How long has it been since your cat has had spaying surgery?
Congratulations on getting over it. You now have a calmer and less hypnotic cat.
Although some cats experience mild discomfort in the days following their surgery, you can do your best to take the utmost care of them.
In this article, we’ll talk about if it is normal for cats to be in pain after an operation and how to comfort them if they are experiencing agony.
Let’s check it out.

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Will My Cat Be In Pain After Being Spayed?

Because spaying is a more invasive treatment than male neutering, don’t be surprised if your feline experiences some minor discomfort afterward. Though not frequently, pain does happen occasionally.
Your cat may act a little crankier than usual as a result of the discomfort. Please don’t be offended; she has simply gone through a lot. Inquire with your vet about whether your cat could be given anti-inflammatory painkillers both during and after surgery.
You could observe your fluffy friend acting sleepy and foggy for about a day following spaying; these are both quite common side effects of general anesthesia. The problem is probably recuperation mode if your cat appears to be in a stupor.
She might even temporarily lose her appetite. Without hesitation, get in touch with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about her grogginess or if her appetite doesn’t return to normal after around a day.
The general demeanor of your cat should not change significantly following surgery. The primary distinction is that she won’t become pregnant every two to four weeks.
Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you and she won’t have to cope with her fidgety, agitated, and frustrated behavioral habits.
Why Is My Cat Crying So Much After Being Spayed?

Your cat may appear disoriented and sleepy right after getting spayed. She might yowl unconsciously if she’s still feeling the effects of the anesthetic. She might also feel achy and unpleasant. She uses yowling to express her annoyance with the circumstance. She might yowl if she’s terrified and confused until she begins to feel at ease again.
Your cat’s hormones may take 6 to 8 weeks to balance after a spay procedure. Even while she no longer physically experiences heat cycles, residual hormones can cause her to feel as though she still does.
Until these hormones have stabilized, yowling may still happen.
Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
During their estrous cycle, cats weep a lot. Your cat may have a condition known as Ovarian Remnant Syndrome if you notice she is still displaying signs of being in the heat a few months after having been spayed.
This happens when ovarian tissue is not completely removed during the treatment. The subsequent production of estrogen by this tissue is what causes your cat’s heat cycles. Your cat might become pregnant as a result.
Besides yowling, additional indications that your cat is in heat include restlessness, an increased desire to leave the house in search of a partner, and increased devotion.
Your veterinarian will run diagnostic testing to see if Ovarian Remnant Syndrome is the root cause of these symptoms in your spayed cat if you observe them.
This condition is treated with additional surgery to remove the leftover tissue.
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How Do I Know If My Cat Is In Pain After Spaying?
You can figure out if your cat is experiencing discomfort or pain from the following signs:
- Little or no appetite for longer than 12 hours post-surgery
- Weakness and lethargy
- Pale or white gums
- Swollen belly
- Either heightened or slowed respiratory rate
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Unable to pass urine within 12-24 hours after the operation
It’s a good idea to get your cat a cozy place to curl up or hide out, such as a cat bed. Care for a cat after a spay is similar to caring for a person after an appendix removal; a cozy place to rest is quite important. A cat enclosure could be used as additional security.
In order to keep your cat from injuring the surgical site, you will also need to give it medication and make sure it wears a special collar.
Follow your veterinarian’s instructions and don’t stop taking your medication early unless they tell you to.
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How Long Will My Cat Be In Pain After Being Spayed?

