Cats are known for their curiosity, which is why it’s crucial to exercise caution if your cat as unfettered access to an outside garden. After all, a variety of plants, including the Alstroemeria genus, have the potential to cause harm to curious and wide-eyed cats.
So, are alstroemeria poisonous to cats?
Yes, alstroemeria is poisonous to cats if consumed in large quantities according to the ASPCA.
Keep reading this article to know what harm alstroemeria can do to your cat, and how can you avoid them.

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What Is Alstroemeria?
Alstroemeria, commonly called the Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Alstroemeriaceae.
All Alstroemeria species are native to South America, while several have naturalised in the US, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Madeira, and the Canary Islands.
Almost every species is restricted to one of two separate biodiversity hotspots, one in central Chile and the other in eastern Brazil.
Alstroemeria species from Chile grow in the winter, whereas those from Brazil thrive in the summer.
Except for A. graminea, a small annual from Chile’s Atacama Desert, others are long-lived perennials.
This genus’ plants grow from a clump of tubers. They send up fertile and sterile stems, with fertile stems reaching 1.5 metres in height in certain species.
The leaves are twisted on the petioles so that the undersides face up and alternately arranged and resupinate.
The blades have clean edges and the leaves have a variety of shapes. Flowers are either solitary or in umbels.
Six petals, each measuring up to 5 centimetres in length, make up the flower. They occur in a variety of colours, including red, orange, purple, green, and white, and are flecked, striped, and streaked with darker hues.
There are six stamens that curve. There are three lobes on the stigma. The fruit is a three-valved capsule.
The petals of Alstroemeria are placed above the ovary and the leaf veins are parallel, making it an inferior monocot.
Can Cats Eat Alstroemeria?
No, cat cannot eat alstroemeria as they are mildly toxic to them.

The alstroemeria flower (also known as the Peruvian lily) is a stunning bloom that can be given as a romantic gesture or as a friendship present.
However, if you have a cat (or are sending one to someone who does), you should do your homework.
Many lilies are deadly to cats, making it difficult to know what is and isn’t safe for them to be around.
Cats are slightly poisoned by Alstroemeria. While they are not fatally dangerous, they can produce unpleasant stomach or skin irritation if consumed (mouth irritation, vomiting, digestive irritation).
Because the alstroemeria lily contains a toxin called ‘tulipalin A,’ it can cause moderate discomfort in cats.
If swallowed in excessive quantities, alstroemeria flowers may make your cat feel a little queasy, but they won’t harm your cat in the same way as regular lilies do.
To be extra cautious, store them somewhere high up where your cat won’t be able to get them.
According to the ASPCA, too much Alstroemeria can be harmful to cats. If a cat consumes an excessive amount of the plant, health problems may emerge.
Alstroemeria bulbs contain tulipalin A, which is found in the “Tulipa” family. Toxipalin A is a component of tulipalin that can induce diarrhoea, oral irritation, vomiting, salivation, and digestive discomfort in cats.
Because of the risk of these side effects, it’s critical to make sure your cat never comes near the Peruvian lily.
Alstroemeria is commonly used in floral arrangements for a variety of occasions. If you receive a bouquet from a significant other, a family member, a friend, or a coworker, it is critical that you fully comprehend the contents before bringing it into your home.
The last thing you want is for your cat to eat an Alstroemeria, or something even more deadly, by accident.
Alstroemeria plants, according to the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association, are often less harmful than other lilies, such as Tiger lilies and Easter lilies.
Peruvian lilies (Alstroemeria spp. ), commonly known as Inca lilies, have multiple tiny blooms on each stalk.
The flowers are commonly offered at florists and are grown outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 11.
Keep your cat away from these blooms, whether he lives indoors or outside, because they can irritate his stomach.
Many lily species are harmful to cats, including Easter lilies (Lilium longiflorum), which grow in USDA zones 4 through 8, and tiger lilies (Lilium lancifolium), which grow in USDA zones 4 through 9.
Alstroemeria flowers, thankfully, do not cause renal harm. These plants won’t harm your cat, but if he consumes a lot of the leaves or blossoms, he can get a stomach ache.
If you believe your cat ate an Alstroemeria plant, keep an eye out for signs of vomiting and diarrhoea, and call your vet to make sure he doesn’t need medical assistance.
Why is Alstroemeria Toxic To Cats?
Alstroemeria is toxic to cats because of a substance called Tulipalin A present in it.

