Are your cat’s claws quite long and your cat can’t get them off? It’s a popular problem for cats and their families. There’s an easy alternative, though.
Disease, trauma, or infection may be the major problem behind cats being not able to retract their claws. It may, instead, be an outcome of old age.
Your pet can help to break off its nails by buying cat scratching furniture. Don’t cut the nails of your cat because there are nerves flowing through them and blood vessels.
Take your cat to the vet if the problem does not go down.
Antibiotics may be needed if the problem is an infection. And over time, the trauma fades. Therefore, this is not an issue that will require extensive medical help.

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Why A Cat’s Claw Is Not Retracting: 3 Informative Reasons

1. Serious Disease
The claws of your cat are as vulnerable to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections as any other body part.
Given that the paws of your cat stay in close contact with the floor and all the bacteria that might be lingering on it, it should not be shocking that their toes may become contaminated.
With a quick straightforward dose of antibiotics, most bacterial, viral, and fungal infections can be treated.
However, cat claw issues may also have more severe causes, such as tumors and autoimmune disorders.
The most common medical problem that cats have when it comes to their nails is a disorder called ‘paronychia,’ which is an infectious illness that directly affects the nail beds.
This disease is typically the product of a bacterial infection and at the same time affects one or more claws.
In addition to the infection, you can also find pus flowing from your cat’s nail bed. Over time, the pus can turn dense and brown.
The good news is that the condition can be treated with a quick antibiotic drug! If the claw condition continues after treatment, your cat can suffer from ringworm.
2. Age Is Creeping
Advanced age can also be the cause of complications with your cat’s claw. Older cats begin to suffer complications as their nails get smoother and more fragile.
But younger cats, particularly kittens, aren’t out of the woods when it comes to nail problems. Their active disposition can make it too easy for them to inflict harm on themselves.
Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to make kittens playful. However, it is important to consider the seriousness of the problems with claws.
They’re going to need to be handled right away, or at least looked at by the vet. No one ever said it was easy to be a kitten mom!
3. Mental Anguish
It’s fair to say that there are many ways your cat could damage their claws from pain, whether it’s getting into a fight with another animal, being under your feet, getting their claws stuck indoors, or being involved in traffic accidents.
Via chemical burns, thermal burns, and frostbite, the cat may even suffer pad or claw injuries. The triggers are easy to find in these cases.
When there is an actual impediment preventing them from doing so, a cat does not remove its paws.
Also, check out what happens if you don't trim your cat's nails
Cat’s Claws Not Retracting: How Much Worried Should You Be?

Cat claw issues are terrible for two reasons. Firstly, they will inflict a tremendous amount of discomfort on your cat.
The paws of a cat are full of nerves, but when they’re too long; your cat will feel it. Normally, she’s going to wear her nails on her own, but your cat can’t always do that.
Secondly, Issues left unchecked will seriously affect the mobility of your cat.
While you may be able to correct the issue at home, and there may be a range of online manuals advising you how to handle the issue without the assistance of a vet, obtain veterinary advice separately.
They’re fragile creatures beyond what they would have you think, and one wrong step with the nail clippers could do more harm than good to your pet.
You might also like to read about do cats claws grow back
Define The Challenges
First, you must understand cat claws to understand cat claw concerns. Their appearance is not that different from human fingernails and toenails.
They are made of keratin and are wrapped in a thin sheath consisting of ‘dead’ keratin. The blood supply, which is also known as the ‘quick’, runs through the middle of the claw.
The nail grows out of the cat’s pads and should be able to project and withdraw the nails at the will of the cat.
Claws should usually be in the withdrawn position while your cat is calm or asleep. This suggests that the paws should rest snugly, secured thereby tissue known as the dorsal ligaments.
They’ll do this by contracting a muscle dubbed the ‘digital flexor’ anytime the cat tries to unleash their claws.
The optical flexor is a muscle that is strong enough to resolve the dorsal ligament’s resistance before your cat needs to withdraw her claws again. By essentially calming the digital flexor muscle, this is done.
By being overly lazy and silent for a few days, your pet will usually let you know if they are feeling pain. However, in numerous ways, all cats respond to discomfort, some cats may prefer to be overly verbal about their cat claw issues.
In the early days of cat claw issues, there might be no visible physical symptoms. However, your cat might begin to let you know that he is limping and hesitating to put the damaged paw on the carpet, or overly licking their paws.
What to Do When Your Cat Can’t Withdraw Claws?