Your cat will experience pain-like symptoms for at least 5-7 days. Gradually, she’ll start to recover and get back to her normal schedule.
Behavioral issues related to pain:
1. Stance
A cat in discomfort would usually adopt a stooped position with its head dropped low, sit quietly and avoid eye contact, or dislike being handled.
According to one of the rare studies in which precise quantitative descriptions of animal behavior are made, a slumped or tucked-up posture seems to be connected with immediate discomfort in cats following abdominal surgery.
2. Inside The Cage
A cat in agony after surgery will frequently lie down in the back of its cage.
If the caregiver expects to observe more overt indicators of pain, like pacing, agitation, or vocalizing, this subtle sign of pain won’t be noticed.
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3. Unusually Calm
You should check the patient for pain if they are not engaging in typical habits like grooming or playing with strings.
Many frightened or fearful cats may curl up in the back of their cages, but if you watch these cats before and after the operation, you can see subtle differences.
It may actively try to hide beneath objects rather than passively remain at the back of the cage, and its facial expression will be different from what it was prior to surgery.
3. Palpation
A cat shouldn’t flinch or attempt to bite you when you gently press on a surgical wound. The excessive licking and chewing of the feet are one of the many frequently mentioned issues following onychectomy.
If bandages are applied to onychectomy wounds, cats frequently shake their paws and attempt to bite at their feet.
It is crucial to distinguish between these behaviors since they could indicate postoperative pain, pain from an improperly applied bandage, or a hatred of the bandage.
Can I Give My Cat Anything For Pain After Being Spayed?
Postoperative feline patients may also undergo physical medicine treatments like cold therapy, therapeutic laser, acupuncture, or massage to lessen discomfort and inflammation.
Each pain management technique is tailored to the specific demands of the individual cat because every surgery patient is different.
The majority of cats receive an injection of a narcotic painkiller right away following surgery unless they are receiving one of the treatments described above.
In order to reduce both pain and inflammation, they frequently take a dose of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAID).
Depending on the exact surgery, your cat’s demands, and how healthy your cat is, your veterinarian will decide precisely which medications should be administered and in what quantities.
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What Are Some Of The Recommended Painkillers for Cats After Spaying?
- Tramadol
- Carprofen
- Gabapentin
- Buprenorphine
- Prednisolone
The frequency and interval of evaluations are determined by the patient’s health status, the extent of the surgery or injuries, and the anticipated length of action of the analgesic medications supplied.
For instance, if a cat is sleeping well after receiving postoperative buprenorphine, it might not require re-evaluation for two to four hours.
After receiving analgesic treatment, let the animals sleep. Frequently, vital signs can be examined without significantly waking up a sleeping animal.
Cats should generally not be awakened to assess their level of pain, but they should still get their regularly prescribed analgesics.
Interesting Read: Why Is My Cat Sleeping A Lot After Being Spayed?
How Do I Comfort My Cat After Being Spayed?
Make sure to carefully follow all post-surgery instructions provided by the clinic or hospital, whether they are related to feeding, bathing, or anything else, to ensure that your cat continues to feel as well as possible after being spayed.
After surgery, give your cat some time to rest and recover, and make sure to keep her away from commotion and loud noises for at least a few days.
Reduce your physical activity as much as you can. Ask your veterinarian to fit your pet with an “E-collar” if you’re worried they’ll lick at their stitches.
Common cat spay recovery signs include:
- Drowsiness
- Slow Walking
- Less Hyperactivity
- Less Appetite
- Being fazed out
Frequently Asked Questions
It is okay to leave my cat alone once she has been spayed?
Though you can eventually leave your cat alone, you should plan to stay with her for the first day following her spaying. It’s critical to keep an eye on her for any bleeding during this vulnerable period.
After your cat has survived the first 24 hours following surgery, you can let her go, but bear in mind that she has to be in a space with limited movement.
Consider installing a pet camera so you can check in on your cat from your smartphone if you’re concerned about keeping an eye on her when you’re unable to be home. You can even ask a friend or family member to drop by during the day to see how your kitty is doing.
Final Words
That’s all you needed to know about spayed cats and their post-surgical complications. Although it is not a typical symptom, it is not very uncommon. Some cats stay healthy, while some experience mild illnesses.
As long as you are there to adhere to their needs, they should be fine.
Let us know in the comments section if your cat experienced pain after she was spayed. What did you do to relieve her of her distress?
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