Using flowers to decorate your home can be really beneficial. They improve your mood, relieve tension, and beautify your surroundings. They also look excellent and add to your home’s attractiveness and décor.
If you have a cat, though, you should proceed with caution. Before you plant a lovely flower garden in your backyard, think about whether the plant is poisonous to your cat. There are a lot of plants that aren’t suitable for cats.
So, are snapdragons poisonous to cats?
No, snapdragons are not poisonous to cats. Colourful snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are non-toxic to cats, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Snapdragons are on the University of California’s list of plants that are safe for both adults and children.
Keep reading the article to know more about the relationship between cats and snapdragons.

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What Are Snapdragons?
Antirrhinum is a genus of plants commonly known as dragon flowers or snapdragons because of the flowers’ fancied resemblance to the face of a dragon that opens and closes its mouth when laterally squeezed.
Snapdragon is a popular annual garden bloom that is a short-lived perennial garden flower. It’s a firm favourite in many flower gardens, including patio containers and flower boxes.
Antirrhinum majus is the botanical name, while its common names include lion’s mouth, dog’s mouth, and toad’s mouth.
The name comes from the flower’s form, which resembles a dragon’s snout. When bumblebees come near for pollination, it also opens and closes in a snapping manner.
Snapdragons do well in the winter. You’ll witness blossoms of various colours as soon as fall or spring arrives.
The bloom starts at the bottom of the stalk and progresses up to the top, where it bursts into colour.
You’ll have nothing short of a magnificent landscape if you use round summer blossoms like roses and scabious (both of which are cat-friendly).
Just make sure there are enough bumblebees around because regular bees and other insects won’t be able to open the snapdragon’s ‘jaws.’
Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Snapdragons?
Yes, it is safe for cats to eat snapdragons.

Are cats poisoned by Snapdragons? Despite rumours to the contrary, the gorgeous, bright snapdragons are not harmful.
According to the University of California, Snapdragons are not only safe for cats but also for children and are not poisonous to canines.
So don’t be alarmed if your cat or dog starts nibbling on your grounded snapdragons—or if it just happens to come across them while out on a walk early in the morning.
You may rest easy knowing that they’re absolutely safe.
Due to allergies or sensitive skin, certain cats may respond differently to snapdragons. As a result, there’s a chance your cat get a rash or itchy red spots on its skin.
The word “safe” implies that you aren’t preparing snapdragon tea or using any component of the plant as a herbal remedy. Some plants may cause allergic reactions in cats even if they contain no known toxins.
Your cat will not be harmed in any way if he eats, licks, or rolls around with the snapdragon.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, this lovely perennial garden plant is not only safe for cats, but also for dogs and horses. This is excellent news. Your cat can handle the plant quite well.
As a conscientious cat parent, you understand the need of using cat-safe fertiliser while growing plants and flowers.
While the flower itself may be in good condition, what you put in the soil might cause havoc.
If you decide to use commercial fertiliser, make sure to follow all of the safety measures. For example, some cat owners suggest that the cat should not be allowed to enter the garden for 24 hours following the treatment.
Don’t overlook it. Break apart clumps of fertiliser for added safety. Cats are naturally curious and will want to investigate the clusters. they’ll most likely sample items with both its nose and tongue.
It’s even better if you can get your hands on cat-friendly fertiliser options like grass clippings, fish emulsion, seaweed, compost, and manure. A bone meal is another option, although it may draw your cat to the garden. That is something you do not want to happen.
Are Snapdragons Pet-Friendly?
Yes, snapdragons are pet- friendly according to ASPCA.

