Hemp seed is well-known throughout the world for its use as an excellent skin care ingredient as well as in human food because it is high in Essential Fatty Acids – the omegas, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, and GLA – as well as protein that contains all of the amino acids.
Hemp seed meal is the byproduct of crushing the seed and extracting the oil from it. Hemp seed meal still contains 25% protein and is an excellent source of fiber for both humans and animals.
So, is hemp beneficial for cats?
Yes, hemp is beneficial for cats. Hemp seed oil has the highest concentration of essential fatty acids of any all-natural plant source. Furthermore, the Hemp seed is high in digestible protein. Hemp seed oil is showing great promise as a supplement or ingredient in cat food. Furthermore, the nutritional composition of hempseed meals shows great promise as a supplement to cats.
This article will be about the benefits of hemp for cats and is it safe for cats to consume it.

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What Does Hemp Do For Cats?
Hemp can be supportive to the cat’s brain, eyes, nervous system, skin & coat, as well as hip & joint health.

Hemp seed oil has the highest concentration of essential fatty acids (Omega 6, Omega 3, and GLA) of any all-natural plant source. Furthermore, the Hemp seed is high in digestible protein.
In cats with illnesses such as pruritic skin disease, atopic dermatitis, allergies, degenerative joint disease, neoplasia, thromboembolic disease, and eosinophilic granuloma complex, there is growing evidence that Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids may play a significant role.
Hemp seed oil is showing great potential as a supplement or component in dog and cat food.
Furthermore, the nutritional profile of hempseed meal suggests that it could be a valuable addition to the cat’s diet.
Hemp seed oil’s healthy fat is absolutely unique. Polyunsaturated fat accounts for about 80% of the oil, making it the most polyunsaturated of any vegetable oil.
It provides an optimal ratio of the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) and Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) for body absorption.
These EFAs, often known as healthy fats, are not manufactured by the body and must thus be received through our diets. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a fatty acid found in hemp seed oil that is naturally converted to Omega 6.
GLA shortage is frequently caused by poor diets and sluggish enzyme activity. This is a problem that hemp seed oil solves.
This optimal blend of EFAs can’t be found in any other single-source oil. Within the body, Omega 6 (Linoleic Acid) and Omega 3 (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) act in tandem.
They are transformed into prostaglandins through a series of actions involving enzymes.
In cats with illnesses such as pruritic skin disease, atopic dermatitis, allergies, degenerative joint disease, neoplasia, thromboembolic disease, and eosinophilic granuloma complex, there is growing evidence that Omega 3 and Omega 6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids have a role.
In recent years, the introduction of polyunsaturated fats into cat food has sparked great attention. The issue is that these fats are inherently unstable, and the meal quickly goes rotten. This is especially true when it comes to flax.
Heavy metal poisoning is a problem in several foods that use marine or fish ingredients. Hemp would be a great addition to cat food because of its high antioxidant content, which acts as a natural preservative and provides a balanced omega-6: omega-3 ratio.
Is Hemp Oil Safe For Cats?
Yes, hemp oil is safe for cats. This optimum plant-based hemp nutrition is easy to digest, leading to elevated health in your cat.

You don’t have to worry about your cat violating the law because hemp oil is 100 percent legal and includes CBD and THC within the legal limit.
Cat owners report significant improvements in three areas: skin and fur, joints and mobility, as well as mood and anxiety.
If you’re wondering whether Hemp Seed Oil is safe for cats, the answer is yes!
Cats benefit greatly from hemp seed oil as a nutritional supplement. Hemp Seed oil is high in nutrients and especially high in essential fatty acids.
The essential fatty acids are known to help with a variety of health issues, including joint, heart, and kidney disease.
Essential fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, help to normalize heart rhythm, and have been shown to improve kidney function.
According to research, essential fatty acids have a positive effect on the brain of the cat, which explains why they have a positive effect on their mood and anxiety levels.
An anti-inflammatory effect is provided by gamma-linolenic acid, a fatty acid found in hemp Seed Oil.
Furthermore, hemp seed oil contains trace amounts of cannabinoids, which have a positive effect on the body. Cannabinoid receptors, also known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), are found in our cats’ body cells and are stimulated by cannabinoids, which can improve their overall health.
CBD oil should not be confused with hemp seed oil. Hemp Seed Oil is derived from hemp seeds, as the name implies.
