Kittens grow up in a blink of an eye. It’ll only be a matter of weeks before their mother quits producing milk now that they’ve weaned and started eating solid food. Keep an eye on the mama cat at this crucial period to ensure she’s in good health.
So, how to dry up the cat’s breast milk?
You can dry up a cat’s breast milk by several ways including using herbs like parsley and taking your cat to the vet.
Keep reading this article to know about the ways to dry up your cat’s milk.

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How Long Do Mother Cats Produce Milk?
Mother cats produce milk till their kittens are 10 weeks old.

Cats can become pregnant before they reach the age of a year and remain pregnant for two months.
When they are about to give birth, lactation will begin.
Cats typically have eight teats, all of which produce milk.
False or pseudopregnancy refers to the production of milk by cats who are not pregnant and sometimes even spayed.
Hormones in a cat’s body regulate how much milk is produced.
Allowing your cat to pretend to suckle items such as toys or socks will prolong the pseudopregnancy if it is not pregnant but is breastfeeding.
Pregnant cats’ teats will swell approximately halfway through their pregnancy, but they won’t start lactating until a few days before giving birth.
During pregnancy, their hunger will rise to assist provide the extra nutrition that their bodies require to create milk.
The kittens will require the initial milk produced by the mother cat, known as colostrum, once they are born.
Colostrum is high in nutrients and antibodies, which aid in the development of the kittens’ immune systems.
Kittens begin eating solid food when they are 3 or 4 weeks old, despite being completely reliant on their mothers’ milk at birth.
Some kittens cease feeding right away, but the majority do so gradually. Until they’re 7 or 8 weeks old, some kittens may try suckling at their mother’s teats.
Most kittens will have made the lifelong changeover to solid food by the end of their eighth week of life.
Lactation frequently ends in a process rather than a complete stop. As breastfeeding decreases and lactation decreases, you may see changes in the mother cat in the weeks ahead.
You should have fed your little queen with plenty of kitty food and water while she nursed her litter like a responsible parent.
A mother cat’s nutritional and caloric needs spike during pregnancy and the first month of her kittens’ existence; she may wind up eating two to four times the amount of food she regularly eats.
She requires the additional calories and nourishment in order to make milk, which she will use to feed and nourish her babies.
Kittens should begin experimenting with cat food at about 3 or 4 weeks of age, learning to eat and drink on their own.
They’ll continue to suckle from their mother, which is a wonderful thing, but cat food should become the majority of their diet.
When her babies try to nurse, your cat should push them away, which will help the process along. If she isn’t, you’ll have to step in and assist her.
After her kittens have been weaned, a queen’s milk takes about a week to dry up. Despite her decreased food intake and the fact that her kittens aren’t looking to her for dinner, her milk won’t always dry up.
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Cat Producing Milk After Kittens Are Gone
If a cat is producing milk after the kittens are gone, there is no reason to worry as it is a normal process.

There is no reason to be concerned. This is a common occurrence during the weaning process.
The mammary glands should shrink over time, and milk production should eventually cease. It could take a few weeks for this to occur.
Meanwhile, keep an eye on the mammary glands to ensure they don’t become uncomfortable, red, or swollen.
This could be a sign of mastitis, which necessitates rapid medical attention.
Mammary glands, often known as breasts or teats, are found in four sets in cats.
A painful infection in one or more of a female cat’s teats can occur on rare occasions. Mastitis is a condition that most commonly affects female cats that are nursing kittens.
A reddish, bulging teat is the most common symptom, and your cat may be lethargic. However, sometimes the only indicator of mastitis is that the kittens aren’t growing as fast as they should be.
Mastitis will normally worsen if not treated, and the teats of the cat will eventually become ulcerated.
Septicemia is a condition in which infection spreads through the animal’s bloodstream. This not only puts the mother cat’s life in jeopardy, but it also puts the nursing kittens’ lives in jeopardy as they consume the bacteria-laden milk.
Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that can affect any animal that feeds its young, including humans, dogs, and cats.
The damaged breast becomes red, painful, and swollen due to inflammation. Mastitis can affect one or more of a cat’s breasts, although it most commonly affects the teats closest to the hind legs.
Mastitis is typically caused by a bacterial infection that travels up the milk duct and into the breast tissue of cats.
Bacteria can enter the female cat’s body through minor damage to the nipples caused by forcefully nursing kittens.
Even if there is no direct harm to the teats, a cat living in an unhygienic environment can develop bacterial mastitis. Mastitis, on the other hand, is not communicable to other animals.
Mastitis can also be caused by a buildup of milk in the cat’s breasts. This can happen if kittens are weaned too soon, leaving insufficient time for milk production to properly drop off.
It can also happen when one or more kittens in a litter die, causing milk consumption to drop suddenly.
If mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics must be used to treat it. Antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory drugs may be provided by your veterinarian to treat the illness and its symptoms, as well as special medicated wipes.
Hand-milking the damaged teat every six hours, as recommended by your veterinarian, can help minimize swelling and pain.
Keep the cat’s bedding and surroundings as clean as possible, and clean the afflicted teat according to the vet’s instructions.
Check out How To Tell If Kittens Are Getting Enough Milk?
How To Stop Milk Production In Cats?
Here are some ways you can stop milk production in cats: –

- Urtica urens is a homeopathic remedy that, depending on the potency and dose given, can help or inhibit milk production in a nursing cat.
- Parsley water or tea may help dry up her milk supply.
- Lemon balm, peppermint, and sage also may inhibit the flow of milk.
- A holistic veterinarian can advise you on how to utilize herbs and natural vitamins to stop your cat from producing milk.
- Cabbage leaf compression is also commonly recommended to cure mastitis in cats, as weird as it may sound. This is accomplished by placing a cabbage leaf on the irritated teat and leaving it there for three hours at a time. The leaf is usually held in place on the cat using a bandage or a little t-shirt. After three hours, the cabbage leaf is removed, and the treatment is repeated as needed or advised. This aids in the reduction of inflammation.
- Occasionally, if the mastitis is so severe that it has caused ulcerated tissue or tissue death to the teat, your cat may require surgical removal of the affected tissue.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to prevent mastitis in cats?
Although preventing mastitis is not always achievable, keeping the bedding and nursing box as clean as possible is the best approach to avoid problems. Mother cats regularly clean themselves and their kittens, but they also lie down to nurse their young, potentially exposing their teats to bacterial contamination if the bedding is not clean. You can also help prevent mastitis by ensuring that the kittens are feeding on all of the teats, not just a few, and gently expressing the teats to check for regular milk supply.
How to diagnose mastitis in cats?
Your veterinarian can often detect mastitis simply by looking at the teats of a nursing cat. However, your veterinarian is likely to prescribe testing to rule out other illnesses and confirm the presence of germs. A complete blood count is a common test used to see if the white blood cell count is high, which is an indicator of illness. A few drops of milk may be examined under a microscope by your veterinarian to check for germs or fungi. A sample of milk is occasionally sent to the lab to be cultured, which involves putting the milk sample on a particular growth medium and incubating it for a day or two to check if infectious bacteria grow in large quantities.
When do I wean my kittens?
Weaning is frequently done in stages. Between 3 and 4 weeks of age, most kittens start consuming solid food. Weaning should be finished between the ages of 6 and 10 weeks.
Final Words
It can be difficult to dry up your cat’s milk supply, but the measures indicated above should help. If it doesn’t work, the best course of action is to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.
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