First of all, if you are reading this, it means you are going to be a cat grandma.
I can imagine how happy you must be right now, but I also know that you have numerous questions running through your mind.
And obviously, you can hold your pregnant cat like any other normal cat, just make sure there’s enough space for her belly to fit it.
Let’s clear up some more doubts, shall we?

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Can I Hold My Pregnant Cat?
Of course, you can hold your pregnant cat!
Cats when pregnant love hugs and snuggling, so in fact, she’d be the one interested in you trying to fondle her.
Do Pregnant Cats Like To Be Held?
Cats become unusually affectionate when they’re bearing a child, and so they like to be held during this time.
Cats also experience mood changes during pregnancy, but for them, the changes are more about feeling incredibly loved rather than depressed.
Due to discomfort from her expanding belly and perhaps false labor contractions, your little queen may become more vocal or want attention.
Do not panic; this is normal.
Cats that are pregnant will desire your affection and attention and act more maternally, which includes purring more and demanding more care and attention from you.
If you see this, give her more hugs! She is enduring a difficult moment.
How To Tell If Your Cat Is Pregnant?

1. Hiding
During the early stages of pregnancy, hiding in areas with low lighting is a common behavior among pregnant felines. One of the things that make you wonder if they are pregnant or not is this.
2. Morning Sickness
Like pregnant human beings, pregnant cats also get morning sickness. She could go through a period of nausea or sluggishness.
It’s crucial to note that this isn’t one of the most typical symptoms. If your kitty does exhibit symptoms of illness, it’s wise to keep an eye on her; if the symptoms persist, take her to the veterinarian right away.
3. Always Hungry
If you believe your cat is pregnant, pay attention to how often she eats. Your animal friend’s appetite will probably increase significantly throughout her pregnancy.
Remember that your cat might give birth to multiple kittens, so she may not be feeding just two!
Once she reaches the 8-week mark, though, her appetite will start to decline, which is typical for cats.
4. Nipples
The changes to your cat’s nipples are the most obvious signs that she is pregnant. Your queen will begin to have swollen, red or pink nipples two to three weeks into the pregnancy.
Since her mammary glands would also be preparing for childbirth, they would start to seem bulbous. Cats often secrete milk from their nipples one or two days before birth.
5. Nesting
Your queen will start looking for a quiet, cozy area near the house or a nearby barn about two weeks before her due date.
She might bring along straw, soft blankets, or scraps of paper to create a cozy environment for giving birth to her kittens. If you notice this behavior, assist her and provide her with a cardboard box lined with newspaper or towels.
How Do You Pick Up A Pregnant Cat?
Picking up your baby as you would a kitten is the best method to pick her up.
Keep one hand on her back while the other holds most of the weight behind her front legs or under her armpits. Have her put the weight on the part of your arm that is closest to you.
In this manner, you are bearing some of her weight by placing your hand on her tummy.
Must Read: Do Cats Like Being Held Like A Baby
What Are Some Points To Consider While Holding A Pregnant Cat?

1. Comfort
Make sure your feline feels comfortable in your arm. Don’t pick her up unnecessarily. If you want to hold her, try scooping her from the ground instead of touching her belly. This will hurt her kittens and cause her pain and discomfort.
2. Time
Don’t keep holding her for a long time. Since she giants weight, picking her up might cause numbness in her legs. It’ll become difficult for her to walk when you put her down again.
3. Cleanliness
Lifting her to inspect her cleanliness is OK. In the later stages of her pregnancy, she might leak some discharges, but you won’t likely notice them because cats usually clean themselves.
To make sure the expecting mother is healthy, it is also vital to periodically check-in.
Also, check out why doesn’t my cat like to be held
How To Keep A Pregnant Cat Comfortable?

1. Cuddles
It goes without saying that pregnant cats adore cuddling. A pregnant cat needs a lot of love and attention, but it’s vital to keep in mind that, as her body changes, you’ll need to be cautious in how you treat her.
Actually, it’s okay to stroke your pregnant cat; just be very careful around her belly area. She will be extremely sensitive in this area, so any contact there could make her feel uncomfortable or harm her unborn kittens.
Make sure to scoop your cat up from her bottom if you do need to pick her up.
Try to give her the space she requests. You’ll need to do your best to keep her calm at this point.
2. Proper Diet
You should feed your pregnant cat a premium meal that is designed for growth. Seek out items that advertise being balanced and complete for growth and reproduction.
Both types of food are acceptable, but wet food is usually healthier.
Avoid overfeeding your pregnant cat in the first few weeks of pregnancy. She and the kittens could have issues if she puts on weight.
You should start feeding your pregnant cat more often with spaced-out little meals once she is about 6 weeks along. Because of the kittens’ weight on her stomach, she struggles to eat much at once, but she still needs the extra food.
Divide her meals 4 to 6 times a day.
3. Parasites
It’s important to take good care of your pregnant cat. You desire the best health and comfort for your pet.
It’s critical to maintain worming therapy throughout her pregnancy since worms can be transferred from the mother to the kittens. Continue treating her for fleas and just be sure that any medication you use is safe for both her and her babies.
4. Good Environment
Cats don’t annoy you!
For the most part, your pregnant cat shouldn’t require any particular care. However, as the due date approaches, she will begin seeking a quiet, safe location to start nesting.
Prepare a cardboard box (or a laundry basket) with soft and large towels, which you can then place in a secure spot in your house. A day or two before she gives birth, they will begin to find a dark and safe space.
As the time approaches, your cat may start being restless and anxious. As she might sneak away for nesting somewhere you can’t locate her, be sure she has no access to the outside.
Don’t Stress. Everything will soon be over.
5. Always Have a Vet By Your Side
Your veterinarian might be able to detect pregnancy by gently palpating your cat’s abdomen three weeks into the pregnancy. An ultrasound can be done to verify the pregnancy.
The vet could suggest getting a radiograph to determine the expected number of kittens around day 55 of pregnancy.
Knowing how many fetuses your cat is carrying will enable you to determine whether she has completed giving birth or is experiencing any kind of discomfort in between.
The doctor can advise you on how to care for both your pregnant cat and her unborn kittens.
Also, check out what happens if you pull a cats tail
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you spay pregnant cats?
You SHOULD NOT spay cats who are pregnant. The mother’s blood loss increases the likelihood of fatality. You notice pregnancy symptoms at around 21 days, so it’s already too late for a safe spay.
Even though the additional risk is minimal if the cat is just one or two weeks pregnant, won’t it bother you to do so?
The risk of death during or immediately following surgery increases with the patient’s stage of pregnancy, largely because removing so much blood and body tissue can cause shock. Additionally, it greatly increases the cat’s risk of developing an infection in its uterine stump.
Is it sensible to hold a pregnant cat?
It seems sensible to gently hold her rather than grab her by the tummy. But if she chooses to sit on your lap or rub itself against you while carrying, it is the cat’s decision, not yours.
When picking up your cat while pregnant, you should be delicate and avoid her abdomen, but it is still simple to do so by gently grasping slightly behind the forelegs, as you would when taking up a small child.
Final Words
This entire period will be an emotional rollercoaster. You are going to get tired and overwhelmed, but not more than your cat.
I can’t wait for you to experience the days ahead of you with your furry baby and her babies. Don’t forget to take care of them once she delivers the kittens, because that’s where the most important of all the responsibilities start.
Leave us a comment about your experience with your cat’s pregnancy. How many kitties did she deliver?