The oil contains few cannabinoids but is high in nutrients, particularly fatty acids. CBD oil is derived from the hemp plant and contains a higher concentration of Cannabinoids.
CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is a type of cannabinoid. CBD oil, which is used for medicinal purposes, was previously illegal in Australia.
Hemp Seed Oil is also rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, as well as vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin E and chlorophyll.
Hemp Seed Oil is a superior supplement for your cat because it is completely safe while also containing small amounts of cannabinoids to stimulate the endocannabinoid system, as well as the benefits of omega 3,6, and 9 essential fatty acids and other desirable nutrients.
How Does Hemp Oil Affect Cats?
Hemp oil provides several benefits to your cat, some of them are: –

1. Improves Immunity
Your kitty’s immune system is her first line of defense against illness and disease, so it’s critical that she takes good care of it.
Infections and even genetic makeup can weaken her immune system, making her vulnerable to health problems.
Cannabinoids in the hemp-based oil help to support her immune system, promoting her health in the long run.
2. Increases Mobility
Cats enjoy hunting, pouncing, climbing, and scratching. All that movement not only keeps them in peak physical condition, but it also keeps them happy!
However, as cats age, their bodies and joints can weaken, resulting in stiffer movement and other mobility issues.
You may notice your senior cat slowing down, but that doesn’t mean he can’t still enjoy playtime. Your cat must be mobile in order to maintain a high quality of life.
Hemp oil can alleviate joint discomfort caused by normal movement while also supporting overall joint health, allowing you to spend more mornings playing with your cat!
3. Improves Digestion
Just because your cat is capable of eating something does not mean he should. Cats, unfortunately, are experts at getting into places they shouldn’t.
Outdoor cats are more likely to consume toxic substances such as antifreeze, whereas indoor cats are more likely to mistake human food for a treat.
Chocolate, for example, can wreak havoc on their digestive system and even prove fatal. While it may be impossible to keep your cat from eating something bad, a supplement can help support his digestive function and the overall health of his GI tract.
Hemp oil works to keep your cat’s digestive system in top shape and can help reduce normal GI distress.
4. Neurological Function
Your cat most likely has a nervous system, but did you know he also has an endocannabinoid system? This system is made up of a number of receptors that are found throughout the body’s tissues.
Hem oil works with phytocannabinoids, which are natural compounds found in hemp, to support your cat’s endocannabinoid system.
When those receptors are activated, they work to alleviate cellular stress! Because your cat’s neurological tissue contains a high percentage of receptors, activating his endocannabinoid system aids in the support and maintenance of healthy neurological function.
Hemp Oil For Cats Anxiety
Hemp oil can help with your cat’s anxiety and calm her down.
If your cat suffers from anxiety, anything from a bad thunderstorm to an unexpected visitor could stress her out. You don’t want her panicking climbing the rafters whenever you have guests over.
Hemp oil can assist you with this! Hemp oil helps cats relax during stressful times, promoting a normal, relaxed demeanor.
Your kitty may soon find herself much calmer during those times of unexpected stress if you use hemp oil on a regular basis.
Your cat may be in good health, but aging causes natural changes that can reduce his quality of life, leaving you feeling as if you’re losing your best friend.
You want to help you keep your companion comfortable and happy as they age, hemp oil improves the quality of life, promotes relaxation, and alleviates common discomfort.
The best part is that you won’t have to wait long to see results: regular administration may result in changes in your cat’s behavior in as little as three to five days.
Can Cats Eat Hemp Seeds?
Yes, cats can eat hemp seeds.
Hempseeds, also known as hemp hearts, are technically nuts derived from the hemp plant, a non-drug variety of Cannabis sativa L. Hulled hemp seeds contain 1.2 grams of fiber per 3-tablespoon (approximately 1 ounce) serving.
This may aid in the maintenance of a healthy gut microbiome and the improvement of your cat’s digestive process, lowering the risk of diarrhea or constipation.
Hempseeds also contain the minerals listed below:
- Magnesium — A 3-tablespoon serving of hempseed contains 210 milligrams of magnesium. This mineral functions as a cofactor for enzymes that control various biochemical reactions in your cat’s body, such as metabolism, hormone function, and calcium absorption.
