It’s simple to see why certain cats are so fond of tuna, mice, and salmon. But what about adhesives? Why would a cat eat something like that? Surprisingly, many cat owners are familiar with this occurrence.
The honest truth is that some cats adore adhesives. Several cat blogs, in fact, are full of stories of their snarky felines exhibiting this peculiar feline behavior. Chewing, batting, and rolling the material around is like catnip to them. Some cats have developed such a strong addiction to it that their owners are forced to hide all tape and glue-related items in their houses.
So, why do cats like adhesive?
Your cat might like adhesive because of the smell of the adhesive, the taste of the glue, and the tape’s texture and crinkle.
This article will talk about why cats like tape and glue and is it harmful to them.

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Is Glue Toxic To Cats?
Yes, glue is toxic to cats if ingested orally and can cause several health issues.

Glue is a typical household item that may be found in both homes and offices.
Although glue is not one of the most common animal poisons, cats may be exposed, raising concerns about their toxicity.
Glues come in a variety of forms, including white glue, super glue, and expanding glues. The expanding glues are the most hazardous of these glues.
The most frequent ingredients in super glues are ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate (50%) and polyvinyl acetate (polyvinyl acetate) (methylmethacrylate 2-30 percent ).
When these chemicals come into touch with another surface, they form a strong, non-expandable bond.
Cats of all ages, breeds and sexes are susceptible. Cats are more likely to be exposed by getting glue on their fur and then being exposed to it through grooming. Mild oral irritation is the most typical side effect of ingesting glue.
Signs will depend on the part of the body exposed and may include:
- Drooling
- Shaking head
- Pawing at mouth
- Coughing, gagging
- Retching
- Vomiting
- Lack of appetite (anorexia)
- Squinting, pawing at the eye, tearing, red eye with eye exposure
- Presence of dried glue on fur, paws, ear, eye, etc.
Is Scotch Tape Adhesive Toxic?
Yes, scotch tape adhesive is toxic to cats, and eating scotch tape is extremely dangerous to cats because it can get stuck in your kitty’s digestive tract.

Eating tape can be risky for your cat since it can get lodged in its digestive tract, according to Dr. Osborne.
This form of foreign-body obstruction usually necessitates expensive surgery to remove the obstructive object.
If the blocking item(s) remains inside the cat, the condition might be life-threatening, she explained.
Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach soreness or pain, and a loss of appetite or anorexia are all indicators of foreign-body ingestion.
Another big health worry is that the tape may include hazardous substances that, once absorbed into the body, could create health problems, according to Jessica Kirk, DVM, veterinary writer.
Dr. Burch suggests removing any objectionable tape from your cat’s reach to prevent him from chewing it.
All shipment boxes with loose tape should be kept away from your cat, as cats can tear the tape off and consume it. If you must use tape, however, make sure your cat is protected and does not have access to or swallow the tape while you are working with it, she advised.
If you think your snarky furball is chewing tape because he’s bored, Experts recommend giving him something else to chew on or a new enriching activity to explore.
You can keep your cat busy by providing him with a variety of safe toys and enrichment activities, as well as organizing regular playtime sessions with him.
Finally, Experts advise that you take your cat to the veterinarian to ensure that nothing is amiss internally.
Why Does My Cat Like Eating Tape?
Your cat might like eating tape because of the smell of the adhesive and the taste of the tape.