Cats can be harmed by a variety of indoor plants.
Plants that are suitable for keeping with cats are also available.
All you need to know is which plants are beneficial to your feline companion.
If you have cats and want to have flower plants that won’t harm them, you can buy snapdragon plants.
The flowering plant does not poison dogs, cats, or other animals.
It’s a beautiful flowering plant that’s safe for almost any animal. You can rest easy knowing that the plant isn’t toxic.
Many plants are toxic to cats and dogs, but snapdragons are not one of them.
This annual can be found as a flowering houseplant, as well as in flower beds and window boxes, right in the heart of cat territory.
Cats are poisoned by a variety of plants, the majority of which are blooming plants.
The snapdragon flower plant, on the other hand, has no effect on cats. These plants are non-toxic, so you can keep them in the same room as your cat.
Because snapdragons do not produce any toxic compounds, cats are unaffected.
Ingesting the leaves, on the other hand, could be harmful to one’s health. Because it is non-toxic, snapdragon has no effect on cats.
Snapdragon is a plant species that has been found to be safe for both cats and humans.
You can keep them at home to add to the aesthetic appeal of the space. At the same time, you can incorporate it into your family’s garden.
There are only a few plants that are safe for all cats. The snapdragon plant, on the other hand, has established a reputation as a pet-friendly plant because it is not toxic to most animals. Because there are no poisons in any part of the plant, it is perfectly safe to eat for cats.
As a result, the plant has gained a reputation for being pet-friendly. Plants have been found to be animal-friendly on numerous occasions.
Most indoor plants, on the other hand, can be toxic to cats. The blossoms of snapdragon, on the other hand, do not fall into this category. These plants are safe for cats and are non-toxic.
How To Keep Cats Away From Snapdragons?
If you fail to keep your cats away from your snapdragon plant after all your efforts, the following tips might help you: –

1. Make Them Unreachable
The quickest approach is to move the plants that have been harmed out of reach.
A lofty vantage point is ideal. To keep your plants safe from clawed claws, construct floating shelves or hang them from the ceiling.
Large, heavy plants may require a separate room, and dwellings with limited sunlight and wall space will almost certainly necessitate more inventive solutions.
Another simple technique to keep cats away from plants is to use a physical barrier.
Cats are frequently deterred from digging by covering the earth with stones. Scratching and chewing cats may require a little more coaxing.
Take a few empty cans and place them on the ends of the chopsticks, then place them in the soil.
This inexpensive, albeit unsightly, trick is enough to deter most cats. If you’re willing to spend money, a glass cloche or DIY terrarium is a more appealing barrier.
2. Make Them Unappealing
Cats are discouraged from snooping in plants by certain scents, textures, and sounds. Cover the pot and soil with aluminium foil to deter digging cats.
Wrapping the pot with double-sided sticky tape should help cats who scratch at it. They dislike the feel of these surfaces beneath their paws.
Cats will avoid plants that have an unpleasant taste or smell. Because cats dislike the smell of citrus, lining the soil with citrus rinds is a common method of keeping cats away from plants, though this may attract fruit flies and other garden pests.
If you don’t want to leave fruit pieces in your plants, spray the leaves with apple cider vinegar. Another option is to use a store-bought bitter spray.
3. Give Cats Their Own Plant
Giving your cats their own plants may seem counterintuitive, but it will keep them from eating yours.
Cats will occasionally consume grass as a source of fibre. It can help them digest and/or bring up indigestible furballs.
Most pet stores sell pre-mixed seed packages labelled “cat grass” or “pet grass.” Wheat, oats, rye, barley, and flaxseed are included in this pet grass grow kit.
Placing cat grass or catnip away from your houseplants provides a healthy alternative for your cat.
4. Keep Them Busy
Your cats may be torturing your plants out of boredom. Try giving them puzzle toys that are interactive.
To engage your cat’s natural hunting instincts, you fill it with cat food and hide it. An empty toilet paper roll can be used to make a DIY version of cat toys.
If your cat appears uninterested in new toys, consider spraying pheromone spray on your cat’s enrichment items to encourage usage. Your cats will be less likely to seek out trouble if they are given enough mental stimulation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for cats to recover from snapdragon poisoning?
Snapdragon plant is not toxic to cats so they can’t be poisoned by it. However, if the plant is ingested in large amounts it can result in an upset stomach and gastrointestinal issues. The recovery however is pretty fast. The outlook for your cat’s recovery from a snapdragon overdose is generally positive. With proper veterinary care and plenty of rest and fluids, most cats will recover completely from iris poisoning.
Do Snapdragons come back every year?
Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are tender perennials that are frequently grown as annuals. The only way to ensure snapdragon flowers from year to year is to treat them as annuals and replant each year.
What Is Snapdragon Plant Used For?
Antirrhinum majus (common snapdragon) is a flowering plant that belongs to the genus Antirrhinum. As a diuretic, it was traditionally used to treat scurvy, liver disorders, and tumours. Historically, the leaves and flowers were used to treat cancer and ulcers as antiphlogistics, resolvents, stimulants, and poultices.
Final Words
Snapdragons are not only beautiful and colourful, but they are also completely safe for your cat. So go ahead and add some colour to your garden with these blooms, and rest certain that your cat will be fine.
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