- Phosphorus — 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds provide approximately 495 milligrams of phosphorus to your cat. This macronutrient, in conjunction with calcium, regulates bone development. It is also involved in energy metabolism. According to research, phosphorus deficiency in cats can result in poor skin and coat quality as well as musculoskeletal problems.
- Potassium — A 3-tablespoon serving of hulled hemp seeds contains 360 milligrams of potassium, which is essential for healthy muscle and nerve function.
Hemp seeds have a high oil content with a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Your cat, on the other hand, lacks the enzymes required to efficiently convert vegetable sources of fatty acids into DHA and EPA.
Cats cannot metabolize fats from hemp seeds or other vegetable sources, so if you’re adding hemp seeds to your cat’s food to increase their intake of healthy fats, choose other animal-based omega-3 fatty acid sources instead, such as sardines and wild-caught Alaskan salmon.
When feeding your cat homemade treats made from healthy ingredients like hemp seeds, keep in mind to limit the serving to 10% of your cat’s daily caloric intake.
To add variety to your cat’s real food toppers, alternate it with different types of seeds and fresh ingredients on a regular basis.
Hemp For Cats Pain
Hemp can help to relief your cat’s pain.
Hemp has the potential to boost your cat’s immune system, relieve chronic pain, aid in joint mobility, and provide anti-inflammatory support.
Ample anecdotal evidence suggests that cats benefit from hemp when given the appropriate dose on a regular basis.
Despite environmental changes, hemp can help regulate your cat’s mood and create a calmer disposition. This allows your cat to enjoy a harmonious shift as changes occur around her and prevents her from exhibiting worse behaviours, such as excessive grooming, which can harm her skin and coat.
Hemp Seed Oil For Cats Dosage
The recommended dosage for hemp seed oil for cats is 2-4 mg of CBD per 10 pounds for cats to start.
For cats, experts recommend starting with a dose of 2-4 mg of hemp oil per 10 pounds. Because cats lack the same number of cannabinoid receptors as dogs, they require twice the amount to achieve the same results. Start with 4-6mg of hemp oil per 10 pounds for cats with cancer or seizures.
The more challenging the situation, the more hemp you’ll require. However, begin slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend with your fuzzy kitty until he or she is happier and calmer.
It won’t hurt to use a little less or perhaps a little more oil. Dosing can simply be guessed until you figure out what works best for your cat.
Can Cats Overdose On Hemp Oil?
Yes, cats can overdose on hemp oil.
Your cat will not get “high” on hemp-based goods because hemp has such a minimal quantity of THC, regardless of their size, weight, or species.
Regardless, overdosing on hemp can have negative consequences for your cat. If your cat consumes too much hemp, for example, she may become drowsy and uncoordinated, causing her to stumble or simply rest until the symptoms diminish.
The duration of these negative symptoms varies by pet, but most cats recover completely from a hemp overdose in a couple of hours. Overdosing on hemp has no known long-term adverse effects.
Because every cat is different, even if you provide the prescribed dose, you may notice some negative side effects. Finally, the appropriate dose level is determined by your cat’s specific response.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will eating hempseed treats make my pet “high?”
No. Although hemp seeds are derived from a plant related to marijuana, this variety of Cannabis sativa L. contains extremely high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant’s psychoactive component. With less than 0.3 percent THC, hemp seeds are nonpsychoactive and will not get your pet high if consumed.
Hemp oil vs CBD oil for cats
Hemp Seed Oil, as the name suggests, is derived from hemp seeds. The oil is low in cannabinoids but high in nutrients, especially fatty acids. CBD oil is derived from hemp and contains a higher concentration of Cannabinoids. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a type of cannabinoid. Previously, CBD oil, which is used for medicinal purposes, was illegal in Australia.
Can Hemp oil treat my cat’s cancer?
Cats are susceptible to feline leukemia, lymphoma, and other cancers. Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and coughing are among the severe symptoms. Hemp oil will not cure these symptoms, but it will significantly reduce your cat’s pain and overall happiness. Hemp oil reduces vomiting and nausea, making it easier for your cat to take medication and chemotherapy. As a result, your cat will reap the full benefits of the medication.
Final Words
Hemp, unlike many other foods, is easily digestible by the body and has been shown to aid the system in any recovery work it needs to do, as well as in maintaining good health.
While the movement to incorporate hemp into a cat’s diet is still in its early stages, veterinarians are slowly beginning to recognize the value of this miracle plant.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comment section.