1. Scratch As You Wish
If you’ve ever thought about why your pet spends so much time digging away at just about everything they can stick their claws in.
It’s important to remember that, for the sake of it, they’re not just misbehaving or ruining your precious furniture. The cat is engaged in scratching operations to keep the claw muscles safe and strong.
This exercise will also allow your cat to keep its paws sharp and clear the blunt, dead parts of its feet, better known as sheaths.
It is therefore often necessary, particularly for indoor cats, to have a rough service where they can hold their claws.
If your cat doesn’t seem to be interested in conventional scratching posts, you can still reach for scratching mats.
2. Clip The Nails
Clipping a cat’s nails is not the simplest thing in the world, in reality; it’s likely enough just to make you want a fish instead. But the best part is that cats generally take care of themselves by wearing their claws.
This can become an issue if your cat is an indoor cat and shows little interest in using the scratching furniture that you have provided them with. Some cats can become apathetic about it simply.
What folks don’t realize is that a cat’s nail has blood vessels running through the center of it. You put your cat in a lot of pain when you cut these out. Therefore, even if most people do, it’s best not to clip your cat’s nails.
3. Call Up The Vet
If you have noticed that the pads, nails, or toes of your cat have become inflamed or red, contact your vet immediately and do not hesitate to seek therapy.
Generally, inflammation of the toes can indicate that some form of trauma has been received by your cat.
For them to examine the extent of the damage, your veterinarian will want to run an X-ray on your cat’s feet. Any obvious signs of swelling or damage will trigger a significant amount of pain for your cat.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can cats lose the ability to retract their claws?
As senior cats may often lose the opportunity to completely retract their claws, they may appear longer than they really are – so be cautious not to clip their claws too tightly! Stiffer knees in the older ages may mean that your cat can’t hit all the grooming spots.
Does it hurt cats when their claws get stuck?
It doesn’t hurt if they’re just stuck on a doll or anything small, so it might mean a broken or sprained leg if their paw is stuck on something when they’re jumping on or off. They may have been left hanging, and it may have caused injuries.
How do you teach a cat to retract its claws?
If your cat doesn’t hold back its paws, you’re going to have to teach it to do so. You should teach your cat to remove its claws through play. When approached with claws unsheathed, make a high-pitched yelping sound and end the game immediately. This is a result of the noise created by another cat, teaching it that claws hurt.
At what age do kittens learn to retract their claws?
Around four weeks old, the kitten learns the ability to bring the paws down into the hand. Kittens use their claws to scrape and brush themselves, stretch, balance, protect themselves, and discover their surroundings (just as human babies use their hands to explore).
Why does my cat get his claws stuck?
Cat paws usually wear off during physical activity and scratch on trees and other stuff like that around the property. It’s normal for kittens to have their claws caught in stuff, but not normal for adult cats unless the claws are so long that they’re curling inward.
Do indoor cats need their nails trimmed?
Trimming the nails of a cat every few weeks is a vital aspect of keeping your pet safe. Nail trimming is also a quick and efficient solution to declawing, which requires surgical amputation and can cause behavioral and health problems.
Final Words
Always make sure that while grooming them, you pay attention to your cat’s nail beds. You can check your cat’s nail health by taking their paw into your band and gently squeezing the pad to project the claw if your cat allows it.
You should be checking for signs of inflammation, soil, mucus, or fluid. Any discharge is a simple indication of contamination that would entail a ride to the vet. Cat claw issues can usually be fixed very quickly.
So readers! Make good use of the comments section below and let me know if you too possess an old cat that is facing difficulty in retracting its claws.
What precautions have you taken to take care of the cat? Keep all of us informed…
My cat is about to be 4 in a few weeks and it seems his whole adult life he has had trouble getting caught on things even when nails are trimmed, it seems he cant keep his claws totally inside his paw so when he walks they are out a bit. How can this be fixed?
Check with the vet if your cat has arthritis. This is the main reason a cat can’t retract its claws. You can make your cat retract its claws by turning the toe’s claw-bearing end bone over the end of the next bone. The toe is expanded as well as the claws are released from their sheaths.