Michelle Burch, DVM, veterinarian writer, and adviser for Catological told POPSUGAR that there are several reasons why your cat might be chewing tape.
She said that the scent of the adhesive, the taste of the glue, and the texture and crinkle of the tape could all cause your cat to eat the object, depending on the cat.
Cats with pica, a disorder in which cats have the behavioral drive to consume inedible materials, may also eat tape and other inedible items, according to Carol Osborne, DVM, of Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic.
Pica can be caused by a variety of factors, including heredity, boredom, nutritional inadequacies, underlying illness conditions, and premature weaning.
Unusual eating habits could indicate a more serious health problem, such as feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, brain tumors, or diabetes.
It could also be an indication of a dietary problem, such as anemia or a lack of nutrition in the cat’s food.
Pica could also be a hereditary condition. Wool sucking, for example, is more common in Birman and Siamese cats. It could also be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Some cats may begin nibbling on uncommon home items out of boredom or to attract the attention of their owners. These cats may require more stimulus in their surroundings.
The reasons why cats eat tape vary, and it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian, especially if it’s a new habit they’ve picked up.
Is Adhesive Bad For Cats?
Yes, adhesive is bad for cats.
The issue is that there is a risk of intestinal obstruction. Cats generally throw up things they can’t digest, but this isn’t always the case, and an intestinal blockage caused by a piece of tape swallowed by your cat might be life-threatening and expensive.
Keep tape and other adhesives out of your cat’s reach – don’t let them in the room when you’re wrapping gifts, for example! When possible, use alternate choices, such as twisted ties.
You can train your cat to associate the tape with a “poor” taste, such as bitter apple, to make it less appealing. Allow your cat to smell and even taste the “bad” stuff before putting out a piece or two of tape with the same flavor.
Continue to smear a little of this stuff on tape anytime you use it around the house, and they should begin to connect the terrible taste with tape.
If your cat is chewing tape because it is bored, consider making the extra time to play with them or adding more stimulation to their environments, such as window views, videos, or cat-friendly games.
Make sure they have something else to chew on! If you catch them with tape, use something safe to distract them, such as a toy with a treat inside.
For further information on how to deal with a cat who loves glue, consult your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist.
Is Elmer’s Glue Toxic To Cats?
No, Elmer’s glue is not toxic to cats.
Although Embr’s tape is non-toxic and easy to clean, you should still keep cats away from it.
It’s also cost-effective and certainly less expensive. It can be found in both the internet and offline markets.
However, just because it’s non-toxic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious, and you should keep your cat away from the material while it dries.
If your cat (or other pet) eats a lot of glue, it could have trouble moving through its digestive system. Even though the adhesive is considered non-toxic, it is nevertheless not recommended for consumption.
Elmer’s Wood Glue is non-toxic to both pets and humans. The glue also has a VOC score of near zero, indicating that it emits little to no Volatile Organic Compounds.
While the combination of these two factors makes it a wonderful pet-friendly glue, it’s still not something you’d want your cat to consume. It could obstruct their GI tract and act as a foreign body if they consume enough.
However, your cat would have to consume a large amount of this glue for this to occur.
Is Hot Glue Toxic To Cats?
No, hot glue is not toxic to cats.
“When handled correctly, hot melt glue and glue sticks aren’t harmful, and they shouldn’t create toxic fumes,” says GlueGunDirect.
If you have a hot glue gun on hand, you can repair your cat tree and scratcher quickly and easily. While wood glue is normally stronger, hot glue dries extremely instantly, allowing you to finish your repair in a matter of minutes.
What Glues Should To Avoid?
The glues you should avoid around cats are:-
- While you don’t want your cat to consume Elmer’s Wood Glue, there are other glues on the market that are far more dangerous. Diphenylmethane diisocyanate is used in these glues (sometimes known as MDI). This chemical enables the glue to expand rapidly when it dries, which can be advantageous for certain sorts of carpentry but can be disastrous if ingested by a cat.
- “The adhesive expands quickly once it comes into contact with gastric fluid, resulting in a stomach foreign body,” explains veterinarian Denise Colgrove. Normally, the glue cannot exit the pylorus before it expands, but this is not the case in this circumstance.”
- Gorilla Adhesive is a common form of glue that contains diphenylmethane diisocyanate, which should be avoided around cats.
What To Do If Cat Ingested Super Glue?
If your cat ingested super glue book an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.
Unless you witnessed the consumption or exposure, diagnosing super glue ingestion can be challenging. If the animal vomits, the vomitus may contain clear, impenetrable pieces of superglue that can be sniffed but not seen (odor of glue).
Chemical odors in the breath or on the skin, as well as the presence of glue on the fur, may be discovered during a physical examination. Irritation in the mouth and throat is common.
In individuals who are depressed and vomiting, blood tests such as a complete blood count and metabolic profile may be recommended.
The majority of super glue exposures do not require treatment, and the symptoms are usually minor. Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract are possible if the tube is ingested, which is uncommon in cats.
There is no need for treatment if only a modest amount of super glue is consumed. To avoid vomiting, the animal should be kept calm and quiet. The type of treatment and suggestions will be determined by the area of exposure.
Exposure to the eye may necessitate cleaning with saline or water. If the lashes are stuck to the skin and irritate the eye, anesthesia may be required to separate them. Topical medicines are used to treat corneal damage (corneal ulcerations).
Frequently Asked Questions
How to treat a cat whose skin is exposed to glue?
Hair trimming using grooming clippers to remove adhesive is one method of skin exposure maintenance. With a good combing or brushing, any glue that is extremely superficial on the tips of the hair may be “groomed” off and removed. It could assist loosen the glue bond if the glue is in a glob. Soak the area in warm soapy water to help loosen the binding. Acetone, which is commonly available in nail polish remover, can generally dissolve the glue bond without causing skin injury.
How to treat a cat whose ear is exposed to glue?
Because glue can attach to the eardrum, exposure in the ear can be harmful. By gently applying 3 percent hydrogen peroxide or acetone to the glue bond using a cotton ball or cotton swab, the adhesive bond can occasionally be released. After that, rinse the ear with sterile water or saline solution.
Final Words
Please be patient. Everyone wants a step one, step two, and step three for dealing with a cat’s behavior. However, cat behavior is quite complex “There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every cat is an individual, and every environment is unique.”
Cats nibbling on tape may appear cute, but the end result may be anything but. Don’t wait for a life-threatening intestinal blockage or an underlying medical problem to the surface before speaking with your vet about your cat’s unusual cravings.
If you have any unanswered questions, ask us in the comment section.