Cats are one of the most popular household pets because they are sensitive and enjoy receiving affection from their owners.
They also have an intrinsic and highly developed sense of smell, as well as intuition, which can assist them in determining whether or not a person is pregnant. Cats can detect pregnancy even before you are aware of it.
However, do cats get clingy when you are pregnant?
Yes, cats may become clingy when you are pregnant due to pheromone changes, extra heat radiating from their body, and decreased physical activity in the household. These common pregnancy changes transform you into a warm, comforting, and long-term “bed” for affectionate snuggles from kitties.
This article will talk about, do cats gets clingy when you are pregnant and the reasons behind that.
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Do Cats Get More Affectionate When You Are Pregnant?
Yes, most cats get more affectionate when you are pregnant. The reasons behind this are: –
1. Increased Body Heat
Cats look for three things in an afternoon nap haven: safety, comfort, and warmth (just like cozying up to mom during kittenhood).
It won’t be long before your cat notices that you’re emitting far more heat than you were just a few months ago, even if the hot flashes and pregnancy “glow” are uncomfortably hot for you.
That newly affectionate kitty can’t get enough of her two-legged heat lamp, which explains her frantic clinginess and lengthy couch cuddle sessions.
2. Less Physical Activity
Cats can be stereotyped as lazy, distant, and fickle creatures, depending on how tight a ship you run.
When you’re pregnant, you and your cat share an unusual bond: a newfound love of sleep!
Pregnant women may sleep for ten hours a night (plus daily naps) as their bodies adjust to this growing being and hormonal rush. This combination allows for overlapping sleep schedules and a stronger bond between you two.
3. A Different Scent
Cats are very good at detecting changes that would normally go unnoticed by humans. When your curious cat notices that you’re emitting unusual pheromones, she’ll be piqued and desperate to fix the problem (translation: mixing her pheromones with yours to update the household scent).
Expect your cat to weave between your legs, bunt your outstretched arm, or follow you around the house as she tries to “mark” you as her favorite human once more.
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Can Cats Sense When You’re Pregnant?
Yes, most cats can sense when you’re pregnant based on your behavioral and physical changes like: –
1. Hormonal Changes
It’s no surprise that early in the first trimester, the female body undergoes hormonal changes as your body and womb prepare for the growing human inside of you.
During the first ten weeks and until birth, a six-hormone mixture begins to brew at breakneck speed, including:
- HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): This hormone instructs the brain to stop releasing eggs (ovulating) as the placenta develops in the uterus.
- Progesterone: This hormone allows the uterus to expand as the baby develops.
- Estrogen: It increases blood flow to the uterus and is essential for fetal development.
- Relaxin: It relaxes the pelvic ligaments and widens the cervix, allowing for a more comfortable birth experience in nine months.
- Oxytocin: It encourages the body to produce milk and “nest” before your new bundle of joy arrives.
- Prolactin: It is a hormone that stimulates milk production and lactation in order to feed a newborn baby.
Cats’ noses are extremely sensitive, with up to 200 million olfactory receptors (about 40 times stronger than humans).
These fascinating creatures also have Jacobson’s organ, which is wedged between the nasal cavity and the roof of the mouth.
This combination enables cats to smell and taste the pheromone (or hormonal) changes that occur during pregnancy, just as they can detect which neighborhood cat visited their “territory” by sniffing their urine trails.
Your unique scent is noticeably different from your cat, even if you’re still spritzing the same perfume.
2. Behavioral Changes
Cats appear to be instinctively distant and “lone wolves” most of the time, but these aloof creatures are actually keen observers in disguise.
That semi-distant and affectionate fluff ball notice that you’re spending more time in bed or snuggling on the couch rather than doing your usual morning routine of jogging on the treadmill and cleaning the kitchen countertops.
Your cat may sense an ever-so-slight radiating warmth, as well as early morning toilet excursions (morning sickness), new dinner and snack menus, and changes to her daily schedule (less playtime, later meals, etc.).
Because of increased blood flow and bigger blood vessels, pregnancy boosts your basal temperature to around 99.0°F (37.2°C).
Even if your cat doesn’t understand why you’re dry-heaving into the toilet at 7 a.m., eating candy instead of a cold cut sandwich, or being cozier than usual, she’ll notice something’s wrong.
Also, check out can i sleep with my cat while pregnant
3. Baby’s Heartbeat
When you call your cat’s name and don’t get a response, you give your cat some leeway. Perhaps cats don’t have the best hearing, or perhaps she didn’t hear you from the living room.
However, those perky, swiveling feline ears are extremely sensitive to noises that are far beyond the average human hearing range.
A fetus develops a heartbeat around five or six weeks after conception, but you won’t be able to hear it unless you’re attached to a stethoscope or fetal doppler.
Your cat’s acute hearing may detect a faint heartbeat as she snuggles on your belly while you watch TV. However, if cats can hear the heartbeat of an unborn baby, it will be closer to the third trimester.
How Soon Can Cats Sense Pregnancy?
Cats can sense pregnancy as early as three to four weeks but it depends on each cat.
Everything seems to be a symptom in the first few weeks of pregnancy. However, in addition to keeping a close eye on yourself, it may be worthwhile to pay attention to your feline friend.
Many women claim that their cat could tell if they were expecting a baby even before they did a home pregnancy test. Can cats, on the other hand, detect pregnancy?
