We’ve all acknowledged that cats have their own peculiarities, and there’s no way of knowing which cat will like a particular treatment.
If you’ve noticed that your cat enjoys rubbing itself on nail files and constantly appears when you’re using yours, you might be thinking, “Why do cats like nail files?”
Cats like nail files as they have a natural affinity with nail files. Nail files aid in the filing down of their claws, and they like the sensation. Other factors could include a mineral deficit. Nail files are also appealing to cats because of their texture and sound when they paw them.
This article will talk about why your cat likes nail files and are they safe for them.
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Are Nail Files Safe For Cats?
Yes, nail files are safe for cats.
You can use a nail file on your cat. The emery board works well on his claws, and because claws are comparable to fingernails, a nail file would also help.
He might even enjoy it, given cats’ odd attraction to nail files!
You don’t have to file your cat’s claws down, but a nail file will help smooth the sharp edges if you do cut them.
If your cat does not like nail files, however, while the technique itself will not injure your cat, using a nail file on your feline companion will almost certainly cause a lot of frustration on both ends.
Most cats despise having their nails clipped, so they won’t appreciate your efforts to file their nails, especially since you’ll probably want to hold onto your cat’s leg or paw to keep it in the proper position.
Nail files are safe for cats in terms of safety. Filing your cat’s nails, on the other hand, is a slow procedure. If you’ve ever tried clipping cat nails, you know how difficult it is in most circumstances.
When you touch a cat’s paws, they usually don’t enjoy it. As a result, filing a cat’s nails is fairly difficult.
Furthermore, trimming your cat’s nails with a nail trimmer designed exclusively for cats is far faster. As a result, when you finish filling the cat’s nails, the cat will not be upset.
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Why Does My Cat Like Nail Dust?
Your cat might like nail dust because of mineral deficiency.
While the majority of cats enjoy the taste of nail dust, there could be a more serious explanation, such as a mineral deficit.
When cats’ bodies are deficient in certain minerals, they may begin to crave them. Nail dust contains traces of zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are commonly found in fingernails.
Most cats will lick, chew, or play with nail dust, but there have been reports of certain cats developing a fetish for them.
Some cats rub their faces and bodies against the nail file as though transferring their smell glands to it.
Others may kick, pull, and bat it around, or nibble and munch on it to death. After you file your nails, some cats may continue to behave strangely.
Why Does My Cat Like To Chew On Nail Files?
Your cat might like to chew on mail files because: –
Cats are drawn to nail files because they have a mineral deficiency. Nail files or emery boards contain minerals from your nails, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium, so the theory is that cats lick or rub nail files to replenish their supplies of these minerals.
One theory is that cats enjoy nail files for the same reason that they enjoy scratching posts. Cats, once again, are instinctively motivated. Their claws, in essence, crave being filed down, which is why they enjoy scratching posts so much.
On the other hand, Nail files fulfill the same job; therefore, it’s possible that cats prefer them because they identify them as a tool for grinding down their sharp claws.
Another reason is that their texture is similar to that of a cat’s tongue. Some cats may be soothed by rubbing their faces against a rough surface.
Cats enjoy marking their territory by rubbing their faces against various surfaces and objects in their surroundings.
If you ever find yourself filing your nails, you may discover that your cat is particularly fascinated by the process and the equipment.
Cats who like to spend a lot of time in their owner’s lap or at least close by their owner are more likely to experience this. These pets are always curious about what their human companion is up to, so they’ll be interested in nail files as well.
Can I Use An Emery Board On My Cat’s Nails?
Yes, you can use an emery board on your cat as it is not harmful in any way.
The Emery Cat Board is a completely new and modern cat system that can be purchased to help people maintain their cats looking and feeling wonderful.
This base is unlike any other, with a honeycomb surface that feels like a nail filer, allowing cats to shave the sharpness from their nails.
Clipping your cat’s nails will be a lot easier using this approach. Your cat will no longer be injured if you cut too close or just too much.
The base can be infused with enticing catnip to keep cats coming back for more. Taking cats to the veterinarian for nail trims can be quite costly.
The invention saves kitty owners money and time because it allows them to clip their own nails. Cats are aware of where the sensitive area of their nails is located, and they will not file their nails too short, causing pain and suffering.
This appears to be a good match for those who wish to scratch furniture, drapes, wood, and a variety of other surfaces.
Why Do Cats Lick Emery Boards?
Your cat may lick emery boards because of the glue used to bind the paper with the board.
Because of the glue used to connect the emery paper to the board, cats may lick it. It may, for example, contain fish oil, which most cats enjoy and are likely to scent.
