Nothing irritates owners more than inappropriate urine, which is the main cause of feline surrenders.
After your veterinarian has ruled out any medical causes for your cat’s improper urination, the next step is to determine what environmental factors are causing your cat’s unpleasant behavior.
With owner commitment, behaviorally inappropriate elimination can be healed, allowing you and your cat to have a better life.
So, how can you discipline a cat for peeing outside the litter box?
You can discipline a cat for peeing outside the litter box by neutering/spaying it and taking her to the vet for further treatment.
Keep reading this article to know more ways of how you can discipline a cat for peeing outside the litter box.

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Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside The Box?
Here are some reasons behind your cat peeing outside the box: –

1. Cystitis
To begin, one of the most prevalent causes of a cat urinating outside the box is cystitis.
Cystitis is bladder inflammation induced by stress or, less usually, infection.
Cystitis is excruciatingly painful and causes a constant want to pee.
Any condition that causes your cat to drink more than usual, such as kidney disease or diabetes, might cause excessive urination.
Your cat will not be able to go as long between wees because they are drinking more than usual.
Normally, cats would only toilet in a clean litter tray, but if they pass urine frequently, the litter tray will not stay clean for long!
As a result, cats may opt to urinate somewhere else, or they may not reach the litter box if the desire is too strong.
2. Arthritis
Any painful illness, such as arthritis, can lead a cat to pee outside the litter box. Accessing the litter tray may be difficult or impossible due to distance.
While you may believe your cat is OK, cats are quite skilled at hiding illness or pain. This is due to the fact that they are both prey and predators.
That is, their natural nature is to conceal any vulnerability in order to avoid being preyed upon.
As a result, peeing in the house can be an early symptom of pain or disease. This implies that if your cat begins peeing outside the litter tray, you should take them to the clinic.
3. Stress Or Anxiety
Another typical reason for cats peeing beyond the litter box is stress or anxiety.
Strangers in the house, new pets, a new baby, construction activity, a change in litter type, a new cat in the neighborhood, or a house transfer, to mention a few things, may all be quite unsettling to cats!
Stress can induce a cat to spray urine to indicate its territory. It can also induce cystitis, or an irritated bladder, which makes peeing unpleasant and increases the desire to pee.
4. Dirty Litter Box
Most cats demand a squeaky clean litter box. According to the Experts, it is critical to scoop the litter box at least once a day.
The frequency with which you replace your cat’s litter depends on your circumstances.
If you only have one cat and use clay litter, change the litter and clean the litter box every two to three weeks.
Different frequencies are required for multiple cats and different types of litter.
If the clean litter isn’t enough to entice your cat to use it, consider altering litter types. Some cats have extremely sensitive feet and may dislike the feel of their litter.
Clumping litter is preferred by most cats because it is softer than other types.
If you want to progress (and spend some money), consider a self-cleaning litter box.
5. Marking Their Territory
Although this falls under the category of “litter box problem,” it is distinct from the others.
The ASPCA states that a cat who is urinating marking will use the litter box but will also urinate outside of it, frequently in specified locations.
If you suspect this is the case, talk to your vet or a cat behaviorist about how to solve the problem.
6. Medical Issues
When dealing with litter box concerns, the first step is always to contact your veterinarian. Simple urine and blood tests can rule out the majority of medical disorders.
Anything that changes a cat’s feeling of well-being can cause a change in behavior. This behavior could indicate a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or diabetes.
Other health issues that are uncomfortable or make your cat feel “off” could also be at fault. An older cat with severe arthritis, for example, may have difficulty getting into a box with high sides or a cover.
Medical issues that can cause your cat to pee outside their litter box include:
Urinary tract infection (UTI):
Bacteria in the urine can cause inflammation in a cat’s bladder and/or kidneys.
Straining to urinate, urinating in small amounts regularly, and/or blood in the urine are all symptoms of UTI in cats.
Diagnosis of the urinary tract infection, specifically the type of bacteria causing the infection, allows your veterinarian to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic medication to help clear the infection.
Crystalluria (urinary crystals in the urine):
Crystals can form in a cat’s urine as a result of an aberrant urine pH (too acidic or too alkaline), which can be inherited, caused by specific foods, or caused by a lack of water consumption.
These crystals can induce microscopic irritation in the bladder wall, leading to bacterial overgrowth (UTI) and/or bladder stones in the long run.
Making sure your cat has enough water and switching to a “dissolution” food will help reduce the production of crystals and even dissolve certain types of crystals.
Cystic calculi (bladder stones):
Stones in the bladder can roll around and inflame the bladder wall, causing an urge to go. This inflammation can also put cats at risk for bacterial invasion, which can lead to a UTI.
In severe circumstances, these stones might clog the urinary tract, resulting in a medical emergency.
Surgical removal of bladder stones and/or particular prescription diets that aid in the dissolution of certain types of crystals can help reduce the vexing symptoms.
Hyperthyroidism (hyperactive thyroid gland):
Thyroid hormone is produced by the thyroid gland and impacts metabolism.
Cats are more prone to hyperthyroidism as they age (though it can occur in younger cats), which causes them to lose weight/muscle mass, vomit more, vocalize more, and drink and urinate more regularly.
If your cat’s disease is diagnosed by blood tests, you can acquire the appropriate medicine to help reduce clinical signs and manage the condition.
Check out the reasons behind Cat Peeing Over Edge Of Litter Box
Should I Punish My Cat For Peeing Outside The Litter Box?
No, you should never punish your cat for peeing outside the litter box.

