1. I was very worried about my adopted cat’s dental health. I am only thirteen so my parents don’t want me to spend money on a vet visit. Doing some online research. All the blogs I read on PetCareRx, PetMD, and this one suggests my cat might have periodontal disease. Looks like I have to save up money to get Bella to a vet soon!!

    1. Hey there,

      I can totally understand your concern about Bella’s dental health—it’s great that you’re being so responsible and looking out for her! I’ve been through something similar with one of my own cats, and I know how tough it can be when you’re worried and trying to figure things out.

      First off, it’s awesome that you’re doing your research and trying to learn more about what might be going on. Periodontal disease is something that a lot of cats can develop, especially as they get older, so you’re right to want to take action.

      If Bella is showing signs like bad breath, drooling, or if she seems to be having trouble eating, those can be red flags. It’s definitely important to get her checked out by a vet when you can. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help her at home:
      – **Brush her teeth**: I know this can be tricky, but even just trying to brush a few times a week can make a big difference. There are special cat toothbrushes and toothpaste that are safe for them (just make sure it’s for cats and not for humans!).
      – **Dental treats or toys**: Some treats are designed to help clean teeth, and there are toys that can help with dental health too. They’re not a replacement for a vet visit, but they can help a bit until you can save up.
      – **Keep an eye on her behavior**: If Bella starts to show signs of pain or stops eating, it’s really important to get her seen as soon as possible, even if it means talking to your parents again about how serious it could be.

      Saving up for a vet visit is a great plan, and maybe you could talk to your parents about it again—sometimes showing them what you’ve learned and how concerned you are might help them see why it’s so important.

      I’m really impressed by how much you care for Bella, and I’m sure she’s so lucky to have you looking out for her! Hang in there, and I hope you can get her the care she needs soon.

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