It’s also possible that the cat enjoys the rough surface of the glued-on sandpaper. Finally, the cat could be suffering from a medical condition such as nervousness or another problem.
This is an established cause to take your cat to the veterinarian for a wellness check-up.
Are Emery Boards Toxic To Cats?
No, emery boards are not toxic to cats.
Emery boards aren’t known to be harmful to humans. If your cat eats one, though, it is not beneficial for him and will most certainly make him vomit.
Now, just because they aren’t poisonous doesn’t rule out the possibility that your cat is allergic to something in them. It has the potential to induce a mild or severe allergic reaction.
General allergy reactions to watch for are: –
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- Increased rubbing against a hard surface because they itch
- Runny eyes, if the cat is rubbing its paws across the eyes more than usual, the eye may be itchy to them
- Want their back and especially near the tail scratched because it itches (generally due to allergy to flea bites or, more specifically, flea saliva)
- Itching of ears or ear infection
- Heaving
- Diarrhea
- Snoring caused by a swollen throat
- Swollen paws and chewing of paws
Call your veterinarian if your cat exhibits any of these allergic symptoms. The veterinarian will either advise you to relieve the symptoms or ask you to bring the cat in.
Also, check out cat nail caps pros and cons
How To Keep Your Cat’s Nails Dull?
You can keep your cat’s nail dull by giving it a scratching post.
A cat with access to a scratching post, whether large or tiny, will have duller nails than one that does not have access to a scratching post in your home.
Special protection corners for sofas and other pieces of furniture are now available, and they are specifically created for cats who prefer to scratch upholstery pieces like armchairs.
You can always cover your cat’s nails with plastic nail covers.
Naturally, if your feline pal appears to be fine with the surgery and wearing the protection at all times, this could be a good way to keep your home safe.
Declawing is illegal in the United Kingdom, but even when it is legal, most veterinarians oppose it for a variety of reasons.
The procedure itself carries a number of dangers, including general anaesthesia, tissue death, lameness, local infections, and paw pain.
Above all, a cat’s claws are critical to how she interacts with the environment around her.
It’s a means for your pet to defend herself if she lives outside as well as inside.
Furthermore, declawed cats are thought to feel insecure, leading to violence. Because the surgery essentially involves removing several ligaments and rendering the fingertips immobile, it takes a long time for a cat to learn to walk again.
The following are the finest items to use to keep your cat’s nails clipped and dull:
- Cat nail clippers
- Scratching posts
- Couch guards
- Nail caps
Is It Possible To Find Cat-Specific Nail Files?
Yes, it is possible to find cat-specific nail files both in online markets and pet stores.
Nail files that are safe for pets can be purchased online and in pet stores all around the world. Few cats, on the other hand, enjoy having their nails filed.
The nail files that most cat owners may buy look a lot like the ones that were meant for people.
On the other hand, the nail files available in pet salons are quite different. They are usually little devices with grinders attached to the tips. Because the noise may be bothersome to cats, we recommend avoiding this design.
Only when cats are sedated, and a professional is giving them a haircut can such a device be used on them; thus, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity to clip and file their nails as well.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Clip Your Cat’s Nails With Human Nail Clippers?
Yes, but the size of the tool has a big role. Large nail clippers made for humans are not only inconvenient to use, but they can also accidentally harm your cat’s paws. For example, while one of the clippers’ sharp blades concentrates on clipping the nail, the other is piercing one of your feline friend’s paw pads (also called toe beans). However, using a little model can achieve nearly the same results as if you used a set of cat-safe nail clippers.
Can I use a nail file to keep cat’s claws short?
If you want to maintain your cat’s claws short, you can use a nail file. However, keep in mind that most cats dislike having their paws touched (or being held for a long time). As a result, using a nail file on your cat’s claws may be difficult. Furthermore, you should use a nail trimmer or clipper instead of using a file to trim your cat’s nails. This provides a more comfortable, clean-cut for Kitty’s claws and speeds up the operation, which he will appreciate.
Do nail grinders work for cats?
When it comes to removing a cat’s claws, nail grinders are very effective. It’s critical to keep your cat’s nails groomed, trimmed, and healthy on a regular basis. The good news is that most cats take care of their own nail health (which is why they scratch on posts, carpet, and furniture). However, some people still require assistance with trimming.
Final Words
Cats tend to enjoy nail files for the same reason they seem to enjoy a number of items around your house, for no apparent reason! They like to mark their area, so when you use your nail file, they will rub against it.
They aren’t necessarily inviting you to use the nail file on them by doing so. Make sure your pet’s nails are properly trimmed with the proper tools. If you’re unsure, consult your veterinarian or a pet groomer for advice on which tools to use.
If you have unanswered questions, ask us in the comments section.