Neuter A Male Cat?

One of the cornerstones of caregivers is spaying or neutering your animal, so if a new kitten enters your home, you’ll need to start planning for this procedure right away.
But at what age should a cat be spayed or neutered? What’s more, why should you even think about getting the surgery done?
Veterinarians are still finding a perfect age to neuter and spay your cat. Nonetheless, there are three broad choices left with the caregivers:
- At six to eight weeks of age, early or pediatric spay/neuter surgery is performed.
- At five or six months, a standard spay and neuter are performed.
- Finally, waiting until somewhere between eight and twelve months following the first heat.
These treatments may be carried out whenever your cat is healthy, but the earlier they are done, the less likely it is that your cat will have negative consequences from being sexually intact.
The understanding of veterinarians on cat spaying or neutering is still developing.
The Fix by Five initiative of the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends spaying and neutering your cat at 5 months of age or sooner.
This advice attempts to stop undesired litters, lower the danger of mammary cancer in female cats, and stop male cats from spraying, marking, and fighting. At this young age, sterilized kittens often recover rapidly from surgery.
Also, check out do spayed female cats still have the urge to mate
Will An Unneutered Cat Fight A Neutered Cat?
When we consider “violence,” we may consider several emotions and reasons that have their roots in our own human experience.
Fortunately, unneutered cat violence is simpler to understand and usually results from two instincts: fear and distrust.
Unneutered cats are more likely to experience fear and distrust in the following situations:
- One or more healthy cats are living there (not spayed or neutered).
- Recently, a new cat moved into the house.
- Enduring hostilities between two or more neighborhood cats.
- Cats who previously got along are now tense due to a stressor in the house.
- Two cats who previously got along are brought together by a singular occurrence.
A new cat that enters the territory of the current cat is likely to be viewed as a possible danger.
The requirement for cats to feel safe and comfortable in their territory—knowing they are not in danger and that all the resources they need to survive and grow are easily available—is related to their desire to be territorial.
With these ideas in mind, it is always suggested to have both of your felines neutered and if they have been in fights or otherwise, make a trip to your vet.
Interesting Read: Can A Male Cat Still Impregnate After Being Neutered?
How To Accommodate A Neutered Cat With An Unneutered Cat
Many pet owners are glad to accommodate cats who appreciate the companionship of other cats of their species: There are more households with several cats than households with dogs!

But in order to bring a new cat into the existing cat’s home with a minimum of stress for everyone, the introduction procedure has to be managed with patience.
Visit your veterinarian before bringing your new cat home to ensure that it is healthy.
Make sure there is a durable, solid barrier between any two cats before introducing them for at least a week. A closed door with that tiny crack beneath it is an excellent method.
Allow them to become acclimated to the concept that there is another cat nearby by allowing them to smell, hear, and generally interact.
Maintain complete control of the situation until both parties are at ease, not growling or snarling anymore, and even not trying to play under the door to each other.
Once you have attained this level of understanding between them it is now safe for you to let them be in the same room, although the unneutered cat raging with hormones will try to get in the tom-cat mode and mark his territories and hurt the neutered cat, leading to fights now and then.
It is suggested to always have your cats neutered, so all the felines can live together happily, but do expect small hissing now and then!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will an unneutered male cat go after a spayed female?
Many cat owners are concerned about whether their felines would exhibit sexual activity following spaying or neutering. No, probably not is the simple response.
How do I stop my male cat from mounting my other male cat?
Offer deterrents or distractions. Clap your hands vigorously or drop a book on the ground if you spot your cat about to hump. You might also give a humming male a plush animal in the hopes that he would leave your other cat (or you) alone.
Final Words
It’s crucial to educate yourself on the benefits and drawbacks of neutering your cat and to carefully consider those considerations. Your veterinarian can also give you information pertaining to the condition of your cat and your particular circumstance.
Make sure to discuss any worries you may have with your veterinarian and to ask about the procedure, the healing process, and any potential risks you should be aware of.
Making the appropriate choice for your cat is crucial since neutering him may have an impact on his health and behavior. Your veterinarian can guide you through this process and offer advice.
Interesting Read: Neutered Male Cat Mounting: Reasons & Solutions