We’ll never know for sure, but it appears that cats can sense when something is wrong with your body before you start showing.
It’s far more difficult to say whether cats can detect pregnancy and link the changes to an upcoming birth.
Every woman is different, and every cat is unique as well! However, it’s possible that cats can detect pregnancy as early as three or four weeks. Even so, if your menstruation is late, we recommend getting a home pregnancy test.
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I’m Pregnant And My Cat Follows Me Everywhere
If you are pregnant and your cat follows you everywhere, this could be because of the rise in your body temperature.
When you become pregnant, your blood flow increases throughout your body. This increased blood flow increases your body’s metabolism by about 20%, which raises your body temperature. A higher body temperature could be one of the ways cats detect pregnancy.
Cats’ body temperatures are generally higher than humans’, so these pets enjoy cuddling with warm people the most.
Because your body temperature may be slightly higher during pregnancy, your cat may want to snuggle up with you more and follow you around more when you’re expecting.
Your cat may rub up against you, sit on your pregnant belly, or even lie down beside you with their paw on your stomach.
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I’m Pregnant And My Cat Keeps Biting Me
If you are pregnant and your cat keeps biting you, this could be because of the following reasons: –
- If you’ve been keeping a cat and become pregnant, don’t assume they won’t notice any changes in your body or behavior. Cats are naturally intelligent and can read between the lines; however, they cannot communicate.
- However, cats communicate in a variety of ways. Biting is one of the techniques your cat can employ. If your cat bites you while you’re pregnant, it’s a message they’re trying to convey. You’re either ignoring them or they’re delighted for you.
- When the biting becomes habitual, it’s a sign of anger, so you should be on the lookout. Perhaps your cat has noticed that you are making changes in the house that directly affect them.Â
I’m Pregnant And My Cat Keeps Meowing
If your cat keeps meowing when you are pregnant, this could be because it is heavily reliant on you.
Your cat appears to be very reliant on you and the attention he receives from you. Without this, he is likely to feel nervous, unsure, unsettled, and so on, and this will only worsen once your baby arrives because you will not have the time to lavish all of your attention on him.
He may also experience some separation anxiety as a result of his overdependence on one person’s attention.
Unfortunately, you may need to start retraining him with some tough love, or as the saying goes, cruel to be kind. It will be difficult for both of you at first because he will cry and you will feel guilty, but he will be better for it once he is used to the new normal.
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Cats Protecting Pregnant Owners
Cats can become overprotective of their pregnant owners in order to keep the love and affection to themselves.
Some cats become more protective and affectionate toward their pregnant owner.
During your pregnancy, try to keep giving your cat love and attention.
If they are ignored, their behavior may become aggressive. Cats will sometimes act out by urinating in inappropriate places, such as the laundry basket or your bed.
When you show your cat a lot of love while pregnant, they will know that your relationship hasn’t changed.
Sticking to the same daily routine with your cat can help you avoid behavioral issues as your pregnancy progresses.
Even after your baby arrives, it’s critical to keep your cat on the same play and feeding schedule.
During pregnancy, cats may become more protective and loving. Spending time with a pet animal, according to studies, may improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, reduce depression, and help you live longer.
Do Cats Get Jealous When Their Owner Is Pregnant?
Yes, some cats can get jealous when their owner is pregnant.
When a new baby is introduced into the family, it is not uncommon for a cat to become envious. If your cat begins misbehaving seriously during pregnancy, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian or a professional trainer. Many of them provide individual training or “baby readiness” classes to assist your cat in adjusting.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider asking your friends and family to help you keep your cat’s routine when you don’t have time. If your cat sticks to its routine, it will be more likely to be affectionate when you bring your baby home.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to stop a cat from biting me when I am pregnant?
Make slow changes. When you are preparing for your child, you must make changes in your home. Assume you’ve been sleeping with your feline companion, and it’s time for them to make way for the baby. You can also make changes if you are concerned about infection from your cat while pregnant. Changing the way you arrange your home isn’t a bad thing, but keep in mind that the changes will affect your cat. To avoid hurting your cat, make the changes gradually. Don’t just lock your cat out of the bedroom one day. You can gradually move their bed out of the room until it is in the desired location. Slow changes will help your cat maintain their composure and stop biting you on a regular basis.
Should I take my cat to a new home when pregnant?
Your cat may become stubborn and refuse to stop biting and scratching even after you have done everything possible to make them feel at ease. The best thing you can do is find them a new home where they will be safe and well-cared for. If your cat won’t stop biting you, you can expect the aggression to extend to your baby once you give birth. Take them to a new home to keep both of you safe and because you still love your cat equally. Allow the cat some time to overcome their hatred.
Is my cat’s weight a concern, if it lays on my pregnant stomach?
Cat parents are concerned that if the cat lays on a pregnant woman’s belly, she will be too heavy, causing discomfort, birth defects, or miscarriage. However, this is unlikely, and even if your pet cat is a large breed like the Maine Coon, a normal-sized cat is unlikely to be heavy enough to harm the baby.
Final Words
Cats adore their owners, even if they don’t always show it. They adore us so much that they will notice any and all changes in our bodies, including pregnancy.
When you’re pregnant, your cat may become clingy because they’re worried about you, protective of you, or simply looking for a warm nap with their favorite person. In any case, soak up the extra kitty love and show them how much you adore them in return.
If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.