Punishing a cat for peeing outside the litter box is not acceptable.
Cats do not pee outside of their litter boxes for no reason, and punishing them for doing so confuses and harms the cat.
The cat owner must investigate why the cat is peeing on the carpet, rug, or furniture in the first place, and then take action to correct the condition.
Never penalize your cat for peeing outside the litter box since it will confuse and frustrate your cat while accomplishing nothing.
Instead, take your cat to the vet to ensure that nothing is wrong with them before attempting to figure out why they aren’t using their litter box.
You might also like to know why cats will pee but not poop in a litter box
How Do You Stop A Cat From Peeing Outside The Litter Box?
Here are some steps you can take to stop your cat from peeing outside the litter box: –

1. Schedule A Check-Up With Your Vet
The first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.
They will examine your cat thoroughly and most likely test a urine sample.
Following that, they may need to perform some blood tests.
They can also provide you with advice on behavioral issues and recommend you to a certified behaviorist if necessary.
2. Look to break the habit
Once your cat has urinated in a particular location, they are more likely to return due to the odor, even if the underlying problem has been remedied. You can purchase pet-safe enzymatic cleansers that erase the odor of urine.
To assist stop the behavior, consider keeping your cat away from the area for a period of time, or relocating some furniture to cover the area for a while.
3. Clean Your Cat’s Litter Tray Frequently
Make sure to clean your cat’s litter tray on a regular basis. This entails picking up litter twice a day and cleaning thoroughly at least once a week.
You should have one litter box for each cat, plus one extra. This gives your cat a choice and increases the likelihood that one is clean at any given time.
4. Consider Adding Multiple Litter Trays
If your cat has diabetes or kidney illness, you may want to keep extra litter pans throughout the house so they don’t run out.
5. Create A Safe And Quiet Environment
Place the tray in a peaceful area away from your cat’s food and water dishes, where it will not be disturbed.
Place the tray in a corner so your cat can view what’s going on around them without having to turn around. This gives them a sense of security.
The litter tray should be large enough to allow your cat to fully turn around in it, roughly 1.5 times the length of your cat.
Most cats have a preference for the litter they were weaned on, so stick to the one they’ve previously used.
6. Try A Stress-Relieving Pheromone Spray
You may buy a variety of stress-relieving pheromone sprays, plug-ins, and natural supplements.
Check that they are suitable for cats! If you are unsure about which one is best for your cat, consult with your veterinarian.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does having multiple pets affects a cat’s peeing habits?
Peeing outside the litter box is more common in households with numerous cats, especially if one of them is a bully who keeps another cat from getting to the box. This is why you should have one litter box for every cat, and they should be in different rooms. If you have a timid cat in your home, make sure they have their own room and a litter box that other cats cannot easily access. If you have numerous cats, it is recommended to avoid covered litter boxes. Some cats may be put off by covered boxes since they can’t see whether another cat is nearby.
What is feline idiopathic cystitis?
Stress or a change in the environment causes this illness, not bladder stones, crystals, or bacterial infection. Cats are creatures of habit, so even minor changes, such as the location of their litter box or the type of cat litter, can cause worry. The urinary tract is a cat’s stress organ. It is the gastrointestinal tract in both dogs and humans. As a result, when cats are disturbed, they regularly urinate in unusual places or in small amounts, and in severe situations, they may even have blood in their urine. Keeping stress to a minimum, installing more litter boxes throughout the house, utilizing kitty pheromone “calming” diffusers/sprays, and, in extreme circumstances, attempting behavior modification drugs can all improve your cat’s and your own quality of life.
How to clean up after a cat has peed on the carpet?
When you discover the areas where the cat has urinated, properly clean them and apply an enzyme spray to remove the odor. These enzymes are available at pet stores and supermarket stores. If the pee is on the carpets, you may need to repeat the enzyme treatment to entirely remove the stench. You may also use a combination of lime zest and water to remove the order that has been caused by the pee of your cat on the surface of the carpet.Â
Final Words
Litter box issues cannot be solved overnight, but they can be addressed. Each incidence must be treated in light of your cat and your surroundings. You must approach these issues holistically and ensure that all bases are covered.
If your cat is suddenly urinating outside the litter box, see your veterinarian first to rule out any medical issues. If your cat’s health is fine, you may want to consult with a cat behaviorist to assist you to work through the litter box issues.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section.