1. I loved your info about cats eating squirrels !! Omg, I’ve had cats over the years and did not know that they liked to eat them…age and protein of brain and eyes ! Luckily, I never had a cat do that…or, at least that I’m aware of. Most of the time they seemed happy enough to not search for them. I DID have a cat that brought the mouse into the house; I followed behind and watched the mouse run around under my bed, luckily the mouse found a way to my light wt. run at the side of the bed, me grabbing it with the run, taking the mouse outside. That was the only incident that I recall…or that I was aware of. This article was very very informative and interesting. Thanks so much for sharing it !

  2. Cooked squirrel meat is an excellent protein source, both for a cat and humans. Cooking the meat will kill bacteria and make it safe to eat. So don’t be afraid to kill squirrel and feed them to your cats, or eat them yourself!

    I must differ with you on one point however. Any cat can outrun any squirrel, all things being equal. So over short distances, cats very easily can catch up to a squirrel even if the squirrel may have a short head start.

    Mature squirrels share their world with millions of domestic or feral cats. Most mature squirrels have been chased by cats or witnessed cats chasing their fellow squirrels, thus they learn from the experience and can usually avoid capture. But the fact that they successfully avoid capture doesn’t mean the squirrel is superior to the cat. Overall, the cat is a much larger predator, has better weapons to kill with, and runs much faster than a squirrel. Cats can run at up to 30 MPH over short distances. A squirrel might be able to go half that fast at best.

    One of the reasons experienced cats DON’T try very hard to actually capture and kill mature squirrels is they have learned through experience that squirrels can bite very hard and scratch them too. Cat’s don’t like to try to capture and kill animals that fight back hard and which are equipped to genuinely hurt the cat. They much prefer killing easier prey that can’t hurt them very easily, such as soft, squishy mice which they can kill with one clean bite. Thus you may see a cat chase a squirrel half heartedly for the fun of the chase but the cat likely isn’t really trying hard to actually capture the squirrel. Thus watching the squirrels beat the cats to the safety of a tree can cause humans to think the squirrel simply is superior to the cat when it truly is the other way around. The cat simply isn’t trying very hard to catch the squirrel but is very content with nothing more than the fun of the chase.

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