Many pet owners assume that shaving their cat’s coat would help to keep them cool during the scorching summer months.
For example, people like to stay cool in the summer by wearing as few clothes as possible, and they wouldn’t conceive of donning a fur coat when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees.
In the summer, cats don’t even need to be shaved to be cool. Cats have evolved to control their own body temperatures and do not benefit from having their fur shaved in the summer.
Isn’t it logical to take your cat’s fur coat off so they can be more comfortable in the heat as well? Read on to get a clear idea!

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Can I Shave My Cat In Summer?
There is no need to shave your cat in summer.

Summertime is not the time to shave your pet’s fur, contrary to common perception. Cats’ fur is very different from human hair, and it actually serves to keep them cool and protected from the sun.
Veterinarians urge pet owners not to shave their furry pets’ fur during the summer, with a few exceptions.
Cats, like dogs, have hair that protects them from excessive heat and cold. Cats’ fur coats are an important feature of their natural heat regulation system, which has developed to successfully control their own body temperatures.
Cats are extremely effective in releasing their own extra body heat due to their small size in relation to their entire surface area. They’ve developed through time to be able to regulate their body temperatures without shaving.
Remember that domestic cats are descended from desert-dwelling felines and are uniquely equipped to withstand the heat.
Because cats are tiny and nimble, they may shift to a shadier or cooler area in your home if it becomes too hot for them. Don’t be startled if you notice your cat sunbathing in a sunny location in front of a window when the air conditioner is on!
Cats, like dogs, can get sunburned if their fur is shaved. Sunburn in four-legged species is equally as unpleasant as it is in humans, and it can lead to skin cancer.
If you care about your pet, you won’t shave them in the heat unless it’s really necessary. This summer, avoid the lion cut. With her natural fluff, your cat will be a lot happier and more at ease!
Should You Shave Cats In Hot Weather?
You should not shave cats in hot weather.

Your cat’s fur serves a variety of functions, including acting as an excellent insulator. His coat not only keeps him warm in the winter, but it may also keep him cool in the summer by trapping cool air against his skin.
His fur is precisely how nature intended it to be. That said, it’s perfectly OK to give your cat a “summer cut” to help him stay cool, shed less, and get less tangled and matted in general but not necessarily in summer.
It’s recommended to get your cat’s fur clipped by a professional groomer rather than trying to do it yourself with scissors. Also, leave at least 1/2″ of fur on your cat’s coat to ensure that it preserves its insulating characteristics.
It is occasionally necessary to shave a cat’s fur. Shaving assists in hygiene and makes it simpler to reach and apply treatments to the afflicted region, which is beneficial for cats with wounds and some skin conditions.
For similar reasons, cats’ fur must frequently be shaved prior to surgery, and if a cat’s fur gets hopelessly matted, shaving may be the only option.
Cat hair has a variety of uses. Yes, it keeps cats warm, but it also shields their skin from injury, serves as a form of communication (imagine a furious cat with her hackles up), gives sensory input, and keeps them dry.
When it becomes really hot outside, cat fur actually helps keep them cool because the layer of air trapped within the coat acts as a buffer against the excessive heat.
Sunburn may be a serious issue for cats whose skin isn’t shielded by their fur. Sunburns are not only uncomfortable, but they also increase the risk of some cancers, such as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is frequent in cats.
SCC usually affects lightly hairy areas of the body, such as the bridge of the nose, eyelids, and ear tips.
Because white cats’ cat fur performs a poorer job of shielding damaging UV rays than darker cat fur, they have a greater than normal risk of squamous cell carcinoma.
In fact, cat fur has so many benefits that if you need to shave significant sections of your cat’s body for medical reasons, you might want to consider obtaining some cat clothing to protect the skin temporarily.
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Is It OK To Shave A Cat In Summer?
Shaving your cat isn’t inherently harmful, but he doesn’t require it.

Not only that, but fully cutting his fur off can be dangerous for a multitude of reasons.
Removing all of his fur may make him more prone to overheating. It may also leave him more vulnerable to bug bites or sunburn, both of which can contribute to skin cancer.
Of course, there are a few times when shaving a cat makes sense, such as before surgery or when his fur becomes matted and has to be removed. This is not one of those occasions.
Even if your cats have long or black fur, shaving them for heat concerns isn’t essential if they live an indoor-only lifestyle. It’s doubtful that your house would grow too heated for them to locate a suitable location to slumber.
If they grow too hot, cats will avoid sunny windows and locations that have been heated by direct sunshine.
Indoor cats have the luxury of resting for most of the day in a cool spot. They’ll be alright as long as they have enough fresh water to drink if they need to drink more to keep hydrated.
Outside cats are more active and are more susceptible to excessive heat, yet they require the protection provided by their cat fur even more than their indoor-only counterparts.
Shaving an outdoor cat exposes him to the risk of sunburn and other skin problems, and the cat may become hypothermic if he gets wet or the temperature drops.
It’s considerably better to leave your long-haired or dark-colored kitten indoors than it is to shave him if you’re worried he’ll become too hot outside.
Grooming your cat on a regular basis will maintain his coat in good shape. Brushing removes lost hair and avoids the formation of unpleasant mats.
Find a groomer who has worked with cats if you’re having difficulties keeping your long-haired kitten mat-free.
In severe cases, they may cut your cat’s coat (to no more than an inch or two) to make it more manageable while still providing all of the necessary protection.
It's interesting to know Can You Shave A Cat? Pros And Cons Of Shaving Cats
How Do You Shave A Cat In The Summer?
You don’t have to shave a cat in the summer since they don’t need it.
Shaving cats can cause nicks in the skin or ingrown hairs when the hair grows back, leading to skin diseases and an irregular coat. It’s sometimes required, but if it is, it’s generally preferable to delegate the task to veterinary professionals or a qualified groomer.
Heatstroke can kill cats if they become overheated. Some breeds, particularly brachycephalics (those with short noses), are more prone to this than others. Overheating is more likely in dark-haired, overweight, or long-haired cats.
During hot weather, you should be extra vigilant about bringing those cats inside and making sure they have enough freshwater.
Must Read: 5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Indoor Cat Cool During Summer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it cruel to shave a cat?
Because the cat’s skin is so thin due to age and/or health conditions, shaving is risky. There’s a good chance you’ll nick or cut the cat. Shaving the fur off necessitates getting a clipper blade extremely near to the cat’s skin, and the pelt can occasionally obscure the ability to see what’s below.
Do cats change after being shaved?
Your cat may be more aloof or grouchy than usual after a mat removal grooming, but within a few hours to a day, they should be back to their old selves.
Do long-haired cats get hot in the summer?
Long-haired cats, with all their additional fluff, are more likely to overheat in the summer than short-haired cats. Healthy grooming practice is beneficial all year, but it is especially beneficial in the summer.
Final Words
Though you may want to do everything you can to assist your beloved feline companion to avoid the heat this summer, keep in mind that cats are excellent at controlling their own body temperatures.
If you resist the desire to shave their fur this summer, they will be a lot cooler, more comfortable, and happier.
Ask your questions in the comments section below.