Tulipalin A and its parent compound, tuliposide, can be found in all of the Alstroemeria above-ground parts, including the stems, leaves, and flower petals.
When stem tissues are crushed and exposed, however, the release of tulipalin is greatest.
When it comes to the inquisitive cat, chewing on the stems, as opposed to licking or swiftly chomping on a leaf or petal, may prompt more concern.
When cats fondle Alstroemeria, they may develop a skin rash, especially if they come into contact with the sap.
Tulipalin is a basic tulipalin. A molecule is made up of seven atoms. Between the five-carbon and two oxygen atoms in the microscopic structure, there are both single and double/covalent bonds.
Tuliposides are transformed to tulipalin A in all tissues of the Alstroemeria, with a concentration of 0.04 percent in the flower petals.
Tulipalin’s ramifications A cat can be exposed right away or after a period of time ranging from 12 to 48 hours.
How To Identify Alstroemeria?
You can identify alstroemeria by looking out for these things: –
- Alstroemeria plants have rhizome rootstocks with shoots growing straight from the ground.
- Leaves are resupinate, twisting gently so that the bottom surface of the leaf appears to be the top.
- Flowers grow in umbels on top of the shoots and appear in a variety of colors, including whites, yellows, reds and purples.
What Are The Symptoms Of Alstroemeria Poisoning?
The symptoms of alstroemeria poisoning are gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting and diarrhoea.
An inquisitive cat may be unharmed by a quick lick or mild chew on an Alstroemeria blossom or leaf.
The chemical tulipalin A is present in plant tissues, so keep an eye on your cat. If ingested, this allergic lactone causes serious negative effects.
If cats eat large amounts of Alstroemeria, they get gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhoea, according to the ASPCA.
In comparison to giant adult felines, kittens and petite breeds require less exposure. However, each cat’s reaction to the poison may be different.
What To Do If Cat Has Ingested Alstroemeria?
If your cat has ingested alstroemeria take her to the vet so that her treatment can begin as soon as possible.
If you think your cat has eaten Alstroemeria, keep an eye on its behaviour and health. Look for indications of nibbling on the plant, as well as broken leaves or petals in the surrounding area.
Plant bits could be trapped in the cat’s mouth or on its claw. If at all feasible, get rid of them.
Notify your veterinarian of your concern and any pertinent information, such as the cat’s weight, the amount of plant consumed, the period since intake, and any symptoms observed.
If the cat vomits, take a sample of the vomit to the vet clinic for additional investigation and treatment guidance.
How To Keep Cats Away From Alstroemeria?
If you want to keep your cat away from alstroemeria just follow these simple and cheap tips: –

Covering the dirt around your plant with pebbles will deter your cat from digging while also allowing water to pass through the rocks, making it easier to water the plants.
Because cats loathe the smell of citrus, a circle of orange peels around your plants can act as a barrier to keep your cat at far.
Rosemary is a highly scented shrub, hence cats aren’t fond of it. They’re also lovely and will keep your home smelling wonderful!
On the other hand, instead of acquiring other plants that could be hazardous to your cat, you could invest in plants like barley or catnip that your cat will enjoy eating. Mint and sesame are also popular among cats.
Because cats loathe sticky objects, a coating of double-stick tape wrapped across the lip of each plant’s pot will help keep their paws away.
If all else fails, use chicken wire to create barriers around your plants or use plants in terrariums that your cat cannot get.
Providing your cat with a variety of toys to distract them is an excellent method to stop this behaviour. Setting up fishing pole toys on a counter for them to play with could keep them from getting their claws into something important to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are lilies poisonous to cats?
Lilies are extremely poisonous to cats. Lilies are toxic to cats, and while the specific component that makes them toxic is unknown, they can make them quite sick if they consume them. In fact, they can die from kidney disease if they ingest any portion of a conventional lily.
How to grow alstroemeria?
Alstroemeria is a hardy herbaceous perennial, meaning it thrives for a long time and dies back to the ground each winter. Alstroemerias should be planted in the spring to allow them to settle in before flowering, and they should be spaced 60 cm apart. Grow alstroemerias in an out-of-the-way area or a ‘cuttings patch’ if you have space, such as on an allotment, for cut flowers. Alstroemerias are wonderful on a sunny border with other perennials and shrubs, and they go especially well with roses. They can be cultivated in pots as well. To flower properly, Alstroemerias require full light and should be cultivated in healthy, well-drained soil. Choose a protected location, preferably away from prevailing winds, and amend the soil with organic matter before planting. Use peat-free, soil-based potting compost in pots.
What is the most dangerous Lily for cats?
While numerous plants include the word “lily” in their name, not all of them are real lilies. True lilies are all highly toxic to cats. Their Latin names will contain the words Lilium or Hemerocallis, which will help you identify them.
Final Words
While Alstroemerias are attractive, you should avoid bringing them into your home if you have a cat. Cats are curious creatures who have to investigate everything they come across. When it comes to flowers and plants, there are no exceptions.
If you have any queries, please leave them in the comments section.